Posts Tagged ‘citizens’

Switzerland To Offer $20 ‘Suicide Pod’ Deaths to Citizens Who Can’t Afford Basic Necessities

Citizens in Switzerland who are too poor to afford basic necessities are being offered the chance to be euthanized at a discounted price, the government announced on Wednesday. The portable suicide pods will be used […] The post Switzerland To Offer $20 ‘Suicide Pod’ Deaths to Citizens Who Can’t Afford Basic Necessities appeared first on […]

Klaus Schwab Orders Govt’s to Brainwash Citizens Into Accepting WEF As Their Overlords

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has ordered world governments to “force” citizens into accepting the WEF as their new overlords. Schwab made the declaration during his opening remarks at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of […] The post Klaus Schwab Orders Govt’s to Brainwash Citizens Into Accepting WEF As Their Overlords appeared first on The […]

Germany Introduces Law Requiring New Citizens To Pledge Allegiance to Israel

Germany has introduced a new law that requires new citizens to swear allegiance and declare their belief in Israel’s right to exist. It’s very strange for a sovereign nation to require citizens to pledge allegiance […] The post Germany Introduces Law Requiring New Citizens To Pledge Allegiance to Israel appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Citizens in Ireland Can Be Jailed for 5 Years if They Share Non-Mainstream Content Online

Citizens in Ireland can be imprisoned for five years if they share or comment on non-mainstream content on social media, according to an authoritarian new “hate speech” law set to be passed in the next […] The post Citizens in Ireland Can Be Jailed for 5 Years if They Share Non-Mainstream Content Online appeared first […]

SPEECH POLICE: Ukrainian NGO exposes list of U.S. citizens who “echo key messages of Russian propaganda”

(NaturalNews) A Ukrainian NGO has compiled a database of influential American citizens, accusing them of holding positions that “mirror” those of Moscow. Among… Source

UK Gov’t to Mandate Bill Gates’ Digital ID for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society

The British government has announced plans to require all residents in the UK to enroll in Bill Gates’ digital ID system if they wish to continue participating in society. The Gates Foundation welcomed the news […] The post UK Gov’t to Mandate Bill Gates’ Digital ID for Citizens Who Wish To Participate in Society appeared […]

Survey: Majority of French citizens believe rise in IMMIGRATION and decline in public safety are connected

(NaturalNews) The vast majority of French citizens – including many who lean left on the political spectrum – believe that there is a link between the rise in… Source

Sonic Mind Control on US Citizens

In 2018, the World Economic Forum discussed the possibilities of Mind Control using sound waves. This is something that several people have claimed to be a target of. They have become known as “targeted individuals.” A subcommittee for Homeland Security was recently held to discuss this technology and the targeting of US government employees and their […]

GOP Bill Seeks to Extend U.S. Govt Servicemembers Benefits to U.S. Citizens Serving in the IDF

Today I have a heavy burden. I have been caring for a sweet Boxer dog dying of cancer for days. Did all I could to save her. We can fight death on this riock, but in the end death wins. So forgive me if I am less than gentle with you stupid as shit American […]

UK “disinformation unit” spied on citizens and flagged online speech for removal during pandemic

(NaturalNews) New documents reveal that authorities in the UK considered placing government employees inside of social media companies to form a type of digital… Source

UK Government Used Army “PsyOps” Division To Monitor Citizens And Then Lied About It

Gen. Nick Carter, former Chief of Defense Staff (2018-2021) (left); Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister; Ben Wallace, former Minister of Defense (right) (Getty Images) In January 2021, the UK government said that members of its infamous “77th Brigade do not, and have never, conducted any kind of action against British citizens.” But it did. And thus it […]

BTW, this never happens in Japan! Thousands of Japanese Citizens Flood Streets to Protest WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Vaccines


Canada Links Citizens’ Bank Accounts to Social Credit Score

In a major push to seize control of the public’s financial freedom, Canada is radicalizing its banking system by linking citizens’ bank accounts to a tyrannical social credit score. The Canadian banking system will soon be transformed by a so-called “open banking” framework. Proponents are framing this as a more “inclusive” way for banks to […]

New EU law on Emissions will Have Big Financial Impact on its Citizens

The European Union’s recent move to outlaw both gas and coal fires in homes within a little over 15 years has sparked controversy and concerns about the financial implications for property owners. This regulation, passed by the European Parliament in collaboration with the European Council, aims to reduce emissions and energy consumption in buildings, with […]

Latvia Begins Deporting ALL Russians from its Country, including citizens

Latvia has initiated the expulsion of Russians who failed to comply with new residency regulations, marking a significant step in enforcing immigration laws. The head of Latvia’s Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (PMLP), Maira Roze, announced that exit orders have been issued to six Russian citizens, two of whom have already left the country. […]

Trudeau Regime Lays Groundwork To Imprison Citizens Who Have Not Committed a Crime

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seeking the power to imprison Canadians who the government suspect “might” commit a “hate crime” in the future. The Daily Telegraph reports that the policy will form part of the Trudeau’s dystopian ‘Online Harms Bill,’ which cracks down on any opposition to the regime’s far-left authoritarian agenda. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up […]

Former Army Colonel Warns: Dems Will Turn Guns On US Citizens If Military Recruits Illegals

During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, military expert and retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor warned Americans against allowing illegal aliens to serve in the armed forces. The Democrat-proposed “Courage to Serve Act“ would offer illegal migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they choose to serve in the U.S. military. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

Former Army Colonel Warns: Dems Will Turn Guns On US Citizens If Military Recruits Illegals

During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, military expert and retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor warned Americans against allowing illegal aliens to serve in the armed forces. The Democrat-proposed “Courage to Serve Act“ would offer illegal migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they choose to serve in the U.S. military. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

Former Army Colonel Warns: Dems Will Turn Guns On US Citizens If Military Recruits Illegals

During a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, military expert and retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor warned Americans against allowing illegal aliens to serve in the armed forces. The Democrat-proposed “Courage to Serve Act“ would offer illegal migrants an expedited path to citizenship if they choose to serve in the U.S. military. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign […]

WEF Orders Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Grow Their Own Food

The World Economic Forum has ordered governments around the world to criminalize the ability of citizens to grow their own vegetables at home. According to the WEF, growing food at home is contributing to so-called […] The post WEF Orders Govt’s To Arrest Citizens Who Grow Their Own Food appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

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