Posts Tagged ‘carrier’

U.K. so broke its military is considering selling £3.5 billion aircraft carrier to India

U.K. so broke its military is considering selling £3.5 billion aircraft carrier to India Persistent funding problems could result in the British military having to sell off its second aircraft carrier to shore up more operational cash. Reports indicate that HMS Prince of Wales, which cost a whopping £3.5 billion (about $4.44 billion) to build, […]

Dane Wigington Interview – Geoengineering, Nanotech & Bio-Carrier Platforms For Pathogen Dispersion

Joining me once again today is Dane Wigington, here to discuss the alarming intersection between the very obvious reality of geoengineering, in all its many forms, and nanotechnology, in particular smart dust. Dane outlines how weather events are being manufactured utilizing this technology and are being used to justify climate action but also as a […]

‘Issue’ forces UK aircraft carrier to miss NATO drills

To understand England today, one must understand it’s history. In 1290 AD Edward the 1st who was actually Edward the 3ed, but that’s another story, kicked the Khazarian Jews out of England for ritually gang raping little English boys, draining them of blood and using the blood to bake their bread for their heathen celebrations […]

Pet Cat Escapes Carrier On Train, Is Thrown Off By Conductor And Dies

The conductor thought the cat called Twix was a stray. A petition calling for her dismissal has now hit 300,000 signatures. Source

U.S. Redirects Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to Persian Gulf

As tensions heighten in the Middle East amid the escalating Israel-Hamas war, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced late Saturday that the U.S. will redeploy one of its strike groups to the Persian Gulf, as well as send additional air defense systems to the region. Source

China Has Up To 6 Warships In Mideast Waters As US Carrier Group Moves Closer To Israel

China Has Up To 6 Warships In Mideast Waters As US Carrier Group Moves Closer To Israel Israel’s military has announced Saturday that it drastically stepped up airstrikes in preparation for its “next stage” of the operation against Gaza, in a statement many see as portending an imminent ground invasion. “We need to enter under […]

US Confirms 2nd Carrier Group En Route To “Deter Hostile Actions Against Israel”

READ HERE:   Source

US Confirms 2nd Carrier Group En Route To Help Rothschild’s Finish Holocausting the Semitic Indigenous Palestinians and Help Rothschild’s Start WW3

The red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Jew Cult member running Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac announced they are sending the Goy US Navy to help the Rothschild’s red Russians in Occupied Palestine finish Holocausting the Indigenous Semitic Palestinian descendants of the Judeans in the Indigenous Semitic Palestinian’s own Ancestral Home Land, […]

What you need to know about carrier strike groups as U.S. sends second amid Gaza war

The United States announced they are sending a second carrier strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean to act as a deterrence amid concerns that foreign aggressors could engage in the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The USS Gerald Ford was the first group to head to the region, and now the… […]

U.S. Sends Second Aircraft Carrier to Eastern Mediterranean to Deter Iran

The United States is sending a second aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Eisenhower, to join the U.S.S. Ford in the eastern Mediterranean to deter Iran from opening a second front against Israel from Lebanon using the Hezbollah terror group and its rocket arsenal. Source

Hezbollah destroys Israeli personnel carrier 

Lebanon’s Hezbollah today released a video documenting the moment an Israeli personnel carrier was targeted near the town of Salha on the border with Israel. The video shows the personnel carrier being targeted with two guided missiles, which led to its burning and being destroyed. The group did not reveal whether there were soldiers inside, […]

US Sends Warships, Aircraft Carrier To Israel For Potential ‘Support’ Operations

(ZH) NBC’s Pentagon correspondent is reporting that the US military is dispatching navy warships as well as an Source

“Asymptomless carrier” claim was FICTION: Unless a person shows symptoms, COVID transmission rarely occurs, reveals Lancet study

(NaturalNews) One of the world’s most prestigious medical journals has published a paper showing that asymptomatic transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19)… Source

First Confirmed Cases in America Were on US Aircraft Carrier

Author’s note: I emailed CDC and Naval officials who worked on the Roosevelt antibody study, requesting interviews. Five days after sending these emails, I’ve not received a response. I believe most of my questions have not been asked by other journalists and my questions will address topics that have not been addressed by public health officials (or other journalists) to date. […]

Pentagon’s passive reaction to observation of carrier in Hormuz Strait 

In a note, Kayhan discussed the observation of the American helicopter carrier by the IRGG Navy in the Strait of Hormuz. Source

No Charges for Concealed Carrier Who Shot Alleged Robber While Holding Six-Pack

The concealed carry permit holder who shot an alleged robber while holding a six-pack of beer in Cassopolis, Michigan, will face no charges. Source

China: Simulated War Games Sink U.S. Carrier Group with Hypersonic Missiles

A study in China’s Journal of Test and Measurement Technology concluded, citing a series of software simulations, that the communist nation’s hypersonic missile technology could destroy the formidable USS Gerald R. Ford carrier fleet by evading the ships’ defense systems, the South China Morning Post reported on Tuesday. The war games add to mounting anxiety in the […]

Yeni Şafak: TCG Anadolu helicopter carrier will be in the Aegean and Crete

The amphibious operations helicopter carrier TCG Anadolu is expected to be in the Aegean Sea and Crete after its delivery to the Turkish Navy, Yeni Şafak reported. The pro-Turkish government newspaper, which many times acts as a “mouthpiece” of Ankara, reported the news of the ship’s inclusion in the Turkish navy. It seems that, also… […]

Chicago Concealed Carrier Shoots Alleged Robber on Train

A Chicago concealed carry permit pulled his gun and shot an alleged robber a little before 5 p.m. Friday on the CTA Green Line train. Source

India Commissions First Homemade Aircraft Carrier

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday commissioned India’s first indigenously constructed aircraft carrier, the INS Vikrant.

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