Posts Tagged ‘states’

Jewnited States of America


The United States Yearns For A New Revolution

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/4/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Four States Including Texas Join Kansas AG Lawsuit Against Pfizer for Misrepresenting Safety of Vaccine, Bill Gates Money Trail

Above: Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, left, and Bill Gates at a meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland in 2022. A lawsuit filed this month by the Attorney General of the State of Kansas, Chris Kobach, against Pfizer for, among other things, destroying clinical trials data, and falsely claiming that its COVID vaccine […]

How Israel Cucked the United States


26 States File Lawsuits In Federal Courts Over ATF Redefinition Of Gun Dealers

26 States File Lawsuits In Federal Courts Over ATF Redefinition Of Gun Dealers Authored by Michael Clements via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Attorneys general representing half of the country on May 1 sued President Joe Biden’s administration over a new rule requiring criminal background checks for all gun sales, including private sales. Democratic lawmakers […]

Manipulation Politics: Israeli Gaslighting in the United States

Although the pro-Israel camp and their allies continue to dominate and influence Congress and the executive branch, they have slowly begun to lose control of the narrative. Renegade Editor’s Note: This article comes from a left-wing perspective, so you will see talk of “apartheid” and “racist” depictions of Arabs, but it’s a good overview regardless. […]

CBS Poll: Half of Voters In Swing States Say Economy Worse Under Biden

A new CBS News poll has found that half of the voters in swing states believe the economy is worse under President Biden. According to the poll about half of voters in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and […] The post CBS Poll: Half of Voters In Swing States Say Economy Worse Under Biden appeared first on The […]

The Zionist Death Grip On The United States Government

Beginning in 1962 they were known as the American Zionist Council, and President John F. Kennedy was ordering them to register as a foreign agent. Along with members of the US government, the Zionists fought against this. In October of 1963, forms were prepared for them to register. But the next month, JFK was assassinated. […]

Two USA states ban chemtrails

Two USA states ban chemtrails

UNITED STATES CORPORATION’s Congresscritters declares Semitic Palestinian’s slogan ‘anti-Semitic’

Mossad Jeffery’s customers in the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’s House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to condemn the chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as “hate speech”. The slogan calls for a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Israel has argued that this implicitly denies its right […]

An urgent plea to leftists in the 6 battleground states likely to decide the election

n 2024, leftist voters — particularly those in the six battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — have a lot more influence and power than they may realize. Influence and power are things the left has typically not had a lot of in a country as conservative as the United States. […]

ANALYSIS: Israel, Ukraine, Western Europe and the United States have already been defeated

(NaturalNews) My topic for tomorrow’s Brighteon Broadcast News: “Israel, Ukraine, Western Europe and the United States have already been defeated.” When published,… Source

Student debt relief could be lifeline to swing states, young voters for Biden

President Biden is pouring a tremendous amount of political capital into student loan relief ahead of the November election, and experts say the impact in key states could be crucial.   “The swing states are going to be kind of where we look to see the biggest targeted return, states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan,” said… […]

Exactly What Are WHO Member States Voting for?

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [Full PDF of report is available below] With Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) negotiating new agreements to centralize management of pandemics with an annual budget of over $31.5 billion, it would be reasonable to assume that everyone was clear on what a pandemic actually is. Surprisingly, this […]

Here is how we stop the WHO in the United States – and elsewhere

The Alternative View ConferenceSunday 26th May 2024 Come and have a great day out and hear some fascinating and informative presentations. Network, chat, meet the speakers and share knowledge. Speakers and Presentations Richard VobesFrom Saving Our Heritage to Saving the Planet Wendy StaceyPreparing for a New Landscape Ian SimpsonInvisible Sky – How Climate Engineering is […]

Governments Declare States Of Emergency, Scientists And Military Issue Warnings Before Eclipse

A total solar eclipse will sweep across North America from Mexico today (April 8). The moon will completely cover the sun, darkening the sky and revealing our star’s hidden outer atmosphere, starting in Mexico at about 11:07 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (8:07 p.m. Central European Time CET). It will then cross into Texas, USA, at 1:27 p.m. Central Daylight […]

Millions of people in 3 crucial swing states have registered to vote without photo ID this year, warn observers

Millions of people in 3 crucial swing states have registered to vote without photo ID this year, warn observers Photo ID requirements for voting have been a controversial topic in recent elections, and new data shows just how much these voters could affect the outcome of the upcoming presidential election. Public data provided by the […]

Putin Says Troops From NATO States Are In Ukraine & Dying In large Numbers

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims that it is no secret that troops from NATO states are on the ground in Ukraine. He also warned that these troops face extremely grim prospects. RT rpeorts: Speaking to his […] The post Putin Says Troops From NATO States Are In Ukraine & Dying In large Numbers appeared first on […]

SUPER TRUMP wins 14 of 15 states on Super Tuesday, forcing Haley to withdraw from GOP presidential race

SUPER TRUMP wins 14 of 15 states on Super Tuesday, forcing Haley to withdraw from GOP presidential race Former President Donald Trump won several states in the GOP primary race on Super Tuesday, March 5. According to LifeSiteNews, the real estate mogul-turned-president won in 14 of 15 states that held primaries on that day. Meanwhile, […]

SCOTUS: States CANNOT REMOVE Trump from their election ballots based on 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause

(NaturalNews) The Supreme Court has ruled that states cannot remove former President Donald Trump from their election ballots based on the Fourteenth Amendment’s… Source

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