Posts Tagged ‘consciousness’


This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Agenda” from the top. SPM To understand how the “Soul” works in a Quantum Field and how it can be harvested […]

The Vitaliano’s want to delete your memories to absorb you into the Collective Consciousness ripe for Harvesting.

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Agenda” from the top. SPM The closer you are to the Collective Consciousness the more memory you lose. The Vitaliano’s are […]

pineal gland: doorway to the infinite consciousness

Your pineal gland’s main job is to help control the circadian cycle of sleep and wakefulness by secreting melatonin. The pineal gland is shaped like a tiny pinecone, which is how it got its name (“pine”-al gland). The Pineal Gland has long been shrouded in mystery and mythology. In ancient Egypt, the pineal gland was […]

Uploading Consciousness Requires An Act of Karmic Will. (“Permission”).

This article looks like it should have been published on the day it was created, July 1, 2023, although I did not understand this article until today. Twitter was still Twitter. We now know it as X. Elon Musk claims that due to the “extreme levels of data scraping,” unverified users of the platform will […]

Clathrin Required to Harvest Consciousness

Understanding the function of the Clathrin  Nanotechnology and how it relates to consciousness is described in  the work of DR. Matti Pitkanen. In his TGD (Topological Geometrodynamics) Theory of Consciousness he describes the process by which  Clathrin makes a surface imprint of the cells within the body required to produce a “Quantum Jump” separating your Devine […]

PHONONS Key To Harvesting Consciousness

With EMF’s and Infrared we were concerned about mind harvesting, but with Phonons we are now worried about consciousness harvesting. Phonons are faster than the speed of light. There is no escaping Phonons! Oh, and Graphene Oxide has the capacity to interface with Phonons! Of course, the Vitalianos are at the center of this, too! […]

From OOM Member Bridgette – CONSCIOUSNESS OF ECONOMICS – My Best Friend Gin Needs a Surgery, please Donate

Posted on March 28, 2023 by Admin My Best Friend Gin Needs a Surgery, please Donate Hey everyone here is a pick of me topical treating gin fat tumor on her leg. I tried everything from all fields of healing, this last year to tumor exploded and I have to have it removed. I will […]

Scientists compete to win $100,000 consciousness research prize

Scientists compete to win $100,000 consciousness research prize By T.K. Randall May 11, 2023 What is consciousness ? Image Credit: Pixabay / darksouls1 More than 100 projects have been put forward in a bid to unlock the secrets of consciousness. The $100,000 Linda G. O’Bryant Noetic Sciences Research Prize, which is being offered by the […]

How transcendental consciousness can take away the fear of death

How transcendental consciousness can take away the fear of death Death. The very word casts a pall of doom. Why is it so upsetting to us? Perhaps because it conflicts with two different ways in which we know the world. We know intuitively we are immortal beings, an essence deep within us is eternal. Our […]

Interview 1759 – James Corbett on Deep State Consciousness

via The Deep State Consciousness Podcast: James Corbett joins me to talk about his five hour documentary series, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. In addition to asking James about the narrative of that history, I also inquire as to what he considers the big outstanding questions of the September 11th attacks to […]

An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2)

COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2) – By William C. Treurniet SM  Source – ‘…In the Zeta cosmology, the matter is represented in consciousness by a quantized spectrum of potentials in the grid. The potentials in quanta are selected by a being’s perceptual process and transformed to higher-vibration potentials experienced in […]

An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2)

COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 2) – By William C. Treurniet SM  Source – ‘…In the Zeta cosmology, the matter is represented in consciousness by a quantized spectrum of potentials in the grid. The potentials in quanta are selected by a being’s perceptual process and transformed to higher-vibration potentials experienced in […]

An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 1)

COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 1) – By William C. Treurniet SM  Source – “…Some people in the etheric realm are able to achieve an altered state that enables them to experience the astral realm, another Physical type of vibration…The local consciousness separates from the etheric body and finds itself in a […]

An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 1)

COSMIC COWBOY: An Extraterrestrial Cosmology Of Consciousness (Part 1) – By William C. Treurniet SM  Source – “…Some people in the etheric realm are able to achieve an altered state that enables them to experience the astral realm, another Physical type of vibration…The local consciousness separates from the etheric body and finds itself in a […]

The Political Spectrum Is A Function Of Consciousness



‘In 1929, the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget found that children between two and four years old are inclined to attribute consciousness to everything around them. ‘A child can happily talk to a grasshopper and blame the pavement if they trip up, and it isn’t such an alien thought, at that age, to think a flower […]

NEW Max Igan Interview 11/21 | Rising Consciousness, 2 Paths For Humanity & What To Prepare For

» Judge in Project Veritas v New York Times Case Orders NYT to Defend and Explain Access to O’Keefe Legal Communication Today at 2:22 am by PurpleSkyz » Stanford Epidemiologist Says COVID Vaccination is Primarily a Matter of Personal Health, Not Public Health Today at 2:18 am by PurpleSkyz » Tracking the Mutations of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Today at 2:16 […]

Can quantum physics explain consciousness ?

Can quantum physics explain consciousness ? Posted on Sunday, 25 July, 2021 What is consciousness and how does it come about ? Image Credit: Pixabay / geralt Some scientists have speculated that consciousness could be the product of quantum processes.Professor Cristiane de Morais Smith – a theoretical physicist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands – […]

Does Consciousness Create Our Material Reality?

Take a moment and breathe. Place your hand over your chest area, near your heart. Breathe slowly into the area for about a minute, focusing on a sense of ease entering your mind and body. Click here to learn why we suggest this. Mercury begins another retrograde process on May 29th/30th which will last until […]


Joel McCrea. ‘This Is a Miracle’: Saskatchewan Boy’s Brain Disorder Vanishes – May 2021 Joel’s family believes prayer healed the 12-year-old’s potentially life-threatening brain blood vessel disorder.  Joel has had a ‘surprising and unprecedented’ reversal of a potentially life-threatening brain disorder, baffling doctors. Joel had suffered from an arteriovenous malformation (AVM), a tangle of blood vessels […]

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