Posts Tagged ‘leaflets’

Israel’s extortion leaflets and Namecheap: How to do corporate accountability during a genocide

Arizona-based Internet domain company NameCheap ended all service to Russia over the invasion of Ukraine but has now registered an Israeli website targeting Palestinian children. Activists are calling out the company’s complicity in war crimes. Source

Local Berlin schools distribute leaflets denying 1948 Nakba as ‘myth’

24 Feb 2024 Source: German local council By Al Mayadeen English A brochure titled ‘Mythos Israel 1948’ has been distributed at schools in Germany, aiming at downplaying the forced displacement during the Nakba and deeming criticism of settlements as “antisemitic”. As the Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza persists and amid escalating fears of a new Nakba, […]

Ahead of Ramadan: Over 20,000 Leaflets Distributed to Urge Boycott of Israeli Dates in UK

Posted on March 18, 2023 by uprootedpalestinians March 17, 2023 Over 20,000 leaflets were distributed at mosques across the UK to call on Muslims to boycott Israeli dates. (Photo: FoA, Supplied) By Palestine Chronicle Staff On the last Friday before Ramadan, over 20,000 leaflets were distributed at mosques across the UK, in an effort to urge […]

Grandmother Arrested At Drone Base While Distributing Leaflets With Photos Of Children Killed In Attack

Above photo: Toby Blomé outside the base. Susan Witka. She was Handcuffed and Detained for more than two hours, dressed in a “Bunny suit,” to highlight U.S. Military’s role in Climate Crisis, global mass extinction. Marysville, CA – A small group of anti-drone activists, with Codepink, Ban Killer Drones and Veterans For Peace held demonstrations […]

Health officials condemn anti-vaccination leaflets

By Ian HeathNews Published: Jul 2, 2021 ANTI-VACCINE leaflets being distributed outside schools have been condemned by the government. Health Minister Richard Renouf. Picture: ROB CURRIE. (31179776) Head teachers were contacted yesterday about the pamphlets – which are designed in a similar way to official government guidance. The anonymous blue leaflets refer to ‘ethical concerns’ around a […]

US far-right leaflets and posters surged last year, ADL says

US far-right and white supremacist groups sharply stepped up their distribution of racist or antisemitic fliers, posters banners and other forms of physical propaganda last year, according to a study released on Wednesday. The Anti-Defamation League said it logged a total of 5,125 cases last year, compared with 2,724 in 2019. Its study focused on […]

UK arrests two over leaflets comparing COVID vaccinations to Holocaust

British police said on Thursday they had arrested two men on suspicion of distributing a leaflet with material that appeared to compare the COVID-19 vaccination to the Holocaust. The men, aged 73 and 37, are accused of circulating the leaflet in south London in late January. Britain is currently rolling out a mass vaccination program […]

Almost 6,000 Refugee Children Missing In Germany

Nearly 6,000 refugee children were recorded as missing in Germany in 2015. A new report carried out by the Funke Mediengruppe newspaper stated this week that 5,835 unaccompanied refugee minors vanished in Germany last year with as many as 555 of them under the age of 14. The majority of unaccompanied minors were from Afghanistan, […]

International Sanctions Against Iran Have Been Lifted

International sanctions against Iran have been lifted following news from the UN nuclear watchdog that the Islamic Republic has complied with its nuclear promises. The BBC reports: The EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, announced the lifting of sanctions in accordance with the deal “as Iran has fulfilled its commitment”. The international nuclear watchdog, the […]

Congress Moves To End Raw Milk Prohibition Nationwide

But this senseless and unconstitutional policy of prohibition could soon become history if a bipartisan effort to restore food freedom reaches a breaking point in Congress. The Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014, or H.R. 4307, would lift current FDA restrictions that prohibit all interstate trade involving raw milk. Under the new legislation, […]

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