Posts Tagged ‘bottom’

Bottom Line: Planet Fitness lobbies up amid culture war controversy

Health Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck registered to lobby for Planet Fitness on policies and regulations related to health and wellness, data privacy, contracts, fees and subscriptions. One of the lobbyists on the account is Andrew ​Usyk, who previously worked on Capitol Hill as a staffer to Sens. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.). Over… […]

Bottom Watch: US NatGas Prices Snap Longest Losing Streak Since 2020

Bottom Watch: US NatGas Prices Snap Longest Losing Streak Since 2020 US natural gas prices broke their longest monthly losing streak since 2020. This comes after an El Niño winter swept across the Lower 48, causing demand to dwindle and storage levels to surge, sending prices spiraling lower in recent months. However, now there are signs a bottom is […]

Bitcoin Has No Top Because Fiat Has No Bottom: Understanding Monetary Debasement

Bitcoin Has No Top Because Fiat Has No Bottom: Understanding Monetary Debasement Via Bitcoin Magazine, Bitcoin has been touted as the solution to monetary debasement, but what is debasement really, and where does it come from? MONETARY DEBASEMENT Debasement refers to the action or process of reducing the quality or value of something. When talking […]

Bottom Line: Regional ports hire former House infrastructure committee member

Ports The ​Corn Belt Ports hired Mercury Public Affairs to lobby “to secure funding in the budget and eligibility for grant programs.” The federally-recognized constellation of regional ports is eligible for billions of dollars in funding authorized under the Infrastructure and Jobs Act. Former Illinois Rep. Cheri Bustos (D), who served on the House Transportation… […]

NATO running out of weapons for Ukraine: “bottom of the barrel” now visible

(NaturalNews) Now that all of NATO’s weapons and ammunition stockpiles have been shipped off to Ukraine, there is almost nothing left in its stockpiles.NATO’s… Source

Bottom Line: Senior transit staffer paves path for asphalt lobby 

Infrastructure The ​National Asphalt Pavement Association hired Cassidy & Associates to lobby on issues related to the asphalt industry, implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Federal Aviation Adminstration reauthorization. One of the lobbyists on the account is Paul Sass, who spent two decades on the Hill and was most recently the… […]

Research expedition discovers extensive emissions of methane from bottom of Baltic Sea

The research project aimed “to expand knowledge about methane and its sources and sinks in the oxygen-free environments in the deeper parts of the Baltic Sea.” Source

Liberal Zionists hit rock bottom on faith that Israel will redeem itself

American liberal Zionists are turning on Israel, thanks to the fascism of the Netanyahu government and the Israeli protests. They are denouncing Israeli “apartheid” and calling for boycott and sanctions against Israel for its human rights abuses. Source

American Auto Workers Withhold Support from Biden for ‘Funding Race to Bottom’ with Electric Vehicles

The United Auto Workers (UAW), the largest auto industry union representing more than 400,000 working and middle class members, is withholding support for President Joe Biden over his administration’s “actively funding the race to the bottom” with a massive effort toward Electric Vehicles (EVs).  Source

Soldier who groped a female colleague’s bottom at after-party of a St Patrick’s Day parade attended by the Prince and Princess of Wales told he faces jail after being convicted-Meanwhile The British HOUSE OF PEDOS “royals” Continue To Elude Justice

Necked child trying to escape out a window of Buckingham palace Source

‘Race to the bottom’: GOP has introduced 72 educational gag orders so far in 2023

The right-wing campaign to censor what is read and taught at public schools, colleges, universities, and libraries across the United States is only growing more intense, as state lawmakers introduced dozens of educational gag orders in the first six weeks of 2023. From the start of the new year through February 13, Republican lawmakers proposed […]

U.N. The Rabbit Hole That Has No Bottom…

U.N. The Rabbit Hole That Has No Bottom [*]By Dianne Marshall [*]December 8, 2022   It’s the bottomless pit! And there is a big fat, wide road that leads to it… once you are on it… you may find it is very hard to turn around and get off because it is packed like sardines […]

Bottom line: the COVID-19 vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission.

December 1st, 2022 So why does the Biden admin force our men and women in uniform to take it? Before moving forward on NDAA, the Senate should vote on ending the insane COVID-19 military vaccine mandate. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified […]

Trans People Are Seeking Nonbinary Bottom Surgeries

“How do you describe to someone else the process of becoming real?” asked Hyde Goltz, a 42-year-old nonbinary mortuary student from Minnesota’s Twin Cities. They’ve been trying to find the words to describe their journey since 2014. That year, they received a vagina-preserving phalloplasty, meaning they now have both a vagina and a surgically constructed […]

Sadistic Serial Slasher Inspired a Trend in Bottom Guards

While the infamous Jack the Ripper and his legendary killing spree in the 19th century is the stuff of legends, few have heard of another forgotten assailant who terrorized the streets of London just a century before. Nevertheless, the actions of the so-called Monster of London sparked hysteria on the streets of London and even […]

Democrats Form Committee To Get To The Bottom Of Who Did All Those Lockdowns And Vaccine Mandates

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the 2022 midterms just around the corner, Democrat lawmakers have formed the “United States House Select Committee to Investigate Who Did All Those Lockdowns and Vaccine Mandates” in hopes of finding out just who was behind all of those school closures, mask mandates, arrests, and egregious abuses of civil rights. Source

Have the Markets Found a Bottom?

While the fourth quarter has only just begun, the end of the year can’t come fast enough for Wall Street. The year 2022 has been disastrous for investors. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 22 percent, the S&P500 has fallen 25 percent, and the NASDAQ Composite has dropped a whopping 33 percent for the […]

Mysterious Lake on the Bottom of the Ocean

Just a fun video for you all. Mike deGruy was a documentary filmmaker who discovered a mysterious lake, with five times the salinity of the surrounding water, at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. He died in a helicopter crash shortly afterward. [embedded content] [embedded content] Share now! Source

The Big Picture + The Bottom Line

Dylan Eleven | On I have posted over 14,000 articles of truth, providing information, details, events, actions, statements, documents, videos, quotes, images, memes, testimonies, facts and figures. This information is posted to help us all gain a big picture understanding of our world.  So we can  navigate, defend ourselves and figure out the […]

Trump -‘Nobody has gotten to the bottom of 9/11’

Sure they have Israel Firster Trumpster. Israel and USA/DC did it! Source

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