Posts Tagged ‘execute’

Rachel Maddow Says ‘Trump Is Planning To Execute MSNBC Journalists For Treason’

Donald Trump is planning to charge MSNBC journalists with “treason” and “execute” them liberals if he is re-elected to the presidency, according to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. Maddow made the comment during an appearance on […] The post Rachel Maddow Says ‘Trump Is Planning To Execute MSNBC Journalists For Treason’ appeared first on The People's […]

A.I. Agents: ChatGPT Can Write Its Own Code And Execute It

You cannot conceive the evil that will be wrought by ChatGPT and its derivatives. Programmers are creating A.I. Source

Palestinian resistance threatens to execute an Israeli every time Israel strikes civilians in Gaza

The Palestinian resistance yesterday threatened to kill an Israeli hostage every time Israel struck Gaza without warning, Anadolu news agency reported. “We announce that for every targeting of our people who are safe in their homes without warning, we will regretfully be met with the execution of our enemy’s civilian hostages,” Abu Obeida, a spokesman for the […]

Hamas Announces It Will Begin To EXECUTE Hostages

READ HERE: Hamas announces it will begin to EXECUTE hostages and post video evidence online for every Israeli airstrike as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu orders Israel’s Defence Forces to besiege Gaza   Source

Missouri set to execute Marcellus Williams despite DNA evidence proving innocence—again

Unless we reform this corrupt system, racist politicians will be rewarded with higher political offices–for–”frying a black man.”  Source

A Deployable Mosquito Tech Can Execute, Incapacitate, or Vaccinate & The Age Of Emergency Governance

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/10/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Israeli Forces Execute Palestinians In The West Bank, Prompting Shootings Against Settlers

Israeli occupation forces in the West Bank have carried out a number of brutal executions against Palestinian civilians across the territory, after deciding to once again operate undercover units inside the city of Jenin. The ferocity of the onslaughts then led to two fatal shooting attacks against Israeli settlers. Instead of attempting to remedy the […]

Iran still seeking to Justifiably Execute IsraHell’s Bit#h Trump For the International War Crime of Murdering an Iranian Diplomat on a Posted Mission in Iraq

Well, why the hell not??? Iran was kicking IsraHell’s proxy terrorist organization ISIS’s ass in Iraq. Murderuing a diplomate on a posted diplomatic mission, especially in another country without that countries permission, is an INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME. International war crimes are hanging offenses. As the Rothschild’s children raping 30 shekel political whores in Sodom […]

Riots after French police ‘execute’ Algerian boy

All options, including putting the country in a state of emergency, will be considered to restore law and order after a third night of protests over the fatal police shooting of a 17-year-old French-Algerian, the French prime minister said today. Elisabeth Borne told reporters that the government will be examining "all the options" with President […]

Ron DeSantis Wants to Make It Easier to Execute People

After going after trans children and people seeking abortions, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has set his sights on a new target: potential death row inmates. While speaking to the Florida Sheriff’s Association about what he deems the “slow wheels of justice” last week—as Vox pointed out—DeSantis spoke of his frustration with requiring unanimous jury recommendations […]

America Is About to Execute an Openly Trans Inmate for the First Time

The United States is set to execute an openly transgender person for the first time in the nation’s history, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.  Amber McLaughlin, a 49-year-old convicted for the 2003 first-degree murder of her ex-girlfriend Beverly Guenther, is set to die by lethal injection in Missouri Tuesday. A jury, however, couldn’t […]

A police officer has the duty to execute all ‘lawful’ summonses, warrants, orders and directions.

A police officer has the duty to execute all ‘lawful’ summonses, warrants, orders and directions. Victoria and certain other states of Australia are warrant-less states, meaning that no lawfully issued warrants exist. Take for example in the case of road traffic ‘infringements’, that when not dealt with end up at the so called Sheriff’s Office, […]

1,000 Private Jets Swoop in to Execute Great Reset

1,000 Private Jets Swoop in to Execute Great Reset The wealthy elite travel to the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings via a steady stream of private aircraft to discuss issues like global sustainability, but their real plan is to usher in stakeholder capitalism, in which private corporations — not elected leaders — become “trustees of […]

Next: 1,000 Private Jets Will Assemble In Davos To Execute The Great Reset

At the start of each year, the world’s elite hop into their private jets and descend upon Davos, Switzerland, a city prized not only for its luxury ski resorts but also for hosting the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting. Also known as the Davos Forum, the event takes on a different theme each year, […]

Yemen’s Houthis execute nine men for involvement in Samad death

Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthi movement said on Saturday that authorities had executed nine men who were convicted of involvement in the 2018 killing of Saleh al-Samad, then the armed group’s top civilian leader, reports Reuters. Samad, who held the post of president in the Houthi-controlled administration which runs most of northern Yemen, was killed in April […]

Shocking! Arizona is Preparing to Execute Death Row Inmates With Zyklon-B – The Poison Gas Used by Nazis in Death Chambers At Auschwitz

The state of Arizona is reportedly preparing to execute death row inmates using Zyklon-B hydrogen cyanide — and has refurbished a mothballed gas chamber using primitive techniques. How creepy is this? The state of Arizona is bringing back the gas chamber, and the gas they’re going to use is Zyklon-B, the very same poison gas […]

Iran’s regime threatens to execute brother of wrestler Navid Afkari

Iran has announced it may execute Vahid Afkari, the brother of champion wrestler Navid Afkari, who was the victim of an extrajudicial killing by Iran’s judiciary for his protesting against Iranian regime corruption. The founder of the United for Navid campaign, Masih Alinejad, on Saturday tweeted:  “After executing the innocent athlete Navid Afkari for protesting, […]

Gunmen Execute Catholic Priest Accused of Rape in the Philippines

Unidentified gunmen executed a Filipino Catholic priest in cold blood Sunday, Father Rene Bayang Regalado, shooting him repeatedly in the head. The priest was facing a charge of rape in Lanao del Norte and police are reportedly investigating whether the rape case is tied to his killing. Father Regalado was returning home to the seminary […]

Iran Prepares to Execute Second Wrestler, Despite State Department Protest

Iran has announced its plans to execute another wrestler, Mehdi Ali Hosseini, a 29-year-old athlete from Khuzestan. Source

Johnny Enlow Says Trump Can Impose Martial Law to Arrest and Execute Those Trying to Steal the Election

QAnon conspiracy theorist Johnny Enlow appeared on the Elijah Streams YouTube channel Monday, where he claimed that President Donald Trump has the legal right to impose martial law on the country and arrest everyone who has been part of the alleged effort to steal the election from him. Enlow, who is a leading proponent of […]

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