Posts Tagged ‘coronavirus’

Scientists Create New Coronavirus Vaccine For Viruses That Don’t Exist Yet

Scientists have created a new jab to help protect against multiple coronaviruses, even ones that haven’t been discovered yet! Experts from the universities of Oxford, Cambride, and Caltech in Califonia, aim to ‘proactively’ build a […] The post Scientists Create New Coronavirus Vaccine For Viruses That Don’t Exist Yet appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

New evidence proves Tony Fauci LIED under oath, claiming he barely knew top coronavirus scientist Ralph Baric

(NaturalNews) A newly unearthed video – watch below – proves that the infamous Tony Fauci lied under oath when he denied previously knowing Ralph Baric and… Source

From ‘conspiracy theory’ to ‘cover-up’? Agencies hid 2018 pitch to fund chimeric coronavirus

The onetime lab-leak “conspiracy” has come full circle with the revelation that 15 federal agencies, from the National Institutes of Health to three Cabinet-level departments and multiple components, could have warned the public as early as 2018 of the research planned by China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology and EcoHealth Alliance, its nonprofit conduit for federal funding. The […]

Why won’t our intelligence agencies investigate the origins of the coronavirus?

23.10.23 Who is ASIO covering up for?It’s quite obvious that ASIO like the AFP are covering up the origins of Coronavirus because if it was to be investigated it would lead back to the US intelligence agencies and Anthony Fauci.Given the hysterical response of the governments in dealing with Covid, it’s laughable how they are […]

Anthony Fauci-run Lab in Montana Experimented with Coronavirus Strain from Wuhan a Year Before Covid Pandemic Began

US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic more than a year before the global outbreak, an investigation has found. Source

Wuhan Institute of Virology Warns Another Coronavirus Outbreak ‘Highly Likely’

A study published by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in July, and reportedly circulating widely on Chinese social media this week, concluded that as many as 20 species of coronavirus are “highly likely” to cause an outbreak among humans. Source

Canada Sentences Pastor to Prison for Protesting Coronavirus Lockdowns

A court in Alberta, Canada, sentenced Pastor Artur Pawlowski on Monday to 60 days in prison for a speech to Freedom Convoy truckers in February 2022 in which he supported their protests against repressive lockdown, vaccine, and other mandates related to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. Source

Judge Rules NYC Must Reinstate 10 Teachers After Refusing Coronavirus Vaccine

Ten employees terminated by officials with the New York City Department of Education for refusing to take the Chinese coronavirus vaccine must be reinstated, a New York judge said Wednesday, adding they must also be given their backpay. Source

FLASHBACK: “The presence of elements of HIV and germ of malaria in the genome of coronavirus is highly suspect and the characteristics of the virus could not have arisen naturally.” — French virologist & Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier

COVID-19 pandemic In 2020, Montagnier argued that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was man-made in a laboratory and that it might have been the result of an attempt to create a vaccine for HIV/AIDS. His allegation came after the United States had launched a probe into whether the virus came from a laboratory. According to Montagnier, the […]

Coronavirus Update

  (90) Covid Is Genocide – A Biological Warfare Crime – Dr. David Martin Speaks To The European Parliament – YouTube   Pfizer fined $11B since 2000:   pfizer | Violation Tracker (   Stay tuned to EFR for the latest health updates.   The post Coronavirus Update appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

China Warns Elon Musk Not to Address Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory

Communist China warned Elon Musk against addressing the coronavirus lab leak theory in case it impinges on his future business prospects in the country. Source

WSJ: U.S. Energy Department Report Says Lab Leak Most Likely Source of Global Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic most likely began with a laboratory leak,  a U.S. Energy Department classified intelligence report now before the White House and key Congress members sets out. The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday the Energy Department’s revised assessment of the pandemic’s origins is based on fresh intelligence noted in an update to a 2021 […]

Millions didn’t test positive for COVID-19 they tested positive for a coronavirus Germany synthesized to obtain $billions

Millions didn’t test positive for COVID-19. Millions tested positive for a coronavirus that was synthesized by the German government. The COVD-19 tests that the WHO and World governments used and relied on to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infections and to declare a health emergency didn’t have any SARS-CoV-2 isolates or genetic material. The tests were manufactured using synthetic […]

Chinese Travelers Land in Italy, Half Test Positive for Coronavirus

Italy’s decision to take extra precautions with Chinese travelers paid off on Wednesday as two flights from China landed in Milan and half of the passengers tested positive for Covid-19. Source

China’s COVID-19 Surge Raises Odds Of New Mutant Coronavirus Variant

The country has seen an explosion of COVID-19 cases since largely abandoning its “zero COVID” policy. Source

D.C. Public Schools to Force Coronavirus Tests After Thanksgiving

Washington, DC, public schools will require that all students and staff test negative for the coronavirus before they are allowed to come back from Thanksgiving break. Source

FM Nikos Dendias tests positive for coronavirus

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias tested positive for the coronavirus on Saturday. As he announced in a post on Twitter, although the diagnostic test showed that he is positive for the virus, he remains asymptomatic. In fact, the Foreign Minister assured that he will continue to carry out his duties from home by teleworking, while for […]

CBD vs. coronavirus? Potential natural remedies that promote immunity

CBD vs. coronavirus? Potential natural remedies that promote immunity COVID-19 continues to spread across the globe, and scientists have yet to develop a cure. One of the best ways to protect yourself against it and many other diseases is to maintain a healthy immune system.Now experts are looking into cannabidiol (CBD) as a potential remedy that can […]

CBD vs. coronavirus? Potential natural remedies that promote immunity

CBD vs. coronavirus? Potential natural remedies that promote immunity COVID-19 continues to spread across the globe, and scientists have yet to develop a cure. One of the best ways to protect yourself against it and many other diseases is to maintain a healthy immune system.Now experts are looking into cannabidiol (CBD) as a potential remedy that can […]

CBD vs. coronavirus? Potential natural remedies that promote immunity

CBD vs. coronavirus? Potential natural remedies that promote immunity COVID-19 continues to spread across the globe, and scientists have yet to develop a cure. One of the best ways to protect yourself against it and many other diseases is to maintain a healthy immune system.Now experts are looking into cannabidiol (CBD) as a potential remedy that can […]

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