Posts Tagged ‘wuhan’

Wuhan’s Unsolved Question

There’s now a lot of evidence suggesting that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, was an engineered pathogen that leaked from a lab in Wuhan. But there’s still an unsolved question of where it was engineered and which Wuhan lab it escaped from. The mainstream lab-leak theory tends to assume it was engineered in and leaked from […]

The Smoking Gun in Wuhan

Theories of a lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 have largely focused on the presence in the genome of the famous furin cleavage site. Less attention has been paid to other anomalies and, in particular, the presence of the so-called HIV inserts first flagged by the Indian research team Pradhan et al. in late January 2020 and quickly dismissed as […]

The Amateur Who Unraveled Wuhan

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Matthew Tye, an independent documentarian with a chronicled decade of living in (and motorcycling throughout) China, developed a profound understanding of its culture and language. In March 2020, Tye emerged as a singular figure in the scrutiny of the origins of the Covid-19 virus, using primary sources such as job […]

RFK Jr: The Wuhan Cover-Up & The Rise Of The Biowarfare-Industrial Complex

The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Skyhorse Publishing, December 3, 2023) is a crucial book for understanding how the Covid catastrophe happened.  I would even go so far as to argue that RFK, Jr.’s new book is the most important Covid chronicle to date, although it ends at the beginning of 2020, before most of us […]

The Wuhan Cover-Up by RFK, Jr.: Review and Analysis

The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race (Skyhorse Publishing, December 3, 2023) is a crucial book for understanding how the Covid catastrophe happened.  I would even go so far as to argue that RFK, Jr.’s new book is the most important Covid chronicle to date, although it ends at the beginning of 2020, […]

NIH virus lab in Montana with links to Wuhan Institute of Virology found to be carrying out risky virus research

(NaturalNews) Daily Mail has obtained exclusive footage from inside a controversial Montana lab in which risky research is being conducted on animals with funding… Source

German Scientists Met Openly With Wuhan “Batwoman”

Perfectly timed to coincide with Anthony Fauci’s closed-door testimony before the US Congress, a recent bombshell report suggested, based on FOIA’d emails, that Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology met with Fauci at his National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), outside Washington, in June 2017.  According to the most popular version of […]

The Wuhan Cover-Up: RFK Jr. Has The Receipts

Authored by Meryl Nass via The Brownstone Institute, When Bobby Kennedy talked about writing this book a couple of years ago, I asked him, why? Mindful of how the truth about everything Covid (and much else) was being memory-holed, he said he wanted to create an accurate historical record of what happened, for the future.  […]

The Wuhan Cover-Up: Review of Bobby Kennedy’s Crucial Book

When Bobby Kennedy talked about writing this book a couple of years ago, I asked him, why? Mindful of how the truth about everything Covid (and much else) was being memory-holed, he said he wanted to create an accurate historical record of what happened, for the future.  I thought that was a good answer. We […]

RFK, Jr. exposes dark secrets of U.S. bioweapons program in new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up”

RFK, Jr. exposes dark secrets of U.S. bioweapons program in new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up” The following is a partial auto-generated transcript of the Mike Adams broadcast (Brighteon Broadcast News) for Dec 14, 2023. It offers a full review of the new book from RFK, Jr., “The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race.” […]

Fauci-Backed Wuhan Lab Did Gene-Editing Monkeypox Research in 2021, Bill Gates Held MPox Simulation in 2022

Below: Dr. John Campbell PhD: Fauci’s NIAID Gave $9 Million in 2021 for Work Which Manipulated Monkeypox DNA (view at Rumble) [embedded content] Below: Photo of infection of rabbits with monkey pox virus, from “Human infection with monkeypox virus:laboratory investigation of six cases in West Africa.” Echoing the controversy over dangerous, “gain-of-function” research on bat […]

Anthony Fauci-run Lab in Montana Experimented with Coronavirus Strain from Wuhan a Year Before Covid Pandemic Began

US taxpayer money was used to experiment with coronaviruses from the Chinese lab thought to be the source of the Covid pandemic more than a year before the global outbreak, an investigation has found. Source

Rothschild’s Wuhan China IG Farben Pharmaceutical Circle Jerk

Pharmaceutical development is achieved through a universal pipeline. • The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan, Wuhan National Biosafety Lab, is owned by GlaxoSmithKline. • Glaxo also merged with and owns controlling stakes (68%) in the company Pfizer, which is currently developing a C0VID19 vaccine. • Pfizer manages the finances of a company called Black Rock […]

Wuhan Institute of Virology warns that another COVID-19 outbreak is “HIGHLY LIKELY”

(NaturalNews) As many as 20 species of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are “highly likely” to trigger another outbreak among humans. This was according to a… Source

Here comes COVID 2.0: Wuhan Institute of Virology in China warns that another CORONAVIRUS outbreak is “highly likely”

(NaturalNews) Quietly and unbeknownst to most, scientists at the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in communist China published a study back in July… Source

Wuhan Institute of Virology Warns Another Coronavirus Outbreak ‘Highly Likely’

A study published by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in July, and reportedly circulating widely on Chinese social media this week, concluded that as many as 20 species of coronavirus are “highly likely” to cause an outbreak among humans. Source

Lab Created Nipah Clones Connected To Wuhan/Clade X & NIH’s mRNA Nipah Injection Started In 2022

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/20/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Significant evidence available to prove that COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan China was a WHO pandemic simulation exercise

COVID-19 made it abundantly clear that the UN and it’s WHO are a criminal organization. The insolvent UN used pandemic simulation exercises to obtain $billions it needed to fund it’s global vaccine agenads. There is significant evidence available showing that SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan China was a WHO simulation exercise. Just 2 months before the […]

The Wuhan Cover Up, by RFKJr.

The title of US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, The Wuhan Cover Up, does not really represent the scope and nature of this seminal work.  This book is the most comprehensive historic summary and indictment of the history of the United States’ biowarfare/biodefense program ever written. Summarizing an amazing sweep of untold […]

What really happened in Wuhan: new lab leak evidence over the origin of Covid-19

     As the hour grew late on the night of January 31, 2020, the chief medical adviser to the United States President, Anthony Fauci, was frantically exchanging emails with some of the world’s ­leading virologists. A highly infectious virus was on the brink of contaminating the globe. President Donald Trump had hours earlier announced […]

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