Posts Tagged ‘emissions’

Historic ITLOS ruling: Greenhouse gas emissions classified as marine pollution in landmark decision

This landmark ruling obligates countries to take all necessary measures to prevent global temperature rise above 1.5°C, marking a significant step forward in the fight against climate change and the protection of marine environments. Source

Global aviation emissions in 2019 far exceed official reports, reveals study

This discovery reveals a significant under-reporting issue that could have profound implications for international climate policy. Source

Landmark study reveals gas stove emissions boost childhood asthma rates, adult deaths

The study, published Friday in Science Advances, represents the first time researchers have quantified the link between gas stoves and asthma from NO2 exposures inside homes. Source

Human-caused carbon emissions have no discernible effect on climate, study finds

Despite lots of very loud and very influential people claiming otherwise, the so-called “carbon emissions” caused by humans is “non-discernible,” to quote a prominent researcher, when it comes to having an impact on the climate. Demetris Koutsoyiannis, a professor in Greece, published a paper recently that explains using scientific data how the expansion of a […]

New study assesses hundreds of US landfills to quantifying methane emissions

Image Credit: Mohammed Saber/EPA-EFE According to a new study, more than half the landfills in the United States are “super-emitters” of methane. Methane, a heat-trapping greenhouse gas (GHG), is 28 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. The study, “Quantifying methane emissions from United States landfills,” was led by nonprofit Carbon Mapper and published in the […]

New EU law on Emissions will Have Big Financial Impact on its Citizens

The European Union’s recent move to outlaw both gas and coal fires in homes within a little over 15 years has sparked controversy and concerns about the financial implications for property owners. This regulation, passed by the European Parliament in collaboration with the European Council, aims to reduce emissions and energy consumption in buildings, with […]

Richest 1% fuel climate crisis with excessive emissions, Oxfam report reveals

Excessive emissions from the wealthiest threaten global stability A recent report by Oxfam International uncovers the disproportionate impact of the world’s wealthiest on climate change, putting millions at risk. The report titled “Climate Equality: A Planet for the 99%” highlights how the richest 1% of the global population, equivalent to approximately 78 million people, contributed […]

Methane emissions from food waste alarmingly accelerate climate crisis

As EPA reports highlight the staggering methane emissions from food waste, the U.S. grapples with an overlooked environmental hazard. Source

Reducing carbon emissions can’t come at the expense of our oceans

A showdown over the future of the world’s oceans and its hidden resources has been building over the past few years.  The global community recently finalized a new United Nations (UN) treaty to conserve and sustainably manage marine biodiversity on the high seas and the deep seabed, yet at the same time the world seems… […]

Research expedition discovers extensive emissions of methane from bottom of Baltic Sea

The research project aimed “to expand knowledge about methane and its sources and sinks in the oxygen-free environments in the deeper parts of the Baltic Sea.” Source

Amazon ships goods on Maersk’s first-ever zero-emissions container vessel

The “maiden voyage” was part of a 2023-2024 agreement Amazon finalized with Maersk to transport 20,000 40-foot equivalent containers using methanol through Maersk’s “ECO Delivery” ocean product offering. Source

Exclusive: Banks Vote To Limit Accounting Of Emissions In Bond And Stock Sales

Banks working to develop global standards on accounting for carbon emissions in bond or stock sale underwriting have voted to exclude most of these emissions from their own carbon footprint, three people familiar with the matter said. Source

Food collapse incoming: Globalist war on nitrogen emissions putting entire global food supply at risk

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Governments all over the world are passing policies to deal with nitrogen emissions – and these policies are putting the global food supply at risk.The people pushing this so-called “war on nitrogen” claim that excess nitrogen in the environment is hazardous and pollutes the land, the water and the air. They say […]

10,000 Dutch Farmers Protest Government’s Crippling Nitrogen Emissions Target in The Hague

Famine is a common result of maniac big state policies. Via: ReMix: Thousands of Dutch farmers protested on Saturday against the government’s policies to reduce nitrogen emissions, warning they will put farms out of business and affect food production. Hundreds of tractors from across the Netherlands could be seen driving to the event in The Hague […]

UN’s goal to reduce carbon emissions is a scam to enable the rich to become richer off the backs of the poor

BY RHODA WILSON ON JANUARY 14, 2023 • ( 4 COMMENTS ) One of the goals under the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 plan is Sustainable Development Goal 7 (“SDG7”). We are told that the whole point of “sustainable development” is to mitigate the problems that will supposedly be caused by humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions (“GHG”). This fairy tale has left most people […]

Canadian Bank Launches Credit Card Linked to Carbon Emissions

A bank in Canada has become the first in the country to launch a credit card that tracks a customer’s carbon emissions, amid concerns that such a scheme could one day be used to restrict purchases. In an effort by the credit union to display its commitment to ‘climate action’, Vancity will offer a credit […]

Credit Card That Can Track Carbon Emissions, Launched By Canadian Bank

A Canadian bank has launched a credit card that can track a customer’s carbon emissions. Vancity is offering a credit card that links purchases to carbon emissions and allow customers to compare their monthly carbon […] The post Credit Card That Can Track Carbon Emissions, Launched By Canadian Bank appeared first on News Punch. Source

French company unveils first zero emissions ferry in Marseille

Anchored in port, the ferry runs on electricity. At sea, special filters with sodium bicarbonate reduce its emissions to practically zero. But there is a catch.

Biden’s Ambitious Emissions-Reduction Goals To Be Accelerated By Executive Orders

President Biden’s ambitious emissions-reduction goals that encourage investment in green energy to drive the country away from fossil fuels will be conducted in a series of executive actions, according to Houston Chronicle. This comes weeks after Congress approved $370 billion in clean energy funding that will pave the way for the US to slash emissions by […]

Energy Crisis: EU Passes Carbon Emissions Bill that will Result in ‘Poverty for Generations’

Despite the fact it is currently wrestling with a crippling energy crisis, the EU has passed legislation putting further curbs on carbon emissions.

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