Posts Tagged ‘swing’

CBS Poll: Half of Voters In Swing States Say Economy Worse Under Biden

A new CBS News poll has found that half of the voters in swing states believe the economy is worse under President Biden. According to the poll about half of voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and […] The post CBS Poll: Half of Voters In Swing States Say Economy Worse Under Biden appeared first on The […]

Student debt relief could be lifeline to swing states, young voters for Biden

President Biden is pouring a tremendous amount of political capital into student loan relief ahead of the November election, and experts say the impact in key states could be crucial.   “The swing states are going to be kind of where we look to see the biggest targeted return, states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan,” said… […]

Millions of people in 3 crucial swing states have registered to vote without photo ID this year, warn observers

Millions of people in 3 crucial swing states have registered to vote without photo ID this year, warn observers Photo ID requirements for voting have been a controversial topic in recent elections, and new data shows just how much these voters could affect the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. Public data provided by the […]

Third-Party Candidates Will Swing The Election

Authored by James Rickards via, Although my focus is on markets rather than politics, it’s impossible to forecast markets without understanding what’s going on in the political realm. While there are important Senate and House races this year, all eyes are focused on the presidential race likely (as of now) to be between Joe […]

DEDOLLARIZATION IN FULL SWING: Oil giant Saudi Arabia formally joins BRICS group alongside UAE, Iran, Egypt and Ethiopia

(NaturalNews) The oil-rich kingdom of Saudi Arabia has formally joined the BRICS group alongside four other countries.South African International Relations… Source

TIT FOR TAT: Republican lawmakers move to exclude Biden’s name from the ballots of 3 swing states

(NaturalNews) Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia have made a bold and attention-grabbing move by proposing legislation aimed at excluding… Source

Spoiler Alert? Cornel West Plans Major 2024 Push In Swing State Michigan

While he has little chance of winning the 2024 election, independent presidential candidate Cornel West has the potential to affect the outcome of what’s expected to be a close contest between President Biden and former President Donald Trump. That reality is underscored by a new report indicating West plans to make a major push in […]



Trump Bests Biden in Key Swing States in 3rd Poll This Week

Former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in six of seven crucial swing states, according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll, mirroring a trend in two separate polls published Sunday and Thursday.  Source

Nolte: Trump Stomps Biden in 5 Crucial Swing States Per NY Times Polling

Former President Donald Trump tops His Fraudulency Joe Biden in five of six crucial swing states, per polling from the far-left New York Times. Source

Bidenomics Rejected: Trump Ahead In Swing States, Leads Among Young Voters

Bidenomics Rejected: Trump Ahead In Swing States, Leads Among Young Voters Less than 13 months from the 2024 election, a new set of polls has delivered alarming news for backers of incumbent President Joe Biden, with voters in swing states and even younger voters giving the edge to former President Donald Trump. The key driver: […]

Poll: RFK Independent Run Will Swing Election To Biden

A new Marist poll has concluded that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent run for President will take a large enough chunk of support away from Donald Trump and swing the 2024 election to Joe Biden. The poll found that in a three way race between Kenndy, Trump and Biden, Biden’s support decreased to 44 percent […]

Post Debate Poll: 8-Point Swing to Donald Trump Away from Ron DeSantis 

There was an eight-point swing away from Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) to former President Donald Trump among likely Republican primary voters after Wednesday night’s second GOP debate.  Source

It’s a date: Gaza’s harvest season gets into swing

Palestinians farmers in Gaza have begun climbing their date palms to reap the fruits of their labour Source

Joe Biden to Air 2024 Campaign Ads in Swing States During NFL Week One Kickoff

Joe Biden is planning to blanket the swing states with 2024 campaign ads during the NFL’s Week 1 games on Thursday and Sunday. Source

Poll: Trump Leads Biden by 3 Points Nationwide, 6 Points in Swing States

A poll shows former President Donald Trump leading President Joe Biden by three points nationwide and six points in swing states. Source

Swing State Democrats Silent as Biden Considers Border Policy They Opposed Under Trump

A group of swing state Democrats, all up for re-election in 2024, are staying silent as President Joe Biden considers implementing an enforcement policy at the United States-Mexico border that they once opposed under former President Trump. Source

Iran-Europe: Where will the political pendulum swing?

Relations between Iran and Europe, particularly the three European giants France, Germany, and the United Kingdom (E3), which signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran in 2015, are steadily deteriorating due to the hostile actions of the Europeans in recent months. The Europeans have increased diplomatic pressure on Iran since last September, […]

True or false: Colorado is a swing state

Michael Bennet is the senior Democratic senator from Colorado, a famously purple state. In the weeks leading up to the 2022 midterms Colorado seemed to be a place where Republicans might actually flip a few seats. But as it turned out, not only was there no red wave in Colorado, there was something of a […]

US paralyzed by Islamic Republic of Iran’s strategic swing

Monday, 28 November 2022 6:18 PM  [ Last Update: Monday, 28 November 2022 6:21 PM ] By Pepe Escobar Iran’s parliament has just approved the accession of the Islamic Republic to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), previously enshrined at the Samarkand summit last September, marking the culmination of a process that lasted no less than 15 years.   Iran has […]

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