Posts Tagged ‘itself’

Hezbollah Honors Martyred Commander: ‘Israel’ Must Prepare Itself for Further Lamentation (Videos)

June 12, 2024 Hezbollah and loyal supporters held Wednesday a massive funeral in Beirut’s  Dahiyeh in order to bid farewell to the military commander Talib Sami Abdallah (Abu Talib) who embraced martyrdom in a deadly Israeli attack on a residential building in Jwaya, South Lebanon. Hezbollah also mourned the martyrdom of three fighters in separate statements […]

History Repeats Itself: Early Treatment

Before properly starting this article, I’ll recall a phrase that almost everyone knows: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as a farce.” The author is the German philosopher Karl Marx. It’s common for people to use variants of this phrase, which has become part of the popular imagination. After all, history tends to repeat […]

The word “shall” is a legally binding command; the WHO making itself the final authority; unthinkable power

The word “shall” is a legally binding command; the WHO making itself the final authority; unthinkable power  Thu 5:09 pm +01:00, 4 Apr 2024  1 posted by danceaway Advancing Liberty Through Action Apr 4, 2024 In the new Pandemic Treaty (“Agreement”), the World Health Organization (WHO) dictates that nations “shall” comply with a long […]

Abbott insists on Texas’ right to defend itself amid federal injunction on state law that allows state authorities to deport illegals

(NaturalNews) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott remains committed to defending his state’s constitutional right to defend itself amid the federal government’s preliminary… Source

Israel is ISOLATING ITSELF as the world unites against its illegal occupation of Palestinian territory

Israel is ISOLATING ITSELF as the world unites against its illegal occupation of Palestinian territory American business executive and geopolitical analyst Cyrus Janssen claims that Israel is deeply isolating itself as the world unites against its ongoing illegal occupation of Palestinian territory and aggressive building of Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. […]

BBC distances itself from 7 October “mass rape” claims

First published by The Electronic Intifada, 1 March. The BBC last week scrapped a plan to smear British Palestinians as rape apologists, after reporting by The Electronic Intifada earlierin February sounded the alarm. An episode of the BBC’s high profile TV show Panorama broadcast last week mostly omitted the smears. And the BBC seems to […]

Israel Prepares To Defend Itself Against Genocide Claims In First Hearing At The Hague

Israel’s cooperation is rare, signaling that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is concerned the charges risk ruining the country’s reputation. Source

CCP is embedding itself into U.S. utility infrastructure; Biden administration issues warning about situation they created

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden’s administration warned that Chinese hackers have been positioning themselves inside critical U.S. infrastructure to cause… Source

Will The US Save Israel From Itself?

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the only way there can be an end to the genocidal war in Gaza, is through the collapse of the current Israeli government and a solution to all outstanding issues via dialogue. Yet, the coalition headed by Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has other plans. Will the US finally […]

The Fanatically Zionist Congress Exposes Itself

House Judiciary Committee Priorities Renee Parsons During a recent House Judiciary Committee hearing entitled Free Speech on College Campuses, ” the inescapable question arose about why the Committee was neglecting far more essential national predicaments than the whimpering of  three college students kvetching about hurt feelings that may impact 2% of the US population.   […]

New Study Reveals Covid mRNA Jabs Killed ‘3.5X More Americans Than Virus Itself’

Experimental mRNA Covid vaccines pushed on the public resulted in “3.5 times more American deaths” than the virus itself, according to leading data analyst Steve Kirsch. Kirsch, an MIT graduate and founder of the Vaccine […] The post New Study Reveals Covid mRNA Jabs Killed ‘3.5X More Americans Than Virus Itself’ appeared first on The […]

Oct 24 – Israel “Has a Right to Defend Itself” by Slaughtering Civilians

A Palestinian man and his son, who were wounded in an Israeli strike, sit on the floor at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, on October 23, 2023. (Reuters) Western leaders should be put on trial for war crimes. They support collective punishment which means that when the missiles fly, and millions of Westerners are killed, they […]

The Left Needs to Find Itself

It is tiring to be accused of being ‘far-right’ by people doing the bidding of the corporations and investors who recently made a killing on Covid. It is particularly irritating that such people, whilst deriding low-income workers and the ‘uneducated,’ have convinced themselves that they are somehow being virtuous. They call themselves ‘left,’ but so […]

From Robber Barons to Bezos: Is history repeating itself?

It is time to fight for an economy and a democracy that works for all rather than the few. Source

Oct 11 – Israel Gives Itself Permission to Exterminate 2 Million Palestinians (West Applauds)

Palestinian rescuers work at the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on October 9, 2023, after Israeli strikes “Israel has a right to defend itself” – People who say this are complicit in genocide. Israel has already exacted revenge. Time for a ceasefire. The Hamas attack was contrived by Netanyahu to justify ethnic […]

CDC Drops a Bombshell on Itself, Exposes Alarming Risk/Benefit Analysis

Originally Published on Vigilant News Recently (Sept 12), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new recommendations, advising “updated” COVID-19 vaccines for everyone aged six months and older. This announcement raised alarm bells, as the CDC’s guidance starkly contrasts with other countries like the UK, where Autumn booster vaccinations are recommended for those […]

Liberal Zionists hit rock bottom on faith that Israel will redeem itself

American liberal Zionists are turning on Israel, thanks to the fascism of the Netanyahu government and the Israeli protests. They are denouncing Israeli “apartheid” and calling for boycott and sanctions against Israel for its human rights abuses. Source

Pfizer Admits Jabs Cause Autoimmunity, Twitter Exposes Itself & Digital ID Leads To Dystopian Future

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/10/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Study Finds mRNA Platform Itself Driving Myocarditis & France Releases Terrorist Faction Into Niger

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (8/9/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

US distances itself from reported breakthrough in Saudi-Israel talks

The White House rebuffed a reported breakthrough Wednesday in talks to normalise relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, saying it is premature, reports Anadolu Agency. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the report "has left some people with the impression that the discussions are farther along and closer to some sense of certainty than […]

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