Posts Tagged ‘denying’

Biden camp reaches out to Nebraska Dems as state considers denying president crucial vote

President Joe Biden’s campaign officials have been in private talks with Nebraska Democrats after Republicans in the state began pushing for changes that could close off one of the president’s clearest paths to reelection. The campaign has declined to comment on that push, which would turn Nebraska into a winner-take-all state in presidential elections, as […]

Local Berlin schools distribute leaflets denying 1948 Nakba as ‘myth’

24 Feb 2024 Source: German local council By Al Mayadeen English A brochure titled ‘Mythos Israel 1948’ has been distributed at schools in Germany, aiming at downplaying the forced displacement during the Nakba and deeming criticism of settlements as “antisemitic”. As the Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza persists and amid escalating fears of a new Nakba, […]

Israeli Lawmakers Move to Punish ‘Denying’ or ‘Downplaying’ October 7th With 5 Years in Prison

Israeli lawmakers are moving forward with a bill to punish those accused of “denying” or “downplaying” Israel’s narrative of October 7th with five years in prison. Source

“This Will Make Your Blood Boil” – Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened

“This Will Make Your Blood Boil” – Biden Admin Goes Full Orwell Denying Vaxx Mandates Ever Happened Authored by Bobbie Anne Flower Cox via The Brownstone Institute, If you have not yet read the book 1984 by George Orwell, you absolutely must.  I loathed that novel when I read it as a teen, because I hated the […]

Right Wing Round-Up: Denying Reality

Jared Holt @ The Daily Beast: Right-Wing Influencers Deny Reality by Claiming Neo-Nazis Are ‘Feds.’ Joe Jervis: Loony Laura Loomer Accuses Anti-Defamation League Of Organizing Yesterday’s Neo-Nazi Rallies In Florida. Angry White Men: Nick Fuentes Boasts That Right-Wing Pundits Are Spreading His White Supremacist Message. David Edwards @ Raw Story: ‘I’ve never been in debt […]

The Rise Of Totalitarianism: Banks Denying Services Based On Political Views

We used to look with horror on the KGB (the Soviet Union), the Stasi (East Germany), the Securitate (Romania), the Sigurimi (Albania), and so forth, but now we find versions of them—as yet pale versions, it’s true—among us, giving to life a constant undercurrent of fear. As the police caution used to put it after […]

Hamas slams PA for denying that it holds political prisoners

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement slammed the Palestinian Authority yesterday for denying that it has political prisoners in its jails. Hamas spokesman Abdul Latif Al-Qanou said that the PA’s denial of political detentions contradicts reports by international rights groups. “Denial of such prisoners is condemned,” said Al-Qanou. “In fact, denying the existence of political prisoners […]

More than 80 election-denying candidates running for governor, attorney general and secretary of state in 2022’s primaries

A series of reports underscore that disinformation is getting worse in 2022, not better. Source

Video: MSNBC’s Reid AGAIN Calls For Denying Medical Care To The Unvaccinated

The British government used “propagandistic” fear tactics to scare the public into mass compliance during the first COVID lockdown, according to a behavioral scientist who worked inside Downing Street. Simon Ruda co-founded Number 10’s ‘Nudge Unit’, which was initially set up to encourage positive behavioral changes in the British public without the need for coercion […]

The Psychological Cruelty of Denying Natural immunity

By Jeffrey A. Tucker   December 30, 2021   Philosophy, Public Health, Vaccines   8 minute read Every sick child, and probably every adult at some point, asks that existential question: why am I suffering?  No answer is satisfying. To be sick is to feel vulnerable, weak, not in control, not in the game. Life […]

Video: MSNBC ‘Doctor’ Calls For Denying Medical Care To The Unvaccinated

MSNBC’s resident ‘doctor’ Vin Gupta has called for hospitals to deny medical assistance and care to anyone who remains unvaccinated against COVID. Appearing on race baiter Joy Reid’s show, Gupta argued that providing care to anyone who has chosen not to get vaccinated would create “negative incentives” and signal that it’s ok to reject the […]

MEDICAL APARTHEID: Illinois Democrat Introduces Bill Denying Health Insurance to the Unvaccinated

A Democrat in the state of Illinois has introduced legislation that would essentially deny health insurance to COVID sufferers who have resisted the experimental vaccine, forcing them to pay out-of-pocket for care. In a move that shows how Democrats push universal healthcare in order to deny lifesaving care to their political enemies, Illinois state Rep. […]

They Are Gaslighting Us! Nightmarish Inflation Is Already Here But The Fed Is Denying That It Even Exists

Renegade Editor’s Note: Snyder appears to be an apocalyptic Christian, but this information is important. By Michael Snyder They would like us to believe that what we can see happening right in front of our eyes is not actually real.  Over the past year, our politicians in Washington have gone on the largest spending binge […]

Israelites Killed Christ — And Why We Must Stop Denying It And Blaming Others

The killing of Jesus Christ on the cross has probably been the single-most written about event in history, and yet despite what the plain words of the gospel witnesses tell us, no one has taken responsibility for it. The accusation of “Christ killers” has been a proverbial “hot potato” passed around from one group to […]

Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny & Societal Failure

CROSSROADS: Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny & Societal Failure The Smoking Man  Source – “…Pathological policy errors flowed inexorably from a skewed view of reality in both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Once this view of reality was deemed to be above criticism, its champions adopted increasingly tyrannical policies. Nazi Germany’s Aryan Supremacy […]

On denying the truth of the Armenian Genocide

“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbor’s eye!” Matthew 7:5 It was December 2019 and I was driving home from a successful Christmas shopping run when I had to pull off the road and take a moment […]

DHS Chief Says Covid Pandemic Is To Blame For Denying Reporters Access To Border Facilities

Journalists and refugee advocates have demanded an increase in transparency around the child migrant facilities near the southern border. They have been demanding access to the overcrowded border processing facilities holding the unaccompanied migrant children….and they have been denied. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. Rep.Linda Sanchez […]

Joe Biden’s Amnesty Strategy Hides the Money by Denying Border Safeguards

President-elect Joe Biden’s draft immigration plan does not include any protections for Americans, while it offers the huge prize of American citizenship to at least 11 million migrants from around the world, according to a report in the Los Angeles Times. The January 15 report says: The proposed legislation would not contain any provisions directly […]

Homosexual Professor Sues Christian-Identified University for Denying Him Full-Time Teaching Job

Photo Credit: Joe Mabel/Wikipedia SEATTLE — A homosexual professor who works as a nursing instructor at Seattle Pacific University, a private Christian-identified institution in Washington State, has sued the school for discrimination for declining to hire him for a full-time teaching job. According to the lawsuit filed on Monday, Jéaux Rinedahl was hired in 2019 as […]

Jewish Activists Broadcast Holocaust-Denying Messages Taken From Twitter Outside Home of CEO Jack Dorsey

FILE PHOTO: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey addresses students during a town hall at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in New Delhi, India, November 12, 2018. Photo: REUTERS/Anushree Fadnavis/File Photo Members of the grassroots Jewish civil rights movement “End Jew Hatred” drove by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s California home on Monday and broadcasted audio recordings […]

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