Posts Tagged ‘manipulation’

UK Technocrats Sharpen the Knives of Manipulation

My recently published research into the UK Government’s deployment of behavioural science strategies – ‘nudges’ – leads to a startling conclusion: in every sphere of daily life, our thoughts and actions are being psychologically manipulated so as to align them with what the state’s technocrats have deemed to be in our best interests. It seems […]

Bethany Christian Services: A Christian Adoption Firm with Accusations of Manipulation, Negligence, and Trafficking

For the last 80 years, Bethany Christian Services has marketed itself as a Christian non-profit providing adoption and foster care services. However, critics accuse the organization of failing to protect the children, and standing in the way of parents seeking to connect with their children. Bethany Christian Services (BCS) is a non-profit focused on adoption […]

Every Manipulation Technique Explained in 11 Minutes

Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Every Manipulation Technique Explained in 11 Minutes first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Manipulation Politics: Israeli Gaslighting in the United States

Although the pro-Israel camp and their allies continue to dominate and influence Congress and the executive branch, they have slowly begun to lose control of the narrative. Renegade Editor’s Note: This article comes from a left-wing perspective, so you will see talk of “apartheid” and “racist” depictions of Arabs, but it’s a good overview regardless. […]

Making A Killing | Episode 2: Money & Manipulation

feb 2 2024 We think this is important: May 25, 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what […]

President von der Leyen’s WEF Speech is Sheer Manipulation

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In a recent address to the World Economic Forum, EU President Ursula von der Leyen, citing the WEF’s annual “global risk report,” pointed to “misinformation and disinformation” as the greatest risks facing the global business community at this time. These risks are “serious,” in her view, “because they limit our […]

MASS MANIPULATION! Aren’t these transparently staged, false flag mass shootings getting out-of-control.


Women Accuse Tim Ballard of ‘Spiritual Manipulation, Grooming, and Sexual Misconduct’

At a press conference Thursday morning on the steps of the Utah state capitol building, Suzette Rasmussen, an attorney in Draper, Utah, announced that she’s representing women who have accused Tim Ballard of sexual misconduct.  Ballard, who has recently discussed his interest in filling the Senate seat Mitt Romney is vacating, is the founder of […]

Attempted Electoral College Manipulation By Hollywood Democrats No One Charged

Based on the new rules, DOJ must put half of Hollywood in prison *immediately* for this video: — Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) August 2, 2023 Source

Mind Manipulation — Who is in Control? Part 2

June 28 2023 Are we the product ‘they’ want to control? According to Ilana Rachel Daniel, ”The lines between real life and the virtual have radically blurred.” What does this look like, both in practice and theory? In this episode, Ilana details the organizations behind manipulating, privacy-invading technologies and the implications of their implementation. Don’t […]

Biden Exposes EUA Manipulation, Pfizer Falsified Key Data, Vital “Long COVID” & Myocarditis Studies

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/5/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]


nov 22 2022 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step november 27th. One step at a time, hand in […]

Twitter manipulation of January 6 “insurrection” narrative EXPOSED through “J6 Deleted” internet sting operation

(Natural News) Jason Sullivan, a specialist in social media and Twitter, developed a social media monitoring algorithm called “J6 DELETED” that has blown the lid on the so-called “insurrection” that took place on Jan. 6, 2021, after Joe Biden “won” the election. Sullivan was subpoenaed in 2018 by the special counsel investigating the accusation at… […]

Government-approved weather manipulation led to 1952 Lynmouth flash floods

It’s not new and we’re seeing more of it currently, all blamed on so called natural ‘climate change’ but no we’ve had weaponized weather for a long time… without our consent of course. EWR From By Belle Carter The 1952 flash floods that struck the village of Lynmouth in England were revealed to have […]

The Creepy Line – Full Documentary on Social Media’s manipulation of society

[embedded content] 815K subscribers The Creepy Line reveals the stunning degree to which society is manipulated by Google and Facebook and blows the lid off the remarkably subtle – hence powerful – manner in which they do it. Offering first-hand accounts, scientific experiments and detailed analysis, the film examines what is at risk when these […]

4 California Legislators Request U.S. DOJ Investigate Suspected Water Manipulation & Theft

4 California Legislators Request U.S. DOJ Investigate Suspected Water Manipulation & Theft Potential fraud and market manipulation at play in California’s skyrocketing water prices and land theft. by Reinette Senum, Reinette Senum’s Foghorn ExpressAugust 31, 2022 Two weeks ago, I interviewed Elaine Buxton regarding the outright theft and coverup regarding California’s water manipulation that has created an inaccurate […]

4 California Legislators Request U.S. DOJ Investigate Suspected Water Manipulation & Theft

4 California Legislators Request U.S. DOJ Investigate Suspected Water Manipulation & Theft Potential fraud and market manipulation at play in California’s skyrocketing water prices and land theft. by Reinette Senum, Reinette Senum’s Foghorn ExpressAugust 31, 2022 Two weeks ago, I interviewed Elaine Buxton regarding the outright theft and coverup regarding California’s water manipulation that has created an inaccurate […]

Churnalism’s Manipulation of The News

As one might have expected, the already severe problems of Churnalism have become even worse with the arrival of news’ websites demanding ever faster output. Churnalism is a form of journalism based on corporate press releases and pre-fabricated stories provided by external news agencies. Churnalism uses pre-packaged materials instead of reporting news and it is […]

ACH (1737) Steve Elkins – Covid: The Four Stages Of Manipulation

In today’s show originally broadcast on March 18 2022, Andy is joined by Steve Elkins, for a show entitled, “Covid: The Four Stages Of Manipulation.” We discussed: how the vaccines were forced upon us in an unscientific manner; the parallels between “The Great Reset” and the “Project For A New American Century”; why Covid was […]

Pfizer Data Manipulation: The Dirty Details of the Fraud in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials

Pfizer Data Manipulation: The Dirty Details of the Fraud in Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials Pfizer Data Manipulation- A Piece of the Puzzle The dirty details of the fraud in Pfizer clinical trials by Etana HechtSubstackBrook Jackson is a clinical trial researcher based out of Texas. Back in September 2020, Brook was hired to work as […]

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