Posts Tagged ‘cases’

Just four types of cancer made up half of the 1.96 million cancer cases in the U.S. in 2023

(NaturalNews) Half of the 1.96 million cancer cases diagnosed in the United States in 2023 were just four different types of cancer – breast cancer, prostate… Source

Leptospirosis cases on the rise in NYC – symptoms include kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure and death

Leptospirosis cases on the rise in NYC – symptoms include kidney damage, meningitis, liver failure and death People in New York City are reportedly getting sick with a disease called leptospirosis that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says “affects humans and animals.” An illness stemming from bacteria of the genus Leptospira, […]

Tuberculosis Cases Reported In Chicago’s Immigrant Shelters

Authored by Stephen Katte via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Illegal immigrants board a bus as they arrived on a plane from San Antonio at Chicago Rockford International Airport in Rockford, Ill., on Jan. 1, 2024. (WTVO NewsNation via AP) Chicago’s Health Department has confirmed a few cases of tuberculosis among illegal immigrants who recently […]

Roughly 200,000 immigration deportation court cases DISMISSED after DHS failed to file paperwork

(NaturalNews) Since Joe Biden took office in January of 2021, immigration judges across America have thrown out some 200,000 deportation cases due to the U.S…. Source

Hasan vows to cover Trump legal cases differently: ‘We will stop with this charade’

Former MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan vowed Friday that his new company will cover the former President Trump’s legal woes differently than the media has thus far. “We will stop with this charade that this is a legal story,” Hasan said Friday evening in an interview on NewsNation’s “Cuomo.” “Like you and I both worked in… […]

The Beltway Judge Hearing Trump Cases & Her Anti-Trump, Anti-Kavanaugh Husband

Authored by Julie Kelly via RealClearInvestigations, Washington glitterati assembled at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in October to celebrate federal employees making a difference in government. Hosted by CNN anchor Kate Bolduan, the black-tie affair featured in-person appearances by top Biden White House officials including Chief of Staff Jeffrey Zients, Deputy Attorney General […]

CDC warns of alarming increase in syphilis cases in the U.S., especially among women and INFANTS

(NaturalNews) A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals an alarming increase in syphilis cases across America, with a… Source

Experts Predict That Cancer Cases & Deaths Are Set To Soar

International cancer experts have predicted that global cancer cases are set to rise by more than 75% by 2050. They also predict that deaths from cancer in the UK are set to rise by more […] The post Experts Predict That Cancer Cases & Deaths Are Set To Soar appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

The Beltway Judge Hearing Trump Cases And Her Anti-Trump, Anti-Kavanaugh Husband

Authored by Julie Kelly via RealClear Wire, Washington glitterati assembled at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in October to celebrate federal employees making a difference in government. Hosted by CNN anchor Kate Bolduan, the black-tie affair featured in-person appearances by top Biden White House officials including Chief of Staff Jeffrey Zients, […]

True story: 2021 Report reveals growing cases of “gender detransitioners” receiving minimal to zero support from “healthcare practitioners”

(NaturalNews) The satirical website Babylon Bee published a “fake story” about a gender alteration surgeon making a five-year-in-advance appointment for his… Source

Harvard Honor Council Member Who Votes on Plagiarism Cases Says University President Claudine Gay Got By on ‘Lower Standard’-Calls for Her Resignation

Harvard Honor Council Member Who Votes on Plagiarism Cases Says University President Claudine Gay Got By on ‘Lower Standard’-Calls for Her Resignation Source

Blasphemy Law in Indonesia Faces Criticism as Cases Grow

Christian convert Muhammad Kece received a 10-year prison sentence under Indonesia’s blasphemy law. (YouTube screenshot) SURABAYA, Indonesia (Morning Star News) – With an increase in blasphemy cases in Indonesia and arrests based on Islamic fatwas and mob pressure, rights advocates are calling for laws to be amended or ended. The number of charges… Source

8 Confirmed SALMONELLA cases in Canada’s British Columbia province linked to CANTALOUPES imported from Mexico

8 Confirmed SALMONELLA cases in Canada’s British Columbia province linked to CANTALOUPES imported from Mexico Eight confirmed cases of salmonella infection have been documented in the Canadian province of British Columbia, all linked to cantaloupes imported from Mexico. In a Nov. 15 statement, the British Columbia Center for Disease Control (BCCDC) and regional health authorities warned […]

U.S. Government confirms 143,233% increase in Deadly Cancer Cases due to Witch’s Brew Voodoo Killer Jabs

Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States. Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to the experimental Covid-19 […]

Former major city police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine

My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over 7 years implicates the childhood vaccines as the major cause of SIDS. STEVE KIRSCH SEP 26, 2023 The best way to prevent SIDS is to stop vaccinating kids. In every study published in the […]

U.S. Gov. data confirms a 143,233% increase in Deadly Cancer cases due to COVID Vaccination

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 • ( 21 COMMENTS ) Cancer begins when genetic changes interfere with the normal replication and replacement of cells in the body. Cells start to grow uncontrollably and may form a tumour. It is the No. 2 leading cause of death in the United States. Unfortunately, it appears the disease may be on the rise thanks to […]

The Best Laptop Cases and Backpacks (That Morpheus Would Approve Of)

Parents are always critical when it comes to holding a newborn baby. “Don’t drop him!,” parents bark. “Be gentle!” they scolded. We’re the same way with our own children—aka our laptops. Our precious hunk of technological metal is to be treated with the utmost respect and care. As much as it might be a grab-and-go […]

Maryland School Implements N-95 Mask Mandate After 3 COVID Cases

Maryland School Implements N-95 Mask Mandate After 3 COVID Cases Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News, An elementary school in Maryland has reinstated mandatory mask requirements, as Joe Biden appeared in front of the press wearing a face covering Tuesday. Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Silver Spring, a wealthy DC suburb, has brought back […]

Return of the COVID: US Schools Close Due To Surge Of Cases

In recent developments, schools in Kentucky and Texas have been compelled to temporarily close their doors due to a reported surge in Covid-19 cases. The Lee County School District and Magoffin County Schools in Kentucky made the decision to cancel classes in response to what they’ve described as “widespread illness” affecting their communities. Scott Lockard, […]

First Confirmed Cases in America Were on US Aircraft Carrier

Author’s note: I emailed CDC and Naval officials who worked on the Roosevelt antibody study, requesting interviews. Five days after sending these emails, I’ve not received a response. I believe most of my questions have not been asked by other journalists and my questions will address topics that have not been addressed by public health officials (or other journalists) to date. […]

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