Posts Tagged ‘absolutely’

HUGE DEM SELECTION GLITCH! Influential House Democrat Breaks Rank, Says He Is ‘Absolutely Not’ Committed to Kamala Harris

Influential House Democrat Breaks Rank, Says He Is ‘Absolutely Not’ Committed to Kamala Harris Source

George Conway: Hope Hicks ‘absolutely’ corroborates Cohen story on Trump

Conservative lawyer George Conway said former Trump aide Hope Hicks’ testimony at former President Trump’s hush money trial “absolutely” corroborates his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen’s story about Trump in the case. “She put in Donald Trump’s mouth, the fact that he understood that those payments were made on his behalf before the election by Michael Cohen,”… […]

“Absolutely Crazy”: Vacant LA Office Tower To Be Torn Down For Just 30 New EV Charging Stations

Kyle Bass, the founder of Dallas-based Hayman Capital Management, explained last year that the office tower segment of the commercial real estate sector is in such dire straights that towers need to be demolished as demand isn’t returning. He also mentioned converting these towers into residential apartments may not be feasible in some cases.  “It’s […]

Carroll says she would ‘absolutely’ sue Trump again if another case arises 

Longtime advice columnist E. Jean Carroll on Monday said she is “more than willing” to sue former President Trump again if another case arose in the future. A jury last week ordered Trump to pay a whopping $83.3 million for defaming Carroll in 2019 when he denied the writer’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her… […]


Watch: RFK Jr. called for a national “smart grid”, built by the Federal Gov, with the ability to turn off household appliances   Source

Deagel’s 2025 forecast showed America and Israel being absolutely annihilated in WW3 with Israel’s population cut by over 60% and America transformed into a 3rd world nation

(NaturalNews) Over the past 9+ years and dating all the way back to October 22nd of 2014, ANP has been reporting upon the absolutely bizarre ’forecast’ for… Source

Janet Yellen: America Can ‘Absolutely’ Afford Another War

America can “absolutely” afford to fund Israel’s war with Gaza in addition to Ukraine’s war with Russia, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told Sky News in an interview released on Monday. “America can certainly afford to stand with Israel and to support Israel’s military needs and we also can and must support Ukraine in its struggle […]

America Can ‘Absolutely’ Afford Another War Says US Treasury Secretary

America can “absolutely” afford to financially support Israel’s war with Gaza as well Ukraine’s conflict with Russia, according to US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. In an interview with Sky News  Yellen said “America can certainly […] The post America Can ‘Absolutely’ Afford Another War Says US Treasury Secretary appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Fauci declares lockdowns were ‘absolutely justified’ and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations

Recently retired government bureaucrat Anthony Fauci just appeared at a university virtual event titled, “Pandemic Lessons and Role of Faculty in Pandemic Preparedness with Dr. Anthony Fauci.” During the conversation, Fauci, who is now affiliated with Georgetown University, made it clear that he still supports locking down society in the name of a virus, adding […]

Former Secret Service Agent Says Colleagues Are “Absolutely Furious” Over Cocaine Farce

Secret Service Agent turned news anchor Dan Bongino says that many of his former colleagues are fuming over the shut down of the ‘investigation’ into the cocaine found in the White House, and that “they know exactly who it was,” that stashed the drugs. As we highlighted yesterday, the Secret Service have concluded the probe […]

Speaker McCarthy Slams Democrats’ ‘Absolutely Unacceptable’ Antisemitic Remarks: ‘It Has Got to Stop’

Antisemitic remarks among Democratic officials are “absolutely unacceptable” and have “got to stop,” according to Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy who slammed a leading Democrat’s recent claim that Israel is a “racist” country. Source

‘Absolutely Authoritarian’: Brazil Moves to Force Conservative Network to Air Government Propaganda

The Brazilian Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF) has moved to strip conservative network Jovem Pan of its three radio broadcasting licenses. Source

Kansas Wheat Harvest Will Be The Smallest Since 1957 And U.S. Corn Is Being Absolutely Devastated By Drought

Significantly higher food prices are coming, because U.S. food production is going to be way below normal levels this year.  Source

How an ‘Absolutely Catastrophic’ Autism Link Was Covered Up by Health Authorities

23 may 2023 Simpsonwood Scandal: How an ‘Absolutely Catastrophic’ Autism Link Was Covered Up by Health Authorities “Simpsonwood was effectively a highly-secret meeting between representatives of federal agencies and vaccine experts to cover up the fact that they had discovered a highly-significant link between exposure to thimerosal in the hepatitis b vaccine and autism,” shared […]

Video: Fauci Promises That “There Will Absolutely Be An Outbreak Of Another Pandemic”

Anthony Fauci has promised that there is going to be another pandemic soon. During an appearance at a townhall discussion at James Madison University with Jim Acosta earlier this week, Fauci stated that “there will absolutely be an outbreak of another pandemic.”  Wouldn’t be a surprise if they pulled that shit again. Except this time […]

Did You Know That U.S. Crops Are Being Absolutely Devastated By Nightmarish Disasters From Coast To Coast?

I honestly did not know that things were this bad.  Severe drought is crippling winter wheat production in the middle of the country, agricultural production in many areas of California is being hit extremely hard by unprecedented flooding, and orange production in Florida is down more than 60 percent from last season due to a […]

The Responses to This Young Woman’s Video by “White Racialists” Are Absolutely Unhinged

A young White mother was in a parking lot with her child when she was approached by a man who set off major red flags for her, so she demanded he keep away. Source

Absolutely Brilliant!!

THE GOYIM KNOW!!!!! Your future, as planned by the ZOG elite!   How Kikestan stole the atom bomb. for the most indepth CI study ever published: The Great Impersonation The post Absolutely Brilliant!! appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Shen Yun ‘Was Just Absolutely Out of This World!’ Says Dance Studio Owner

HAMILTON, Canada—Although classic Chinese dance has thousands of years of history, it is quite novel in the West. Sue Dolynski, the owner of a dance studio, praised Shen Yun Performing Arts and its superb dancers. “It was beyond my expectations; it was just absolutely out of this world. I cried so many times, too,” Ms. […]

‘The Art of Spirituality Is Absolutely Beautiful’ in Shen Yun, Says Theatregoer

OTTAWA, Canada—Band singers Pushpa Rani Piner and Brahmata Michael watched Shen Yun Performing Arts at the National Arts Centre on March 18. “It’s beautiful, so beautiful,” Ms. Michael said. “[The] costumes are amazing. I was crying in the beginning, it was just so moving. It’s absolutely gorgeous—it really touched my heart.” Based in New York, […]

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