Posts Tagged ‘courts’

A Supreme Court decision could make it easier for American courts to block ambiguous regulations

I don't think many people really understand what SCOTUS did today with overturning the Chevron deference… I found the best video I could for a quick explanation. Since the mid-80s THAT has been what gave the Administrative State (agencies) the power to govern themselves and… — SaltyGoat (@SaltyGoat17) June 28, 2024 BY RHODA WILSON ON JUNE 29, […]

Dr. Wolf’s Statement to the Royal Courts of Justice

Statement of Dr Naomi Wolf to the Court Dear Mrs Justice Farbey I am here today because Ofcom, the media watchdog agency, concluded that my presentation of information from scientific reports about the Pfizer injection, on Mark Steyn’s TV show in October 2022, caused “harm.” Ofcom also referred to me in public documents as a “conspiracy theorist,” […]

“Your licence, please” – Corrupt police, courts and a ‘racist’ judge?

 The Anglo-Masonic government of the colony called Australia has caused and evidently still does cause harm to many ‘ordinary’ Australians, some actions visible while many are not. The truth is that European migrants or now the derogatory term ‘wogs’ have been bullied, discriminated and degraded also held back from promotions, by Anglos in positions of […]

Vic Supreme Court rules that courts have fair hearing and equality obligations to assist self-represented litigants

There is a LOT of ‘misbehaviour’ by the judiciary going on in the colony’s court rooms. MANY judicial registrars/magistrates/judges do not follow the rules or worse the law. Their misbehaviour goes unnoticed the accused, which could be understandable, but that’s worse it’s not caught out by the so called legal professionals. Because they’re ‘officers of […]

26 States File Lawsuits In Federal Courts Over ATF Redefinition Of Gun Dealers

26 States File Lawsuits In Federal Courts Over ATF Redefinition Of Gun Dealers Authored by Michael Clements via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Attorneys general representing half of the country on May 1 sued President Joe Biden’s administration over a new rule requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales, including private sales. Democratic lawmakers […]

When Nuremberg Tribunal Common Law Courts are Convened

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Courts halt DeSantis’ ‘Stop WOKE Act’: A victory for free speech and diversity training

A recent ruling by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has put a temporary halt to a significant portion of Florida’s “Stop WOKE Act,” challenging the state’s attempt to regulate discussions on race and diversity in workplaces. The court’s decision reaffirms the First Amendment’s protection of free speech, marking a critical juncture in the […]

Gov. Hochul admits NY courts SINGLED OUT TRUMP for prosecution, desperately warns other real estate developers it won’t happen to them to prevent them from LEAVING

(NaturalNews) The recent New York ruling against Donald Trump that resulted in a $355 million fine for real estate development crimes has scared many other real… Source

News You Can Trust-Good Evidence When Nuremberg Common Law Courts For Mass Murder Via Loaded Syringes Are Convened

Good Evidence When Nuremberg Common Law Courts For Mass Murder Via Loaded Syringes Are Convened The Ole Dog! Source

Courts Pave Way for New York Quarantine Camps

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL I hope you are sitting down when you read this article. There is absolutely no way I can possibly sugar coat this, so I’ll just be frank… The NYS Supreme Court Appellate Division’s Fourth Judicial Department has issued their ruling in our quarantine lawsuit against Governor Hochul and her Department […]

California’s mental health courts can MANDATE psychiatric “treatment” against the “mentally ill” – will Trump supporters and “climate deniers” be targeted?

(NaturalNews) To help the mentally ill avoid jail time – or so they say – the state of California has established a mental health court system called the CARE… Source

Climate lawsuits don’t belong in state courts

Climate change is a matter of national and global significance. Source

The corruption of the police & courts – Police and the illusive ‘Full Brief’

Victoria: The Police State. (source) The Police: Unbeknown to the majority of the general population, the colony’s state police forces are not honourable organisations. After all the colony’s first police force was comprised of criminals, and not honourable persons. MANY within act with impunity and disregard for the law all because their ‘victims’ are unaware […]

Microsoft takes 5 years to fix Defender ‘bug’ should be in the courts

Microsoft not only should be in the courts for anti competitive behaviour but also fined for it. Microsoft has (deliberately) not addressed a piece of code that was killing Firefox performance. MANY people may have thought that Mozilla’s Firefox product was inferior in quality to the alternative Microsoft product or that the programmers were lazy […]

NC Supreme Court Rules Courts Cannot Decide on Gerrymandering Claims, Reverses Anti-Voter ID Ruling

The North Carolina Supreme Court on Friday ruled that there is no legal mechanism to judge claims of “partisan gerrymandering,” giving the Republican-controlled state legislatures the ultimate authority to draw congressional maps without court intervention. Source

Supreme Courts Rules COVID Fines Invalid as the Penalty Notices Did Not Specify the Offence

The overbearing law enforcement approach to the COVID pandemic, which had a focus on criminalising those who didn’t follow health restrictions, via the widespread imposition of draconian fines that were issued seemingly with no discretion and in the most absurd of circumstances. Following the passing of the pandemic, as people went back to business as […]

Trump courts early-state Republicans at Mar-a-Lago

Trump’s team is moving to address some of the problems that arose during his disorganized — though ultimately successful — 2016 campaign, when his then-primary rival Ted Cruz seemed like he might outmaneuver him in the fight for delegates. Trump ultimately brought in Paul Manafort to oversee his delegate efforts, but he still faced a […]

2022 was a big year for climate action in the courts

The past year saw major developments in accountability cases against oil companies and national governments around the world, as well as setbacks for several high-profile fossil fuel projects. Source

Courts Won’t Stop The Feds From Deputizing Big Tech

The First Amendment, as currently interpreted, lacks the strength to stop the censorship and other Stasi-esque goals of the deep state. Source

Microsoft should be in the courts re: limiting your program use/choice

Using Microsoft’s Windows product is a sure way to have your computer life being monitored where data is collected and passed on to other entities. If you value your computing privacy, then alterative operating system such as Linux may suit your purpose. But there is a huge problem with that, being that Microsoft is actively […]

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