Posts Tagged ‘surgery’

Palestinian Doctors Forced To Perform Surgery Using Light From Mobile Phones

Doctors working in Gaza hospitals are performing surgeries using the light from their mobile phones are treating infected wounds with vinegar. Footage from the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, shows doctors working with […] The post Palestinian Doctors Forced To Perform Surgery Using Light From Mobile Phones appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

The VA should begin gender-affirming surgery for trans veterans

Earlier this year, the VA said it had no timeline on when access to gender-affirming surgeries would actually begin, despite the fact the policy change was unanimously recommended by the medical board that oversees VA health offerings.   Source

NEW STUDY: Transgender (mutilation) surgery rates have tripled across all age groups from 2016 to 2019

(NaturalNews) A new study conducted by doctors from Columbia University in New York and the University of Southern California in Los… Source

Rand Paul: ‘Gender Affirming Surgery’ “Is A Mutilation”

Senator Rand Paul has slammed the Democrat governor of Kentucky after it was revealed that the state has been allowing trans surgeries on children to take place. During a Fox News interview, Paul described ‘gender affirming care’ as a “terrible, terrible approach,” to dealing with “psychiatric illnesses.” “We have got a controversy going on in […]

Marketing genital-mutilating SEX-CHANGE SURGERY directly to minors is even more EVIL and TWISTED than advertising cigarettes, alcohol or prostitution

(NaturalNews) What if there was an advertisement on television advertising for penis enlargement surgery and it was aired during Saturday morning cartoons on a… Source

Recreating Henry V’s Gruesome Arrow Removal Surgery (Video)

Revisiting history, we’re drawn to a pivotal moment in Henry V’s life. Amidst the chaos of the 1403 Battle of Shrewsbury, a fateful arrow struck the young royal. The arrowhead found its mark perilously close to his eye, shattering his cheekbone. In this critical juncture, a skilled healer named John Bradmore emerged. Recognizing the gravity […]

Identity Crisis: ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery, Social Contagion, Detransitioners, and the Autism Overlap

Part 2: Complications of “Gender-Affirming” Surgery, Social Contagion, Detransitioners, and the Autism Overlap   What does the scientific data show regarding so-called gender-affirming surgery? Is there an argument for the rise in Trans individuals being part of a social contagion? And what about detransitioners and the Autism connection? One of the other most controversial aspects […]

‘Hands Off Our Children’: Putin Bans Gender Reassignment Surgery In Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has banned Russian surgeons from performing sex change surgery on Russian children, declaring the transgender “fad” to be a Western-backed ideology designed to corrupt the young and destroy society. The Russian […] The post ‘Hands Off Our Children’: Putin Bans Gender Reassignment Surgery In Russia appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Russia to BAN Transgender ‘Sex Change Surgery’

You will not find any drag queen story hour events at Russian libraries or “gender-affirming care” curriculum being pushed on children in Russian public schools because, unlike the United States and the West, Russia is vehemently opposed to allowing LGBT perversion to spread within its borders. Yet another new piece of legislation has been introduced […]

From OOM Member Bridgette – CONSCIOUSNESS OF ECONOMICS – My Best Friend Gin Needs a Surgery, please Donate

Posted on March 28, 2023 by Admin My Best Friend Gin Needs a Surgery, please Donate Hey everyone here is a pick of me topical treating gin fat tumor on her leg. I tried everything from all fields of healing, this last year to tumor exploded and I have to have it removed. I will […]

‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery Leaves People Lonelier and Depressed: Study

Transgender surgeries do not improve mental health and make people feel lonelier than those who avoided surgical intervention altogether. Source

California Begins Arresting Parents Who Oppose Child Sex Surgery

California has announced plans to begin arresting and imprisoning parents who dare to question child sex surgery. SB 596, written by Sen. Anthony Portantino, will “address the issue of teachers facing harassment and aims to provide […] The post California Begins Arresting Parents Who Oppose Child Sex Surgery appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

High Status Brothers Had Access to Cranial Surgery in Bronze Age Israel

In ancient Megiddo, a city on the crossroads of major trade routes, two upper-class brothers underwent “angular notched trephination,” the earliest example of its kind found in the Ancient Near East. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Haddadi undergoes successful foot surgery

TEHRAN – Iran basketball team captain Hamed Haddadi underwent successful foot surgery. Source

Bald Eagle Found Shot in Wisconsin Dies During Surgery

MILWAUKEE—A bald eagle shot in Wisconsin has died during surgery to treat its injuries, the Wisconsin Humane Society said. Authorities were seeking tips on who may have shot the adult male bird that was found injured on Dec. 7 on private property about 15 miles southwest of Milwaukee. The eagle survived its initial surgery on […]

Rand Paul: “Republicans Are Not Perfect. But Are Not Pushing Your Child To Have Surgery To Remove Their Genitalia”

Senator Rand Paul warned Friday that under Democratic government young people in America are falling prey to a rapidly worsening mental health crisis. In an appearance on The Ingraham Angle, Paul raised the issue of doctors carrying out transgender surgeries on children, and the propaganda that has prompted a massive increase in Americans feeling they […]

Sarah Huckabee Sanders says she had successful surgery for thyroid cancer

Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders arrives to speak before former President Donald Trump at an America First Policy Institute agenda summit in Washington, July 26, 2022. | Andrew Harnik/AP Photo Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Friday that she underwent a successful surgery to remove her thyroid gland and surrounding lymph nodes after learning […]

Indonesia’s 31,000-year-old Amputee Shatters the History of Surgery

Archaeologists in Borneo, Indonesia have unearthed the skeleton of a man who was an amputee, and he underwent his complicated medical procedure some 31,000 years ago! Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Australian woman sues over irreversible ‘transgender’ surgery

Photo Credit: Sasint/Pixabay (The Christian Institute) — An Australian woman has launched legal action after she underwent drastic surgery to appear like a man. Jay Langadinos from Sydney started taking cross-sex hormones when she was 19-years-old. At 22, she had surgery to remove her womb, only seven months after undergoing a double mastectomy. Langadinos, who […]

Democrats To Make California A ‘Sanctuary’ For Kids Sex Change Surgery

@media (max-width: 1200px) { }.novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) .novashare-buttons-wrapper { justify-content: center; }body .novashare-inline:not(.novashare-columns) a.novashare-button, body .novashare-inline .novashare-total-share-count { margin: 0px 5px 10px 5px; }body .novashare-buttons.novashare-inline .novashare-button-icon { width: 100%; } California is preparing to present itself as a ‘safe haven’ for transgender youths facing discrimination in other states Democrats in the State Assembly and State Senate have […]

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