Posts Tagged ‘october’

Israeli newspaper confirms that Israel killed Israelis on 7 October

On The Electronic Intifada livestream last week we discussed how Israeli newspaper Haaretz has finally confirmed, in English, that the Hannibal Directive was enacted on 7 October: Israeli forces were responsible for many of the deaths that day. We looked back at how Haaretz was a latecomer to this story, how we’ve been covering it […]

The Undeniable Reality Of October 7th Foreknowledge & The Hannibal Directive

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/18/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The Undeniable Reality Of October 7th Foreknowledge & The Hannibal Directive

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/18/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

What Really Happened on October 7

May 10 2024 The Video Israel Does Not Want You To See _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : Donate Crypto _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: Find the others: […]

Here’s what REALLY happened on October 7 (hint: Israel is LYING)

(NaturalNews) On Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas broke into Israel from Gaza and took Israeli innocents captive while injuring and killing others along the way. It was… Source

How the Israeli military “rescued” Israelis by killing them on 7 October

I appeared on the brilliant American Exception podcast last month, and you can watch the full episode in the video above. In discussion with hosts Aaron Good and Bryce Greene, I talked about my article from January in which I revealed the scale of the “mass Hannibal” event that was 7 October. An important article […]

Israel’s October 7 Rape Propaganda Has Encouraged Sexual Violence Against Palestinian Women

Since October 7, various gruesome, details and unsubstantiated allegations of rape have been spread by the Israeli media. Later, a campaign that was coordinated with high-profiled figures like Hillary Clinton, again began pushing the idea that Hamas had committed a “systematic” mass rape atrocity against Israeli women. The New York Times, the BBC, and Western […]

Israel killed Israelis, confirms new 7 October documentary

First published by The Electronic Intifada, 11 March. Military expert Chris Cobb-Smith says that much of the destruction caused to Israeli homes on 7 October could not have been done by Hamas. AJI A new documentary by Al Jazeera’s investigative unit has found that many of the most horrific Israeli stories about the Palestinian military […]

Life in the West Bank post October 7: Al Mayadeen Exclusive

10 Mar 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English A Palestinian man pushing his produce carriage in the Gaza Envelope (Al Mayadeen English/ Executed by: Hady Dbouq) By Tala Alayli A report on the occupation’s measures and Palestinians’ economic frustration in the West Bank as the aftermath of October 7 ripples, reflecting the ramifications on Palestinian and […]

IOF disclose number of commanders killed in Gaza since October 7

March 7, 2024 Source: Israeli media Israeli occupation soldiers carry the flag-draped casket of a dead Israeli soldier during his funeral in occupied al-Quds, Tuesday, January 23, 2024. (AP) By Al Mayadeen English The Israeli army is facing considerable challenges in filling leadership positions as it grapples with the loss of numerous commanders, as per […]

The truth about 7 October

Back in January I appeared on Katie Halper and Aaron Maté’s brilliant show Useful Idiots. We talked about how the corporate media is covering up the fact that Israel killed many of its own people on 7 October, referencing my coverage of this issue and much more. Watch the whole interview in the video above. […]

BBC distances itself from 7 October “mass rape” claims

First published by The Electronic Intifada, 1 March. The BBC last week scrapped a plan to smear British Palestinians as rape apologists, after reporting by The Electronic Intifada earlierin February sounded the alarm. An episode of the BBC’s high profile TV show Panorama broadcast last week mostly omitted the smears. And the BBC seems to […]

The context for October 7 is apartheid, not the Holocaust

The Israel lobby is attempting to indoctrinate Americans that the context for the October 7 attack is the Holocaust. This is a misrepresentation. The Palestinians had nothing to do with the Holocaust. Source

Music and resistance after October 7

The Palestinian people practice resistance through “sumud” and steadfastness in every aspect of their lives, including in music. After October 7, Palestinian music can serve as the moral compass pointing toward decolonization. Source

October 2023, The Month Streaming Costs Ballooned

While price hikes for subscription services might seem like a smart short-term solution to boost revenue and income, they tend to become more of a gamble in times of fracturing markets. This is especially true for the subscription video, or SVoD, sector where many traditional TV networks have launched their own streaming platforms in recent years. In […]

Israeli Lawmakers Move to Punish ‘Denying’ or ‘Downplaying’ October 7th With 5 Years in Prison

Israeli lawmakers are moving forward with a bill to punish those accused of “denying” or “downplaying” Israel’s narrative of October 7th with five years in prison. Source

We deserve the truth about what happened on October 7

Stories of atrocity on October 7 have been used to justify the ongoing assault on Gaza. But several of these high-profile claims have been found to be based on unreliable witnesses or even fabricated entirely. We deserve to know the truth. Source

How Israel ordered troops to fire at Israelis on 7 October

On The Electronic Intifada livestream last week I gave an overview of my most recent article, explaining the latest revelations about how Israel killed Israelis on 7 October. A recent major investigative piece in the Hebrew press revealed how, deep in an underground bunker below Tel Aviv, Israel’s supreme military HQ at midday on 7 […]

Army Clashes with Political Command over October 7 Investigations: Israeli Circles

January 25, 2024 Focus on Zionists – Live News – Middle East – News – Top – Zionist entity The Zionist circles continued following up the military setbacks of the occupation forces in Gaza and the repercussions of the failure to liberate the detainees through the military means. In this regard, the Israeli circles considered that the dilemma lies in the fact that even the […]

EI live: How Israel ordered its troops to shoot Israelis on 7 October

Join the livestream this afternoon for our ongoing coverage, as we mark more than 100 days of genocide in Gaza. Today’s lineup: Friend of the show Helena Cobban returns. Helana is a veteran international affairs analyst. She’ll talking about regional geopolitics. I’ll discuss my latest piece about the Hannibal Directive. Nora give her news update […]

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