Posts Tagged ‘easier’

A Supreme Court decision could make it easier for American courts to block ambiguous regulations

I don't think many people really understand what SCOTUS did today with overturning the Chevron deference… I found the best video I could for a quick explanation. Since the mid-80s THAT has been what gave the Administrative State (agencies) the power to govern themselves and… — SaltyGoat (@SaltyGoat17) June 28, 2024 BY RHODA WILSON ON JUNE 29, […]

American Red Cross providing migrants with maps, making it easier for illegals to violate the border and flood into the USA

(NaturalNews) The American Red Cross is being accused of aiding illegal immigrants to cross the border by providing them with maps and guides, and even medical… Source

How to Start Making Sausages at Home (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Howdy, home cooks. How are you doing these days? Is the sourdough mother you started during the early days of the pandemic still alive? What did you end up naming your SCOBY? Have you hit your cast iron skillet with a TYFYS yet today? Go ahead, we’ll wait.  If you—like us and many, many others—got […]

Ron DeSantis Wants to Make It Easier to Execute People

After going after trans children and people seeking abortions, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has set his sights on a new target: potential death row inmates. While speaking to the Florida Sheriff’s Association about what he deems the “slow wheels of justice” last week—as Vox pointed out—DeSantis spoke of his frustration with requiring unanimous jury recommendations […]


TAKING A STAND FOR YOUR HEALTH & FREEDOM HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER. SIGN THE PETITION! The spirit of fear was never given by God. Where fear exists, faith can’t operate. Health Status should be a Protected Class Under Federal Law…. As it currently stands, employers can get away with treating “unvaccinated” employees less favorably than […]

It is easier to Quit Smoking than you Think! Only 3 Days without Nicotine and You’re Done

According to research by the National Institutes of Health, as published by the National Cancer Institute, it only takes nicotine about 72 hours to leave your body, but it’s the withdrawal symptoms for the next 2 to 3 days afterwards that make it seemingly so difficult to stay quit. Mark Twain once said quitting smoking […]

Giffords Adviser: SCOTUS Makes it Easier for People to Be Mass Shooters

Giffords adviser Ryan Busse claims that the Supreme Court of the United State’s Bruen (2022) decision is making it “much easier” for “a trouble 18-year-old to become a deadly mass shooter.” Source

Biden Admin Rolls out ‘Easier’ Process for Student Loan Borrowers to Discharge Debt in Bankruptcy

The Department of Justice on Nov. 17 announced a new process that it says will make it easier for individuals struggling with their student loan debt to discharge it in bankruptcy. “The new process will help ensure consistent treatment of the discharge of federal student loans, reduce the burden on borrowers of pursuing such proceedings and […]

Successfully Dating a Mummy Just Got Easier. New Testing Revealed

It is no secret that in dating, timing is everything. When studying the past, whether finding coins, bones, or pathogens buried in a mound – the question of when they are from makes the difference between a meaningful or a misleading discovery.  Read more Section:  News Human Origins Science Read Later  Source

Vaccine Pioneer Dr. Robert Malone Says Monkeypox May Have Been Gene-Edited for Easier Transmission, Wuhan Lab Admits to Synthesizing Virus

Citing a  May 19, 2022 report from the Portuguese National Institute of Health. a pioneer in the development of the mRNA technology on which most COVID vaccines are based says that the monkeypox variants now being rapidly discovered show signs of gene editing. Dr. Robert Malone, a former researcher at the Salks Institute who did […]

TX State Sen. Gutierrez: Abbott Is a ‘Coward’ — Children Died Because He Made it Easier to Get Guns

Texas State Sen. Roland Gutierrez (D) said Monday on “MSNBC Reports” said Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) was a “coward” who has caused more children to die by making access to guns easier in their state.

Waldo Much Easier To Find After Becoming Woke

SOMERVILLE, MA—Beloved author and illustrator Martin Handford has released new editions of his Where’s Waldo? series giving Waldo—or Wally, as xe’s called in the U.K.—a fresh and more socially conscious look. Unfortunately, many readers are finding this new “woke” Waldo much too easy to find.  “We wanted to show our support for the ‘defund the police’ movement, […]

It is Now Infinitely Easier to Control a Billion People Than it is to Kill a Billion People

by Dylan Charles, Waking Times How many people do you personally know whom spend their creative efforts in life seeking ways in which to control or kill people? They’re out there. In 2008 at a speech at the international affairs think tank Chatham House, the late, great swamp creature Zbigniew Brzezinski (the father of MSNBC’s […]

CNN’s Chalian: Covering Biden ‘May Be a Bit Easier’ than Trump Because of ‘the Deliberate Misinformation and Lying’ under Trump

On Friday’s broadcast of PBS’ “Washington Week,” CNN Political Director David Chalian stated that “in one aspect,” covering the Biden administration “may be a bit easier than it was during the Trump administration because of the deliberate misinformation and lying that was occurring.” Chalian responded to criticism that the coverage of the Biden administration has […]

Selecting the Right Brush Makes Painting Easier

Dear James: I have a box of old paintbrushes here, but should get new ones for my remodeling projects? With so many options in the paintbrush aisle, what type is best to buy? —Jose M. Dear Jose: As you have funds, there are typically at least several dozen different sizes, bristle types, and shapes in […]

The jab makes it EASIER for the virus to spread – who will stop this madness?

ByNeville Hodgkinson -November 1, 2021 I’VE tried to step back from reporting on Covid, but just can’t. It is becoming too obvious that our leaders are in denial about the ineffectiveness of the experimental vaccine they are pushing, the harm it is causing and the potential for harm that lies ahead. This isn’t a time […]

Biden’s pledge on media freedom may be easier said than done

One of the Biden Justice Department’s first big moves has been to alert reporters at three major news organizations that their phone records were seized as part of leak investigations under the Trump administration, with President Joe Biden saying he would abandon the practice of spying on journalists. But while Biden’s stated commitment that his […]

The same tech that makes your life easier is being weaponised

WATCH AT LINK: The New York Times 3.52M subscribers A tank that drives itself. A drone that picks its own targets. A machine gun with facial recognition software. Sounds like science fiction? A.I. fueled weapons are already here. Subscribe: More from The New York Times Video: ———- Whether it’s reporting on conflicts […]

Bennett government would make Israel easier to sell in ‘progressive circles,’ leading Israel advocate says

Israel’s advocates in U.S. politics are excited by the possible replacement of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by Naftali Bennett, in a “change” coalition. Even though Bennett is to the right of Netanyahu, his coalition would include a few leftleaning Israelis, and that will make Israel easier to sell. “You can’t deny that America is better […]

UK bill change would make it easier to punish Jewish divorce refusers

Changes to a United Kingdom bill on domestic abuse make it easier to punish Jewish husbands who refuse to grant a religious divorce, or get, a British-Jewish newspaper reported. The changes came in amendments to government-sponsored legislation that passed two out of three readings in the House of Commons, the Parliament’s lower house, the Jewish […]

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