Posts Tagged ‘mutilation’

Psychotherapists announce plans to “eradicate” critics of transgender mutilation from medical profession

(NaturalNews) A trade union and “professional body” that represents psychotherapists in the United Kingdom is on a mission to rid the profession of everyone who… Source

NEW STUDY: Transgender (mutilation) surgery rates have tripled across all age groups from 2016 to 2019

(NaturalNews) A new study conducted by doctors from Columbia University in New York and the University of Southern California in Los… Source

Rand Paul: ‘Gender Affirming Surgery’ “Is A Mutilation”

Senator Rand Paul has slammed the Democrat governor of Kentucky after it was revealed that the state has been allowing trans surgeries on children to take place. During a Fox News interview, Paul described ‘gender affirming care’ as a “terrible, terrible approach,” to dealing with “psychiatric illnesses.” “We have got a controversy going on in […]

Trump promises to “sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states” if elected in 2024

(NaturalNews) At the recent Faith & Freedom Coalition convention in Georgia, Donald Trump promised to sign a bill outlawing all transgender mutilation… Source

Trump Vows To ‘Sign A Law Prohibiting Child Sexual Mutilation In All 50 States’

Addressing the Faith & Freedom Coalition convention in Georgia on Saturday, President Trump promised to sign a law if he is re-elected that would ban transgender surgeries on children. “Something else I find hard to believe that I have to even say,” Trump told the crowd, adding “It’s so ridiculous. It’s so horrible and so […]

Laurence Fox Defends Burning ‘Child Mutilation’ LGBTQ+ Progress Pride Flag

Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox defended burning several ‘Progress Pride’ flags, saying that the flag represents “child mutilation”. Source

Bail-ins, Bail-outs and Other forms of Self-Mutilation: Lobotomized Economists Clash on the Deck of the Titanic

As the geniuses running the western financial bubble (sometimes called an “economy”) continue to double down on their obsession to pump a dead financial system with ever more trillions in stimulus spending, arguments are raging among brainwashed economists living in denial over the oncoming systemic collapse. The failure of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and […]

“Dead Name” transgender documentary exposes horrors of child mutilation and the lives it’s destroyed

(Natural News) It might seem like a good idea when you’re young, cute, and still exploring who you are, especially in the midst of a crisis. But opting for transgenderism – and especially the surgical and hormonal mutilation process that often accompanies it – causes irreversible damage that many young trans people are learning the… […]

U.S. Medical Establishment Pushes Genital Mutilation, Chemical Castration on Children as U.K. Sounds Alarm

As American medical officials are encouraging gender transitions for children, British doctors are placing heavy restrictions on transition drugs and procedures for all persons under 18 years old. Source

New York Magazine Celebrates Female Sexual Self-Mutilation

New York Magazine is using its cover photo to celebrate a woman who cut off her breasts and had a tube of flesh from her leg surgically added to her groin. The article by author Gabriel Mac is headlined: “My Penis, Myself; I didn’t need a penis to be a man. But I needed one to […]

Egypt’s cabinet toughens law banning female genital mutilation

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ACH (1425) Frosty Wooldridge – Tattoos And Self-Mutilation

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1425) Frosty Wooldridge – Tattoos And Self-Mutilation Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share

The Genital Mutilation of Jesus

During the Middle Ages, there was some debate regarding whether or not Jesus was actually circumcised. Although a fictional character, it is obvious that this “son of Yahweh” would have had his genitals mutilated on the 8th day after his birth. Luke 2:21 says: And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the […]

Syrian Kurds outraged over mutilation of female fighter by Turkish backed ‘rebels’

     Turkish-backed rebels accused of filming mistreatment of Women’s Protection Units member Syrian Kurds have accused Turkish-backed rebels of mutilating then filming the body of one of their female fighters after a video emerged of her corpse. Turkey and allied Syrian rebels have pressed an offensive since 20 January against the Kurdish enclave of Afrin […]

Wave of Mutilation

My Personal Thoughts on Transvestigation and the TransAgenda Many regular readers of the Tribune might know what the whole Transvestigation issue is all about already. In fact, talking about it at this point is like getting a bit late to this trend. I have to admit I had not dedicated much thought to it until […]

Lost the plot: US lawyers to argue female genital mutilation is constitutional

     Lawyers will argue in a landmark trial that female genital mutilation is a right under religious freedom protected by the First Amendment. Two Detroit doctors and one of their wives are facing multiple federal charges for cutting two seven-year-old girls. Defense lawyers will argue the doctors didn’t cut the girls’ genitalia and only scraped […]

UN advisor declared female genital mutilation is nothing more than "gender-egalitarian surgery"

(Natural News) Most people agree that female genital mutilation is an abhorrent and disturbing practice. In addition to being extremely painful, the practice serves no medical or health benefits, and often precipitates a host of other medical issues: Painful intercourse, difficulty urinating, cysts, infections, complications with childbirth — and even it bears an increased risk […]

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Female genital mutilation and what we’re really talking about beneath the weasel words ‘genital cutting’

© Courtesy AHA Foundation Ayaan Hirsi Ali, founder, the AHA Foundation      The recent news that a grand jury in Michigan has indicted three people, including two doctors, for female genital mutilation is a welcome development. As the first ever prosecutions of this crime in the United States, the case shines much needed light on […]

FBI Arrests Muslims During Female Genital Mutilation Clinic Bust

FBI Arrests Muslims During Female Genital Mutilation Clinic Bust Islamic law spreading in US Kit DanielsPrison April 23, 2017 Three Muslims were charged with performing female genital mutilations on young girls in the Detroit area. Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and his wife, Farida Attar, 50, were arrested by federal officers this past week at […]

“François, Tu es un criminel”: President Hollande Ordered the Massacre of Syrian Women and Children In Retaliation for the “Alleged” ISIS Bastille Day Attack

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