Posts Tagged ‘charade’

July 26 – It’s All a Charade, Folks

(Like schoolboys, they witness their treachery with secret handshakes.)  Biden is supposedly in favor of a ceasefire and two-state solution which Satanyahu vehemently opposes. But it’s all a charade folks. At the same time, he enables the genocide with munitions. Look at Biden’s hand. That’s a classic Masonic thumb-on-knuckle handshake. No normal person shakes hands […]

Hasan vows to cover Trump legal cases differently: ‘We will stop with this charade’

Former MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan vowed Friday that his new company will cover the former President Trump’s legal woes differently than the media has thus far. “We will stop with this charade that this is a legal story,” Hasan said Friday evening in an interview on NewsNation’s “Cuomo.” “Like you and I both worked in… […]

Unmasking the carbon charade: The truth behind fossil fuel giants’ green pledges

This analysis brings to light the stark contrast between the industry’s public commitments and their actual plans, raising serious questions about the integrity of these pledges. Source

Jan 29 – Texas Border Spat a Charade?

(Like his mentor, the traitor Donald Trump, Greg Abbott doesn’t miss a chance to signal his treason.) Greg Abbott is a WEF member. Texan Videos Unguarded, Wide Open Gates Along Every Mile of Border Wall; MSM Only Shows Eagle Pass Ken Adachi- “This ONE video, taken by a local Texan, COMPLETELY dismantles the Eagle […]

Elon Musk is Part of the Illuminati Charade

Elon Musk is Part of the Illuminati Charade December 14, 2022 (On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.)  Despite two appeals which have gone unanswered, I am still banned from Twitter. This […]

Sept 23 – Ukraine War is a Charade

“If Russia is so bad and we’re on the “brink” of war then why did we just send one NASA astronaut & two Russian cosmonauts to the ISS?“ -Reddit Conspiracy Please send links and comments to [email protected] The Ukraine war is another Cabalist boondoggle. Clearly, the Satanists cherry-pick when they will “boycott” Russia. More proof […]

Understanding the Cabalist Jewish “Left vs Right” Charade

(left, Otto Kahn, 1867-1934) “We Control Both Left & Right” — Kuhn Loeb Banker  In a candid dinner conversation after WW1, Kuhn Loeb partner Otto Kahn was asked why the Capitalist bankers supported Communism.  He replied they both have “an identical purpose, the remaking  of the world from above by the control of riches, [Right]  and […]

State Department goes along with Israel’s Orwellian charade: ‘Israel can conduct transparent investigation of Abu Akleh killing’

Israel has shown contempt for the idea of accountability in the killing of Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, refusing to share its information with the many press investigations that have found that an Israeli soldier killed Abu Akleh. And yet the U.S. State Department goes along with this farce, saying Israel is capable of […]

The Biggest Climate Trial of the Year Was a Chevron-Fueled ‘Charade’

By Dharna Noor, Gizmodo May 22, 2021 Above Photo: Michael M. Santiago (Getty Images) After a week of proceedings, the criminal trial for attorney Steven Donziger—who won a multibillion-dollar case against Chevron over pollution in the Amazon rainforest—wrapped up on Monday. In his estimation, the trial was a “charade.” And yet he was relatively pleased with the […]

The Navalny Protests Charade: More Western Interference & Disinfo on Russia

By Eva Bartlett  -Eva K Bartlett, January 30, 2021, Moscow Western mass media and hypocritically-indignant Western representatives are again busily claiming Russian peaceful protesters have been brutalized by police in demonstrations across Russia on January 23. The sloganeers demand the release of the unpopular petty criminal and Western flunkey, Alexei Navalny, arrested upon returning to Russia for […]

New York Post Urges Donald Trump to ‘End This Dark Charade’

The New York Post urged President Donald Trump on Monday to stop contesting the 2020 election, warning him of a future legacy of madness. “Mr. President, it’s time to end this dark charade,” the newspaper wrote in an editorial on Monday that was given a cover page. New York Post cover message to President Trump […]

‘The opposition does not have a leader’: Ditch ‘exhausted’ Guaido charade, Venezuelan opposition figure pleads with US

Venezuelan opposition politician Henrique Capriles has urged the incoming Biden administration to halt US efforts to install self-styled interim president Juan Guaido as the rightful occupant of President Nicolas Maduro’s office. The projected US presidential election winner Joe Biden’s administration “must understand” that the efforts to prop up Guaido despite declining support even among the […]

US Election: Charade of Zion

Whoever wins the US election, only the interests of International Jewry and their slave cattle non-white pawns will be served. Both Trump and Biden are chained down by jewish money and can’t break free from the death grip of Zion. Biden is the jews’ choice for accelerating the white genocide agenda of total racial demographic […]

Is the Israel-Iran Conflict a Charade?

In 1794 the Duke of Brunswick,  issued a Manifesto based on confiscated Illuminati documents.  He said, “The ferment that reigns among the people is their work….They began by casting odium on religion..They invented the rights of man …and urged the people to wrest from their princes the recognition of these supposed rights. The plan they […]

Israel’s military courts ‘humiliating charade’ for Palestinians

by Jaclynn Ashly Across from the home of imprisoned Palestinian teen Ahed Tamimi in Nabi Saleh, the red-tiled roofs of Israel’s illegal Halamish settlement dot the adjacent hilltop. Residents of Halamish, along with some 600,000 other Israelis, reside in the occupied West Bank in violation of international law. Despite living on occupied Palestinian territory, settlers are subject to Israeli […]

Karl Ritter was Marx’s Fascist Counterpart in Illuminati Charade

  January 14, 2018 Much more is generally known about Karl Marx and Communism than about Karl Ritter and Nazism.  Ritter was for many years Professor of History at Frankfort University, Germany.  Afterwards, he taught Geography at the Berlin University.  In educational circles, he was considered one of the greatest authorities on History, Geography, and […]

Exposing the Sandy Hook Charade – Deep State Strikes Back

NOTE: Jim Fetzer’s post mirrored due to numerous “hacks” to take the blog post down. Exposing the Sandy Hook Charade: The Deep State Strikes Back (Again)!! Jim Fetzer (Original Post) [Note: The Deep State has deleted this blog again and several others, including my memorial to William Shanley, so I am republishing it again. The […]

A Video That Reveals The Complete Charade That Is Politics

Next Story People ask me all the time: ‘Why don’t you vote?’ And every time, it comes down to the same feeling within myself. I choose not to be governed. I do not consent to giving up my power to people who take action in favour of their own ego, power, and profit. I don’t […]

Dunkirk Proves WW2 Was a Charade

When Winston Churchill was visiting Germany, in 1932,  Putzi Hanfstaengl tried to arrange a meeting with Hitler. Hitler was dining at the hotel where Churchill was staying but apparently declined. It wouldn’t do for two Zionist political actors –future “antagonists” — to be seen huddled together before the show began.    Both Hitler and Churchill […]

PRINCE: Gematria Predicted Death of Musician and Chemtrails Activist

Dreamer “While the helicopter circles us, this theory’s getting deep Think they’re spraying chemicals over the city while we sleep” Follow The Money – Prince Insulted Music Mafia Illuminati Remembers Prince Predictive Programming “Prince, “Fresh Prince, Will Smith and Donald Trump Fresh Prince Season 4, Ep 25 Donald Trump and PRINCE Flashback to “Prince” at […]

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