Posts Tagged ‘minutes’

Washington Post: Trumpers Yelled to Police “Guy on the Roof With Rifle” for Minutes, Cheatle Confirms Crooks Seen with Range Finder

Above image: Photo taken by sniper of Crooks and texted to team 1/2 hour before shots What you need to know. After Cheatle testimony in Congress, someone tell me how this is NOT a deliberate plot to kill Trump. – Bystanders yelling man-with-rifle after snipers had already texted Crooks’ picture as a suspicious person a […]

ABC Shows Trump Not Swept From Stage for MINUTES Even as Snipers Locked onto Shooter, Let Him Shoot First

Above image: Secret Service Snipers Who Let Gunman Shoot First at Trump (Source ABC News) Next week arch-RINO House Speaker Mike Johnson will ask a bunch of stupid questions to the Secret Service about drones and why didn’t we see where the shooter was located, when for minutes people in the crowd were pointing at […]

Every Manipulation Technique Explained in 11 Minutes

Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Every Manipulation Technique Explained in 11 Minutes first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

RFK Jr. Leaves Chris Cuomo Speechless for 2 Minutes Straight

Independent presidential hopeful Robert Kennedy Jr. appeared on NewsNation Monday evening and dropped a shocking truth live on air that everyone needed to hear. “Our whole country has just had a big medical experiment for three years performed on them.” Surprisingly, former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo nodded when Kennedy made this statement. Join 55K+ subscribers […]

60 Minutes now claims Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are real, not conspiracy, because Russia is supposedly using them against us

60 Minutes now claims Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are real, not conspiracy, because Russia is supposedly using them against us For years, the mainstream media establishment in the United States has scoffed at all speculation about the existence of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) that the government is using to spark “wildfires” and attack entire towns, […]

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon

TOTAL ANNIHILATION: U.S. president only has 6 minutes to decide whether to unleash Armageddon An expert has issued a chilling warning about the looming specter of nuclear war, asserting that regardless of its origin, the catastrophic outcome remains the same: total annihilation. Annie Jacobsen, renowned for her insightful books on America’s military, including explorations of […]

FAKE NEWS ALERT! U.S. Investigator on 60 Minutes: Russia is Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks on More Than 100 U.S. Officials — They are Believed to be “Wounded by a Secret Weapon Firing a High-Energy Beam of Microwaves or Ultrasound” Causing a Mysterious Brain Injuries

U.S. Investigator on 60 Minutes: Russia is Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks on More Than 100 U.S. Officials — They are Believed to be “Wounded by a Secret Weapon Firing a High-Energy Beam of Microwaves or Ultrasound” Causing a Mysterious Brain Injuries Source

Elon Musk Issues Emotional Statement in the Final Minutes of Don Lemon Interview

After enduring an hour of Don Lemon’s politically-charged questions and constant attempts at “gotcha” moments, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk emerged from the interview with the public perception of holding the moral high ground. “How do you see your legacy, Elon?” the former CNN anchor asked. “How will people see you in the —” “First of […]

Tucker Carlson Speaks Candidly About RFK Jr. for 5 Minutes Straight

Carlson reveals that he knows Bobby Kennedy Jr. well and that he admires him. Similar to Trump, Tucker declares, “Bobby Kennedy’s most controversial opinions are the truest ones.” Carlson also challenged the notion that Kennedy is a liberal in the modern sense: “And the people who tell you, ‘Well, he’s a liberal. He’s a liberal.’ […]

Watch the DeSantis vs. Newsom debate in 3 minutes

Watch the DeSantis vs. Newsom debate in 3 minutes lead image Source

NBC Moderators Do Not Ask Single Question on Southern Border Until 90 Minutes into GOP Debate

NBC News moderators did not ask a single question on the United States-Mexico border until 90 minutes into the GOP presidential primary debate. Source

Zelensky: I Will Need 24 Minutes to Explain to Trump He Can’t Manage Putin

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that it would take 24 minutes to explain to former President Donald Trump he can not end the Ukraine war in 24 hours because Russian President Vladimir Putin can’t be managed. Source

DIRTY TRICKS: 26 Minutes-U.S. Cut Off Japan’s Oil Supplies & Confiscated (Stole) Japan’s Bonds to INSTIGATE WW2

Comment:  U.S. Leaders Truman and Roosevelt worked with Satanic British Empire to Force Japan and then Germany into WW2 and Neither Country wanted war!  Then both defeated countries were degraded and prostituted to the U.S. with U.S. crime mob’s Military Bases Permanently installed in both countries.  U.S. is going to get bitch slapped in WW3 […]

When someone asks you about the mRNA Covid jabs, ask them if they can spare four minutes…

READ HERE:   Source

’60 Minutes’ says Israeli pilots who kill Palestinian children are ‘moral’ defenders of ‘democracy’

The heroes of “60 Minutes” report on Israeli protests were reservists refusing to serve. “If you want pilots to be able to fly and shoot bombs and missiles into houses knowing they might be killing children, they must have the strongest confidence in the people making those decisions,” says a helicopter pilot. Source


SOURCE: Source

One Hour 8 Minutes Sounds Like Fractured Monarch CIA Slaves


Bronze Age Blacksmithing: From Liquid Fire to Sword in Minutes (Video)

In a fascinating video, the BBC’s Neil Oliver skillfully recreates the ancient art of fashioning a Bronze Age sword, using techniques and materials identical to those employed by our ancestors. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News Videos History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

RFK Jr. Was Just Given 5 Full Minutes to Unload the Truth About Vaccine Safety Before Congress

20 july 2023 After getting sued heavily for the DTP vaccine, Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the vaccine business. President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines. Wyeth answered that they couldn’t because vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” And […]



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