Posts Tagged ‘begin’

The Bolsheviks Are Here: Soon the Hunger Games Will Begin

by Sean@SGTReport Empath, regeneration specialist and child trafficking survivor Renée Devereaux joins me to sound the alarm and warn the American people that what we’re seeing right now with the Biden border invasion is a rinse and repeat strategy the NWO uses to topple nations from within just as they did with the Bolshevik revolution […]

Europe Is Alarmed Enough To Begin Wargaming A Food Crisis

Governments of the European Union are engaged in wargames which simulate and foresee a global food crisis. A mix of major factors including the Russia-Ukraine war and impact on grain supplies there, as well as weather events like El Niño and La Niña and their impact on Latin American soy output, and the anti-EU farmers’ protests […]

EU demands Hungary, Poland and Slovakia begin importing of Ukrainian grain

The European Commission insists on extending the duty-free and quota-free access of Ukrainian agricultural products and foodstuffs to EU markets for another year. EU trade commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis recently called on Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to immediately lift the ban on imports of Ukrainian products, which was introduced under national jurisdiction last September. He noted […]

UK Police Begin Arresting Citizens Who Display British Flags in Public

Police in the UK have begun arresting citizens who commit the ‘crime’ of carrying a British flag around in public. A man was arrested this week during a pro-Palestine protest in Liverpool after police spotted […] The post UK Police Begin Arresting Citizens Who Display British Flags in Public appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Gazans Begin the Journey Back after Truce Takes Effect (Videos)

 November 24, 2023 After enduring weeks of displacement due to the ongoing aggression, the people of Gaza finally have a glimmer of hope as they start to return to their homes. The four-day truce, which includes a complete ceasefire, went into effect this morning. Displaced Palestinians, who sought refuge in hospitals and schools during the […]

British Police Begin Arresting Citizens Who Break Sharia Law

British police have begun arresting citizens who break Sharia law, even though Sharia law isn’t formally recognised in the UK. A man was recently arrested after a video was shared online where he criticizes those […] The post British Police Begin Arresting Citizens Who Break Sharia Law appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Israeli military gets “green light” to enter Gaza and begin ground offensive

(NaturalNews) The Israeli government has just given the Israel Defense Forces the “green light” to begin its offensive ground operations in the Gaza Strip.In… Source

NYC To Begin Starving Senior Citizens To Feed Illegal Aliens

In a bid to address the influx of illegal migrants, New York City has announced plans to starve senior citizens in nursing homes to feed the illegal aliens. The cost to house illegals, allowed into […] The post NYC To Begin Starving Senior Citizens To Feed Illegal Aliens appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Hamas Announces It Will Begin To EXECUTE Hostages

READ HERE: Hamas announces it will begin to EXECUTE hostages and post video evidence online for every Israeli airstrike as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu orders Israel’s Defence Forces to besiege Gaza   Source

4,000 UAW Mack Trucks Workers Begin Striking At East Coast Plants   

4,000 UAW Mack Trucks Workers Begin Striking At East Coast Plants    Approximately 4,000 United Auto Workers members at several Volvo-Owned Mack Trucks locations on the East Coast are heading to the picket lines at 0700 ET after a majority of members rejected a tentative agreement reached by the union and truck company last week. […]

WEF Orders World Govt’s To Begin Arresting ‘Climate Deniers’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has ordered world governments to being arresting citizens to refuse to believe in man-made climate change. In a memo posted to their website, the WEF calls “climate inaction” a “human […] The post WEF Orders World Govt’s To Begin Arresting ‘Climate Deniers’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The VA should begin gender-affirming surgery for trans veterans

Earlier this year, the VA said it had no timeline on when access to gender-affirming surgeries would actually begin, despite the fact the policy change was unanimously recommended by the medical board that oversees VA health offerings.   Source

Neuralink Brain Implant Trials Begin

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UK Gov’t Order Police To Begin Arresting Citizens Who Get Fact Checked Online

The British government has ordered law enforcement officials to begin arresting and prosecuting citizens who share non-mainstream opinions online that fact-checkers disagree with. Following the passing of the Online Safety Bill this week, UK authorities […] The post UK Gov’t Order Police To Begin Arresting Citizens Who Get Fact Checked Online appeared first on The […]

President Biden Opens ‘Gun Control Office’ To Begin Dismantling Second Amendment

President Biden is expected to launch a new Office for Gun Control on Friday, which will be tasked with dismantling the Second Amendment. According to a disturbing report in the Washington Post, “The new office will […] The post President Biden Opens ‘Gun Control Office’ To Begin Dismantling Second Amendment appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Navarro trial to begin in contempt of Congress case

Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro’s contempt of Congress trial begins in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. Navarro faces two contempt of Congress charges connected to not complying with a subpoena from the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Jurors for the trial in front of U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta… […]

Russia Will Begin Testing A Digital Currency Next Month

By Mac Slavo Russian rulers have outlined their rules for a digital ruble. Testing of the new central bank digital currency (CBDC) with clients will reportedly begin next month. Russia’s central bank published draft regulations for the use of a digital ruble on Wednesday, as it prepares to launch testing of the new currency with clients. […]

UK Supermarkets Begin Using WEF Digital Passports To Deny Citizens Food

UK supermarkets have begun rolling out a new WEF digital passport scheme that denies ordinary citizens the ability to buy food if they are on a blacklist for non-compliance. According to disturbing footage posted to […] The post UK Supermarkets Begin Using WEF Digital Passports To Deny Citizens Food appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

10 Ways to Begin Doing Something

1. Read a Wikipedia page for inspiration Image: Shutterstock Look around you and find an object of interest, and type it into Wikipedia. From there you may fall into a rabbit hole of things, some of which you may wish to do. 2. Create a list of pros and cons Image: Shutterstock If you have […]

Second Phase of Fluoride Lawsuit Set to Begin in January 2024

The U.S. government and plaintiffs have agreed to begin a second phase of the long-delayed fluoride lawsuit in January 2024. On Tuesday Judge Edward Chen, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency set a date of January 29, 2024 for the second phase of the ongoing fluoride lawsuit. The second phase […]

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