Posts Tagged ‘affirming’

Elon Musk Vows to Destroy the Woke Mind Virus After Losing His Son to ‘Gender-Affirming Care’

Elon Musk effectively lost his son after being deceived into giving him “reversible” puberty blockers. What they don’t tell you is that these drugs permanently damage the brain’s hormone production. Moreover, doctors wouldn’t administer these dangerous injections until they were paid thousands for each dose. Subscribe now These drugs are incredibly dangerous and have caused […]

Elon Musk Vows to Destroy the Woke Mind Virus After Losing His Son to ‘Gender-Affirming Care’

Elon Musk effectively lost his son after being deceived into giving him “reversible” puberty blockers. What they don’t tell you is that these drugs permanently damage the brain’s hormone production. Moreover, doctors wouldn’t administer these dangerous injections until they were paid thousands for each dose. Subscribe now These drugs are incredibly dangerous and have caused […]

Kansas governor vetoes bill banning gender-affirming care to minors

Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly (D) vetoed a bill that would have banned gender-affirming care for minors in the Sunflower State Friday. “This divisive legislation targets a small group of Kansans by placing government mandates on them and dictating to parents how to best raise and care for their children,” Kelly said in a veto message… […]

Idaho asks Supreme Court to allow enforcement of gender-affirming care ban

Idaho has asked the Supreme Court to take emergency action so the state can enforce its felony ban on gender-affirming health care for transgender minors, arguing that a district court’s injunction goes too far. Idaho in April became the second state, after Alabama, to make it a felony for health care providers to administer treatments including puberty… […]

New year, new state laws: From minimum wage to gender-affirming care

A host of new state laws came into effect across the country Monday, reflecting a national rift on key issues and how to address them that doesn’t seem to be shifting course anytime soon. Many of the measures are sure to attract criticism and even mockery from their opponents.  For instance, California now mandates large… […]

New Headwind For ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ For Children: Soaring Malpractice Insurance Costs

Where the controversy over so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors is concerned, government regulation commands most of the attention. However, as any well-read libertarian will tell you, market forces can also impose their own powerful form of regulation. Happily, we’re beginning to see market forces create a major impediment to the practice of irreparably altering the bodies […]

California Spent $4 Million On Gender-Affirming ‘Enhancements’ For Prisoners

California Spent $4 Million On Gender-Affirming ‘Enhancements’ For Prisoners California is helping prison inmates cope with their stints, having forked over more than $4 million of taxpayer funds on surgical sex changes and cosmetic “gender-affirming” enhancements for 157 inmates, including four who are on death row, the Washington Free Beacon reports. Dallas Rachael Goosen (left), […]

The VA should begin gender-affirming surgery for trans veterans

Earlier this year, the VA said it had no timeline on when access to gender-affirming surgeries would actually begin, despite the fact the policy change was unanimously recommended by the medical board that oversees VA health offerings.   Source

Rand Paul: ‘Gender Affirming Surgery’ “Is A Mutilation”

Senator Rand Paul has slammed the Democrat governor of Kentucky after it was revealed that the state has been allowing trans surgeries on children to take place. During a Fox News interview, Paul described ‘gender affirming care’ as a “terrible, terrible approach,” to dealing with “psychiatric illnesses.” “We have got a controversy going on in […]

Identity Crisis: ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery, Social Contagion, Detransitioners, and the Autism Overlap

Part 2: Complications of “Gender-Affirming” Surgery, Social Contagion, Detransitioners, and the Autism Overlap   What does the scientific data show regarding so-called gender-affirming surgery? Is there an argument for the rise in Trans individuals being part of a social contagion? And what about detransitioners and the Autism connection? One of the other most controversial aspects […]

‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery Leaves People Lonelier and Depressed: Study

Transgender surgeries do not improve mental health and make people feel lonelier than those who avoided surgical intervention altogether. Source

Department of Justice Sues Tennessee over Ban on ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Children

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is suing Tennessee over the state’s prohibition on “gender-affirming care” for transgender children. Source

Utah passes bill banning transgender youth from receiving gender-affirming health care

The bill “prohibits surgery for all transgender youth and disallows hormone treatment for transgender minors who have not been professionally diagnosed with gender dysphoria.” Source

Virginia Parents Could Face Felony Charges for Not ‘Affirming’ Child’s Gender Identity

Parents in Virginia could face felony or misdemeanor child abuse charges if they refuse to “affirm” their child’s gender identity. Virginia state Del. Elizabeth Guzman (D) plans to introduce legislation in order to combat Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R) model policies on the treatment of “transgender” students in Virginia schools. “The day that Gov. Youngkin wanted […]

1 in 4 Jesuit Catholic Universities Cover ‘Gender-Affirming Treatment’

By Grace Shoemaker Some Catholic universities help students get ‘gender-affirming treatment’ At least seven of the 27 Catholic universities in the United States cover “gender-affirming treatment” in their student health plans, according to an analysis by The College Fix. The coverage of these drugs and surgeries, which can include the permanent sterilization of fertility, is at […]

Alabama Urges Federal Court To Uphold Its Ban On ‘Gender-Affirming’ Treatments For Minors

Citing the Supreme Court’s recent decision to allow state governments to prohibit abortions, Alabama has urged a federal court to drop its block on the ban of so called gender-affirming care for transgender kids. The […] The post Alabama Urges Federal Court To Uphold Its Ban On ‘Gender-Affirming’ Treatments For Minors appeared first on News […]

Study shows link between early access to gender-affirming hormone therapy and better mental health in transgender people

Image Credit: LGBTQ Nation There are plenty of reasons why gender-affirming hormone therapy might be on your radar, whether you work with trans and LGBTQIA+ youth, you’re experiencing your own gender or sexuality exploration, or you’re the parent of a trans or nonbinary child. There is a lot to learn about the personal choices that […]

Scottish Teachers Reporting Parents Non-Affirming of Their Child’s ‘Transgenderism’ to Social Services

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> (The Christian Institute) — Schools across Scotland have been reporting parents to local authorities if they are unsupportive of their child’s desire to “swap gender.” The Sunday Times reports that dozens of referrals have been made on the back of publicly-funded guidance produced by […]

The Case for Affirming the Independence of the Armenian Republic of Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh

In recent years, many territories’ declarations of independence have been justifiably affirmed through international agreements. The Republic of Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh’s declaration of independence from Azerbaijan three decades ago is as legitimate as any of those. Artsakh is the republic’s ancient Armenian name. Artsakh and Christian Armenia have been under attack by Azerbaijan, Turkey, jihadist terrorists, and […]

New York Parish Demands Parishioners Take Pledge Affirming ‘White Privilege’ Must End

The pastor of a New York City parish is demanding that his parishioners recite a “pledge for racial justice” during Mass that affirms “white privilege and the culture of white supremacy must be dismantled.” In the video below, Rev. Kenneth Boller, S.J., pastor of the Church of St. Francis Xavier, instructs parishioners to recite the “pledge […]

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