Posts Tagged ‘donations’

House committee opens probe of donations by Soros-linked Tides Foundation to U.S. Chamber of Commerce

(NaturalNews) A committee in the Republican-led House of Representatives has begun an investigation of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce (USCC) receiving donations from… Source

Red Cross Official Confirms They MIX Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood Donations

An American Red Cross official confirmed to an undercover journalist that they do not separate donated blood based on COVID-19 vaccination status. The only way to get blood “that is not vaccinated” is to donate […] The post Red Cross Official Confirms They MIX Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood Donations appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Matt Gaetz deposed Kevin McCarthy and the donations came pouring in

The plot to oust Kevin McCarthy from the House speakership wasn’t just successful — it paid off. Especially for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who led the charge. Six of the eight Republicans who voted to oust McCarthy saw an increase in small-dollar donations from the third to the fourth quarter of 2023, according to a […]

Harvard University Top Donor Stops Donations, Says Elite Schools Produce ‘Whiny Snowflakes’

Billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a prominent donor who has contributed over $500 million to Harvard University, has decided to suspend further financial support for his alma mater, expressing dissatisfaction with the current state of American universities. Griffin, among the wealthiest individuals globally, voiced his frustration during a conference in Miami, citing concerns about […]

Muslim Americans to Biden: Declare a ceasefire in Gaza, or lose our donations and votes

(NaturalNews) Muslim Americans within the Democratic Party have announced their intention to mobilize millions of Muslim voters to withhold both donations and… Source

British BLM Activist Jailed For Blowing €36,000 In Donations Intended For Youth Charity On Uber Eats & Clothes

By Thomas Brooke via Remix News A prominent Black Lives Matter activist in the United Kingdom who used Source

Reeks of desperation: DeSantis super-PAC “secretly” asks for $50M in donations to beat Trump in Republican primary

(NaturalNews) A political action committee (PAC) backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign recently appealed in secret for $50 million in donations… Source

Waters: FTX Donations ‘May Have Been’ Attempts to Influence, ‘You Cannot Object’ if They’re Legal and We ‘Deal with That’ as Regulators

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Closing Bell,” House Financial Services Committee Chair Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) denied that there was a failure to provide oversight and regulation of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX because of his campaign donations Source

Waters: ‘I Possibly Could’ Recommend Politicians Return FTX Donations

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNBC’s “Closing Bell,” House Financial Services Committee Chair Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said it’s up to individuals if they return campaign donations from former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and she “possibly could” advocate people return the money Source

Alex Jones Managed to Shill Products and Ask For Crypto Donations While Testifying In Court

Alex Jones on the stand. Screenshot via Law & Crime/YouTube. Alex Jones took the stand on Thursday in the second defamation trial against him and Infowars. His testimony helped no one, least of all himself; as the day wore on, he accused the lawyer questioning him of “ambulance chasing,” and said “liberals” like him were […]

Gov. Kathy Hochul Under Fire for $475,000 in Campaign Donations from Cuomo Appointees 

Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) is under fire for stretching ethics rules by receiving more than $475,000 in campaign donations from state officials who were appointed by her disgraced predecessor, former Gov. Andrew Cuomo. A longstanding New York executive order that Hochul reissued on her first day in office prohibits campaign donations from state officials the […]

Prince Charles Won’t Be Investigated Over £2.5M Cash Donations ‘In Suitcase & Carrier Bags’

Prince Charles is not going to be investigated by the Charity Commission following his acceptance of £2.5million in cash donations that were ‘stuffed into a suitcase and carrier bags’  What a surprise! The watchdog claims […] The post Prince Charles Won’t Be Investigated Over £2.5M Cash Donations ‘In Suitcase & Carrier Bags’ appeared first on […]

Where Do Your Blood Donations Really Go?

The small print on the form you fill out to give blood: “I am aware that some components of my donation may be used for the production of drugs”. Source

US Charitable Donations Are Funding Displacement Of Palestinians

Above Photo: A child holds a Palestinian flag during a rally to commemorate the 46th Palestinian Land Day anniversary in Gaza City. Land Day marks an incident in 1976 when Israeli troops shot and killed six people during protests against land confiscations. Yousef Masoud / SOPA Images/LightRocket Via Getty Images. Several gunshot bangs pierced the […]

US charitable donations are funding the displacement of Palestinians

Editor’s Note: A version of the following article first appeared in Truthout on April 4, 2022. Several gunshot bangs pierced the sky. Israeli soldiers shot a Palestinian protester with live ammunition. Chants and cheers from Israeli settlers from Modi’in Illit rang out through the air as they stood upon a mound of dirt overlooking the […]

GoFundMe to Issue Refunds of #FreedomConvoy2022 Donations After Massive Backlash

JUST IN: Amid massive backlash, GoFundMe backpedals, saying it will now issue automatic refunds to those who donated to the Freedom Convoy — Election Wizard 🚛 (@ElectionWiz) February 5, 2022 5% of batches associated with almost all deaths, permanent cripplings and other injuries CDC death and adverse event report data for Pfizer, Moderna, and […]

Red Cross issues warning to stop blood plasma donations from vaccinated people

Red Cross issues warning to stop blood plasma donations from vaccinated peopleThursday, September 02, 2021 by: Ethan Huff Bypass censorship by sharing this link: (Natural News) If you took a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine,” the American Red Cross will not accept blood plasma donations from you due to the inherent toxicity issues caused by the […]

Legal complaint filed against Canadian charity for donations to Israeli military

A request to revoke the Canadian Zionist Cultural Association’s charitable status is an important step towards lessening Canadian complicity in Palestinian dispossession. Registered Canadian charities provide significant support to Israel and drawing attention to the massive taxpayer subsidy undercuts the Israel lobby. Last week Palestinian-Canadian refugee Khaled Mouammar and Rabbi David Mivasair submitted a formal legal complaint to the Canada Revenue […]

Qatar donations to enter Gaza via UN, says IDF 

An agreement between Qatar and Israel is being put together for the transfer of humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip through the UN as early as this weekend, Wallah news reported on Tuesday. Transfers of cash directly to the de facto Hamas authorities in Gaza have been rejected by the Israelis, who would be […]

Japanese Red Cross Refusing Blood Donations from People ‘Vaccinated’ for COVID-19

The Japanese Red Cross now refuses to accept blood donations from people who have received the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. by Arsenio Toledo The website of the Japanese Red Cross states that individuals who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 “are not allowed to donate blood for the time being.” The same page warns potential blood […]

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