Posts Tagged ‘justified’

The Biosecurity Agenda ‘Justified’ Their Evil

Dr. Meryl Nass created a slide where she lists seven explanations for why the lab origin had to be covered up. This slide was included in a recent two-part article by A Midwestern Doctor, who is lending support to Dr. Nass’s heroic efforts to scuttle the nefarious “WHO treaty.” The text of Dr. Nass’s slide […]

Resistance justified: Unmasking deceptive neutrality

January 28, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English Genocide in occupied Palestine isn’t a mere mistake to correct; it’s an enduring Israeli policy, bolstered by its allies. The time has come to stand for justice. By Myriam Charabaty We have all heard the question “What do you think would be a proportionate response to what happened […]

Video: “Justified Vengeance” and The History of Israeli “False Flags”(2001-2023): Palestine Portrayed as “The Aggressor” The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda

Author’s Introduction There is a complex history behind Israel’s October 2023 Plan to “Wipe Gaza off the Map”. It’s Genocide, An Absolute Slaughter: “We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon,” Israel’s chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack.” It’s […]

The jews and the Justified Murder of Gentiles – Part 2

The “King’s Torah” for sale in the Pomeranz Bookseller – Jerusalem In the first part of this series Source

Fauci declares lockdowns were ‘absolutely justified’ and suggests they should be used again to force vaccinations

Recently retired government bureaucrat Anthony Fauci just appeared at a university virtual event titled, “Pandemic Lessons and Role of Faculty in Pandemic Preparedness with Dr. Anthony Fauci.” During the conversation, Fauci, who is now affiliated with Georgetown University, made it clear that he still supports locking down society in the name of a virus, adding […]

QAnon ‘Prophet’ Johnny Enlow Says Trump ‘Would Be Justified in Calling for a Revolution’

Promoting the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump has become a basic requirement for just about any right-wing commentator, activist, or candidate who hopes to gain prominence within the modern-day Republican Party. But there is a group for whom pushing the Big Lie is not just politically expedient […]

Houston Taco Joint Shooting Was Justified Self-Defense And D.A. Should NOT Have Sent Case to Grand Jury, Legal Expert Says

Fox News Digital on Thursday spoke with a Houston criminal defense attorney who said that the hero customer who shot and killed an armed robber at a local taco joint last week was completely justified and District Attorney Kim Ogg should not have sent the case to a grand jury. From Fox News, “Armed Houston taqueria customer justified […]

Carville: GOP ‘Justified’ Thinking Dems Will ‘Sit Around and Talk About Veganism and Pronouns’ if Roe Overturned

Democratic strategist James Carville said Thursday on CNN’s “OutFront” that if the Supreme Court overturned 1973’s Roe v. Wade decision, Republicans were “justified” in not fearing Democrats who “sit around and talk about veganism and pronouns.”

COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified (The Lancet)

November 20, 2021 The people of this beautiful World will not tolerate attempts by the authorities to divide and rule us. We know we are healthier together! Even The Lancet appears to be finally making some sense of what’s going on… AN URGENT WARNING FROM THE LANCET MEDICAL JOURNAL… The Lancet Publishes Urgent Warning: “Stigmatizing […]

Covid passport NOT always “medically justified”, but helps pressure people into vaccination – Israel Health Minister in leaked footage.

While discussing Israel’s Green Pass that’s currently required to enter public places, politicians were heard admitting it isn’t needed on purely medical grounds – but is a vital tool to force the population to get jabbed. “The thing is, I’m telling you this, our problem is people who don’t get vaccinated. We need that they… […]

SAGE Advisor Says Lockdowns Can No Longer Be Justified

CNN’s resident fear monger medical “expert” Dr. Leana Wen declared Tuesday that children returning to school need to be forced to wear industrial grade face masks and should be subjected to weekly COVID tests until they are fully vaccinated. “This is now one of the most dangerous times in the pandemic when it comes to […]

Israel To “Expand” Gaza Attacks, AI Says “Vaping Illness” Was COVID-19 & Justified Vaccine Hesitancy

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/12/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Killing Iran’s nuclear weapons chief was justified. But it wasn’t wise

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New Biden official justified suicide bombings

Browse > Home / News / New Biden official justified suicide bombings November 27, 2020 by Baruch Yedid – TPS Read on for article President-elect Joe Biden announced earlier this week the appointment of Reema Dodin as deputy director of the Office of Legislative Affairs in the White House. Reema Dodin Dodin will be the […]

Potential Joe Biden White House Staffer Justified Palestinian Suicide Bombers

Joe Biden on Monday tapped longtime Capitol Hill aide Reema Dodin as deputy director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. Dodin once justified Palestinian suicide bombers during the bloody Second Intifada. Dodin, the daughter of Palestinian immigrants, said in 2002 that “suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people,” according to the […]

If mask mandates are justified by people “testing positive” for coronavirus, they will NEVER end… because the tests will never stop reporting fake “cases”

(Natural News) We now have proof that the medical fascists intend to never end the mask mandates, lockdowns and forced quarantine camps that they claim are necessary due to covid-19. All those Orwellian measures are being justified by coronavirus “cases” stemming solely from people “testing positive” for the coronavirus. But these tests are largely flawed […]

Blackbird9 – (220) Victimhood Justified Anarcho Tyranny Blood Libel

Blackbird9 – (220) Victimhood Justified Anarcho Tyranny Blood LibelBLACKBIRD9 EFR simulcasts Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Live on Weds 8pm-10pm US est. Welcome to Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club’s Wednesday Podcast,  Victimhood Justified Anarcho Tyranny.  Tonight we examined the Game Theory and Philosophy of Modern Color Revolutions. In the First Hour  we cover the chaotic events brought on by […]

Video: Young Americans Say Rioting And Looting Is ‘Justified’

Canvassing the campus of George Washington University, Campus Reform found that the vast majority of college students believe that the nation-wide rioting and looting being carried out by black lives matter agitators is ‘justified’. [embedded content] “In my opinion, it definitely can be justified given that’s the only way we can get our message out […]

“Gene-Edited” Future Justified By COVID-19 & France Admits Athletes Infected At Wuhan Military Games

Robbie Martin speaks to investigative journalist and writer Whitney Webb about her incredible in-depth new series about a group of sketchy individuals who weave a thread of anthrax, bio-terror fear mongering and ‘pandemic preparedness’ through the Bush Sr, Clinton, George W Bush administration and now the Trump administration. Source

Use of live fire against Palestinian protesters justified by Israel’s Supreme Court

Israel announces plans for 2,500 homes in occupied W. Bank days after Gaza bloodshed The court’s panel of three justices unanimously rejected a petition by Israeli and Palestinian rights groups to prohibit the Israeli Army from using snipers and live ammunition to quell protests in Gaza. In a 41-page ruling published by the justice ministry […]

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