Posts Tagged ‘voters’

Voters Take Vengeance on the Tories

Two weeks ago, I wrote about the rise of the New Right and its challenge to the liberal consensus on social, economic, and environmental policies; the displacement of the old left-right ideological divide by that between the inner city managerial-technocratic elite and the inhabitants of Hiluxland; and the growing disenchantment with democracy because of the […]

House Democrats just voted to REPLACE American voters with illegal immigrants who will now be represented in Congress

(NaturalNews) A senior adviser of former President Donald Trump turned to social media to warn the public about a recent bill that was passed by House Democrats…. Source

Biden Refers To Illegal Immigrants as ‘Voters’

President Biden described Hispanic illegal immigrants as “voters” during an interview with a Spanish radio show last week. Biden said: “It’s even a bigger influx now in terms of Hispanic voters, or Hispanic – Hispanic […] The post Biden Refers To Illegal Immigrants as ‘Voters’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

CBS Poll: Half of Voters In Swing States Say Economy Worse Under Biden

A new CBS News poll has found that half of the voters in swing states believe the economy is worse under President Biden. According to the poll about half of voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and […] The post CBS Poll: Half of Voters In Swing States Say Economy Worse Under Biden appeared first on The […]

Voters who have interest in election hits nearly 20-year low: Poll

A new NBC News poll revealed that interest in the upcoming election has dipped to its lowest level in nearly two decades, with only 64 percent of registered voters having a high level of interest in November’s election. The poll results indicate a decline compared to previous NBC News polls conducted at this time in… […]

Trump has a rocky relationship with Black voters. He’s trying to change it.

Months before his criminal trial started, former President Donald Trump stood before Black conservatives in South Carolina and made a direct appeal to African American voters with a provocative — and, critics said, racist — theme: Like you, I’m unfairly persecuted by the criminal justice system. It was just the beginning of a highly calculated […]

POLL: Trump favored to win as voters doubt Biden’s ability to complete another term

POLL: Trump favored to win as voters doubt Biden’s ability to complete another term A recent J.L. Partners poll revealed that American voters favor former President Donald Trump over incumbent President Joe Biden. The poll, exclusively conducted for the Daily Mail, delved into the opinions of American voters about the longevity of presidential candidates and their capability to fulfill […]

DeSantis: Voters will reject ‘extreme’ pot, abortion ballot measures

DeSantis: Voters will reject ‘extreme’ pot, abortion ballot measures lead image Source

Voters Remove Judson Blevins from Office Over White Nationalist Past Exposed by Right Wing Watch

In 2019, Right Wing Watch’s Jared Holt identified Judson Blevins as the Oklahoma state coordinator of the white nationalist organization Identity Evropa and a participant in the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Blevin had used a pseudonym to hide his white nationalist organizing. Blevins played a central role in Identity […]

POLL: Inflation and immigration rank as top concerns for voters as Biden and Trump gear up for 2024 rematch

POLL: Inflation and immigration rank as top concerns for voters as Biden and Trump gear up for 2024 rematch As the political arena gears up for a highly anticipated rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in November, likely voters across the United States have voiced their primary concerns, with inflation, illegal […]

Voters don’t want Biden or Trump — but without No Labels, voters have no options 

Democrats of good will can find common ground with Republicans and with No Labels. History awaits their collective decision.  Source

Biden campaign launching program to engage Latino voters

The Biden campaign is launching a national program on Tuesday to engage and mobilize Latino voters, coinciding with President Biden’s travel to Nevada and Arizona. The president will officially kick off Latinos con Biden-Harris during a stop in Arizona, where he will be joined by Latino organizers, the campaign said. Tuesday’s launch is intended to… […]

Are Voters Recoiling Against Disorder?

Authored by Michael Barone via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The headlines coming out of the Super Tuesday primaries have got it right. Barring cataclysmic changes, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will be the Republican and Democratic nominees for president in 2024. (Left) President Joe Biden delivers remarks on canceling student debt at Culver City […]

Biden Campaign Chair Says “No Surprise” The President Is Losing Key Voters

The Biden campaign has admitted to a “shift” among the electorate which has made it no “surprise” that the president is losing key voters to former President Donald Trump, based on a recent New York Times/Siena poll. The poll, conducted Feb. 25 – Feb. 28, found that just one out of four registered voters believes […]

Michigan’s primary reveals stark opposition: Over 100,000 voters stand ‘uncommitted

This unprecedented move highlights the growing frustration within key segments of his base, potentially jeopardizing his reelection prospects. Source

Here We Go Again: South Carolina Voters Unable to Vote Reportedly Due to Internet Being Out – Voters Told to Put Ballots in “Another Slot”

Here We Go Again: South Carolina Voters Unable to Vote Reportedly Due to Internet Being Out – Voters Told to Put Ballots in “Another Slot” Source

Reassure voters or ‘stand down’ — Even crooked pollsters like 538 are warning Biden of an election blowout for Trump

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Concern Lingers About Biden Losing Black Voters After South Carolina Primary

Authored by Lawrence Wilson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) adamantly insisted that President Joe Biden’s support is rock solid among black voters moments after the president won the state’s Democratic presidential primary. “The best illustration of that, he got 96 percent of the vote in this primary, but its largest […]

The Two Biggest Issues That Will Drive Voters To The Ballot Box In 2024

Authored by Mark Tapscott via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Entrepreneur Juan Pablo Segura looked like the perfect Republican candidate to win the newly-created Virginia State Senate District 31 that includes much of Loudoun County, home of the parents’ rights movement that gained national attention. (Illustration by The Epoch Times, Getty Images) But when the […]

Voters sending a message GOP should unite around Trump, RNC chief says

Republican National Committee (RNC) chair Ronna McDaniel said the results of the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary signal that Republican voters know who they will support in November, and the GOP should unite around former President Trump. Her comments come just a day after Trump took the victory in the Granite State, leading former… […]

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