Posts Tagged ‘gates’

Top Doctor Blows Whistle About Bill Gates Plan To Force Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030

A leading doctor has blown the whistle on Bill Gates’ plan to force vaccinate over 500 million children with experimental jabs by the year 2030. Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician and co-author of the upcoming […] The post Top Doctor Blows Whistle About Bill Gates Plan To Force Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030 appeared […]

Interview 1890 – 9/11, Internet, Gates and Grub on The Jimmy Dore Show

via The Jimmy Dore Show: James joins Jimmy to discuss 9/11, internet censorship, Gates, the future of food and more. Source

Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities with Chemtrails

Sean from The People’s Voice is back with this bombshell report from whistleblower pilots involved in geoengineering programs. ### TRANSCRIPT @TPVSean: We have all seen the freakish and unnatural Chemtrail patterns in the skies above major cities and regional centers. While the mainstream media attempts to convince the public that there’s nothing to see here, […]

Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Linked to ‘Premature Death’, Study Finds

Bill Gates’ synthetic meat products can increase the risk of severe heart disease and premature death, according to a new study. Researchers from the University of São Paulo and Imperial College London assessed the diets of more […] The post Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Linked to ‘Premature Death’, Study Finds appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

UK Gov’t to Mandate Bill Gates’ Digital ID for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society

The British government has announced plans to require all residents in the UK to enroll in Bill Gates’ digital ID system if they wish to continue participating in society. The Gates Foundation welcomed the news […] The post UK Gov’t to Mandate Bill Gates’ Digital ID for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society appeared […]

New York Becomes First State to Rollout Bill Gates’ Digital ID System

New York has become the first U.S. state to rollout Bill Gates’ digital ID system, as the slow march towards a Chinese-style social credit score system looks set to become reality for New Yorkers. Gov. […] The post New York Becomes First State to Rollout Bill Gates’ Digital ID System appeared first on The People's […]

Insane Bill Gates and Fauci-Funded Scientist Combines Bird Flu With Deadly Spanish Flu in Gain-of-Function Research

As mainstream media jarringly reverses its 3-year long contention and reportage that the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective,” now acknowledging a study which would almost certainly have previously been censored, a popular v-blogger unearthed, in 2022, a study which shows that a heavily Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci-funded scientist at UW-Madison, Prof. Yoshihiro Kawaoka. […]

Mexican Gov’t Exposes WHO Propaganda: ‘Human Bird Flu Death’ Lies Are Promoting Gates’ H5N1 Vaccine

Mainstream media enthusiastically reported on the World Health Organization’s claim that a man in Mexico was the first human victim of bird flu following his death earlier this week. However, according to Mexican officials, the WHO’s claim is not just wrong – it’s dangerous. The obese man died in hospital of kidney failure – not […]

Melinda Gates Officially Becomes World’s Largest Abortion Clinic Donor

Melinda Gates has officially become the world’s largest abortion clinic donor by donating vast amounts of her personal wealth to abortion causes, according to reports. On May 28, 2024, Melinda gave away tens of millions […] The post Melinda Gates Officially Becomes World’s Largest Abortion Clinic Donor appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Bill Gates Coming at World with Bird Flu “Vaccine,” After Child Slaughter in UK, 4,000% Higher Deaths in Vaccinated Children

Excess deaths since 2022 in the UK were primarily in the vaccinated, official UK data show, according to an analysis by The Daily Sceptic. The findings mirror data published by the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) in July 2022, which show that for the time period published, vaccinated persons had a higher risk of […]

Bill Gates’ Greatest Hits

Bill Gates’ Greatest Hits – Forbidden Knowledge TV Find Out What’s Really Going On! Source

Bill Gates Unveils Plan to ‘Experiment’ on Humanity With $2 mRNA Vaccines ‘For Every Disease’

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates has unveiled his plan to inject the entire world with multiple doses of mRNA, vowing to “experiment” with mRNA “for every disease that we don’t have a vaccine.” “We just have […] The post Bill Gates Unveils Plan to ‘Experiment’ on Humanity With $2 mRNA Vaccines ‘For Every Disease’ appeared first […]

Bill Gates Predicts mRNA ‘Vaccine Factories’ Worldwide and $2 Vaccines for Every Disease

John Campbell, Ph.D., a former nurse and healthcare educator, questioned whether any of Bill Gates’ visions for the future of vaccines — including vaccine patches and inhalable vaccines — are realistic or even desirable. by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. MAY 10, 2024 “Over the next five years, it looks like there’s going to be a lot of […]

Gates Admits That Covid Jabs Contain Nanotech

If you recall, when the Covid jabs were first being rolled out to the public, the vaccine inserts were intentionally left blank. Why was that? Maybe its because the experimental ‘vaccines’ were never safe and […] The post Gates Admits That Covid Jabs Contain Nanotech appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

It Begins: Massive Japan Uprising Against Deadly mRNA, Bill Gates, WHO Pandemic Treaty, April 13, 2024

With organizers estimating a turn-out of 19,000 people who took 3 hours to stream out of a large Tokyo park, demonstrators in Japan on April 13, 2024 delivered a firm and clear message against “compulsory toxic vaccination” with what an Osaka University Medical Professor called “evil” and described as “pathogens…disguised as vaccines.” Excess deaths in […]

Bill Gates wants to use AI for genetically modifying beef cows to “save the planet”

The combination of AI and the world’s food supply is in its infancy stage and will advance rapidly if Bill Gates has anything to say about it. He has been obsessing over “cow-burps” and “cow-farts” for years, unable to do anything about them until AI came on the scene. ⁃ TN Editor Microsoft founder Bill […]

Flood the Gates: Escalate

The anti-imperialist movement in the U.S. has reached a level of militancy not seen in generations. But the Gaza genocide is ongoing and an invasion of Rafah is imminent. We must evaluate and recalculate our strategy to break the war machine. Source

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Would Literally Make Bill Gates the Most Powerful Man on Earth

Above image: Bill Gates with Jeffrey Epstein, Source New York Times Biden and WHO are gunning for a treaty which would make WHO supreme after it declares a pandemic, including power to dictate lockdowns, digital vaccination IDs, travel rights, and mandatory vaccinations. So far five countries are already saying no way.  Daily Signal– Biden’s Global […]

Bill Gates Warns He’s ‘Tracking’ People Who Share ‘Conspiracy Theories’ About Him

Globalist billionaire Bill Gates says he has a team that tracks people who share “conspiracy theories” about him and they are making a list for when they need to “respond.” During an appearance on The […] The post Bill Gates Warns He’s ‘Tracking’ People Who Share ‘Conspiracy Theories’ About Him appeared first on The People's […]

Is Bill Gates’ Apeel Really Safe?

mar 30 2024 A Google search might tell you that Apeel is safe and thoroughly fact-checked, but is Bill Gates’ Apeel coating safe? Find out in this video. 0:00 Introduction: Is Bill Gates’ Apeel safe?0:20 Apeel ingredients0:44 Problems with Apeel2:18 Trans fats and the FDA2:50 What’s the purpose of Apeel coating on produce? In this video, we’re going to talk […]

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