Posts Tagged ‘harvest’

Nanobots And Harvest Energy

Nanobots That Release Toxins And Harvest Energy From the Body 18 april 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The […]

Physicists Propose Way to Harvest Incredible Energy From Black Holes In Wild Paper

Image: MARK GARLICK/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY via getty Images ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs. Researchers from Tianjin University in China have proposed a way to turn tiny black holes into batteries and nuclear reactors. They published their calculations in the peer-reviewed journal Physics Review D.  In their out-there study, […]

ChapGPT4 Responds to “Clathrin Required to Harvest Conciousness”

Today one of our readers inserted our recent “Clathrin Required to Harvest Consciousness“ article into ChatGPT4 and the response was mind-blowing! CIN will be doing an analysis to this AI-driven response to this article at a later date. But what is important to note here is that achieving a higher state of enlightenment or “Devine Consciousness” may […]

Clathrin Required to Harvest Consciousness

Understanding the function of the Clathrin  Nanotechnology and how it relates to consciousness is described in  the work of DR. Matti Pitkanen. In his TGD (Topological Geometrodynamics) Theory of Consciousness he describes the process by which  Clathrin makes a surface imprint of the cells within the body required to produce a “Quantum Jump” separating your Devine […]

It’s a date: Gaza’s harvest season gets into swing

Palestinians farmers in Gaza have begun climbing their date palms to reap the fruits of their labour Source

Kansas Wheat Harvest Will Be The Smallest Since 1957 And U.S. Corn Is Being Absolutely Devastated By Drought

Significantly higher food prices are coming, because U.S. food production is going to be way below normal levels this year.  Source

EQORIA! Satan’s MATRIX Will Harvest You!

Scientists or Satanists? In their pursuit for eternal life and power the elites have now crossed the threshold of no return. Their AI has been created…. and their Satanic God will rise! Starlink’s Dark Overlord himself…. Elon Musk! Elon Musk (Satan’s Spawn) along with Bill Gates, Microsoft and OpenAI have already implemented their MATRIX called […]

Australia’s Record Grain Harvest Leads to Strong Demand for Export Services: Report

Bulk grain exports in Australia during the past two years have reached a new record, with the industry exporting a reported total of 40.6 tonnes from 2021 to 2022—61 percent higher than the industry’s yearly average. This comes despite recent flooding events, labour shortages, and harvest delays. According to a report (pdf) by the Australian […]

Food crisis continues: Upcoming US harvest expected to be the most disappointing in years

(Natural News) The United States’ upcoming harvest is expected to be the country’s most disappointing in years, raising fears that America’s food supply will remain tight and food prices will keep increasing. Senior executives at some of America’s largest agribusiness and food processing companies like Bayer, Corteva, Archer Daniels Midland and Bunge warned that worldwide […]

Cronus: The Titan Harvest God and Erroneously The Titan Time God

Cronus, the Titan of Time is often depicted today as Father Time. However, the original Greek myth has few, if any, actual links between Cronus and time. Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Europe Read Later 

Global Food Crisis: Ukrainian Farmers Fearing ‘Hell’ Harvest Amid Ongoing Invasion

Ukrainian farmers are reportedly preparing for a “hell” harvest season, with physical and financial dangers looking to prevent them from reaping, transporting and selling their crops.

How to Grow Ginger in Containers And Get a Huge Harvest

(VIDEO BELOW IN THE ARTICLE) epicgardening.comGinger is a powerful, anti-inflammatory herb that has been used in the culinary world since centuries. The ginger plant forms from a rhizome that grows into a dainty, little flowering perennial. If you want to add flavor and beauty to your food garden, growing ginger is an absolute must.  Ginger […]

Saffron harvest in Khuzestan

A young girl is picking saffron flowers in a rural district in southwestern Khuzestan province, December 7. Iranian saffron is known as the “red gold”. Every year, the saffron harvest season begins in early November. Major saffron producers of Iran are located on the east side of the country. The country exported $60 million of saffron […]

The sounds of Palestine’s olive harvest

Mondoweiss is a nonprofit news website dedicated to covering the full picture of the struggle for justice in Palestine. Funded almost entirely by our readers, our truth-telling journalism is an essential counterweight to the propaganda that passes for news in mainstream and legacy media. Our news and analysis is available to everyone – which is […]

The olive harvest showed me what it means to have a family

Our current house is located between two olive groves belonging to our neighbors, and my room overlooks an olive tree behind the house. It is the only olive tree in our garden. Unfortunately, this year the tree did not produce much fruit or oil.  My mother was the most affected by this unfortunate event. She […]

Harvest of Souls Satanic Ritual

The Travis Scott Satanic ritual Exposed [embedded content] Well done, Dana Ashlie! 2Th 2:8  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:2Th 2:9  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power […]

Olive Harvest Season: Another Palestinian Struggle against “Israel’s” Eco-Terrorism

Nov 13 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen By Rasha Reslan Traditionally a festive season, this year’s olive harvest is once again overshadowed by Israeli vandalism and assaults, resulting in low yields due to the devastating impacts of the Israeli eco-terrorism. The olive harvest season is yet another Palestinian struggle in the face of the colonial Israeli […]

‘It’s my land’: Beita farmers struggle to harvest olives near settler outpost

On the outskirts of the town of Beita, south of Nablus city in the northern occupied West Bank, a young man in a grey hoodie crouches behind some trees, moving discreetly through the olive groves that cover the hilly terrain. To a passerby, Ammar Hamayel, 30, might look suspicious, like he’s doing something he’s not […]

Vegetables To Grow For Year-Round Harvest

The BC Area It is possible to grow vegetables year-round, depending on what you want to grow and where you are located. This is one of the common questions that gets asked today for gardening and growing food at home is if you can grow vegetables year round? The answer is yes because vegetables can […]

Photo Essay: The olive harvest in Gaza

The olive tree.  Olive harvest season always takes me back to the photos of an old woman in the West Bank attaching herself to an olive tree while an Israeli bulldozer idly waits by, intending to destroy a harmless thing. So she cries and grips the tree till the last moment like it is the […]

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