Posts Tagged ‘defenders’

House Passes Wildly Unconstitutional “Countering Antisemitism Act” & The Fake Defenders Of Liberty

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/2/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

’60 Minutes’ says Israeli pilots who kill Palestinian children are ‘moral’ defenders of ‘democracy’

The heroes of “60 Minutes” report on Israeli protests were reservists refusing to serve. “If you want pilots to be able to fly and shoot bombs and missiles into houses knowing they might be killing children, they must have the strongest confidence in the people making those decisions,” says a helicopter pilot. Source

UNSC Resolution Ink on Paper: Lebanon Defenders Won’t Let UNIFIL Violate Sovereignty

September 1, 2023 The Syrian Democratic Forces impose a curfew in Deir Ezzor’s countryside following violent clashes that resulted in losses on their end. Al Mayadeen‘s correspondent to Syria reported that SDF armed groups announced that they are launching a military operation to confront Arab tribes East of the Euphrates River. Our correspondent added that […]

The pall of Israel — some liberal defenders have nothing to say about the Jenin attack

When Israel launched a devastating attack on Jenin refugee camp this week, obliterating roads and houses and killing a dozen Palestinians, and causing thousands to flee, the stalwarts of the Israel lobby in the United States rushed to its defense, as usual. The good news is that there were fewer voices this time, with some […]

Israeli Apartheid Defenders in Canada Attack Green Leader May

December 10, 2022 By Yves Engler The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs’ recent attack against Elizabeth May is farcical. Canada’s leading mouthpiece for Israel criticized the Green Party leader for saying she takes her direction from the representative of the Palestinian Authority, which actually serves as the subcontractor for Israel’s occupation.  At an event marking […]

JCPA Defenders Say Media Cartel Bill Will Help Suppress ‘Misinformation’

Lobbyists for big media companies are working overtime to get Republican lawmakers on board with the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), promising it will somehow protect conservative media. Yet those same lobbyists are telling Democrats the bill will help curtail “misinformation” online — a buzzword for censoring conservatives. The bill would create an antitrust […]

Abortion rights defenders applaud judge’s block on Utah ‘trigger ban’

“Today is a win, but it is only the first step in what will undoubtedly be a long and difficult fight,” said one pro-choice advocate. Source

Millions of euros went from Moscow to accounts of “climate defenders” in West

By Dziennik.plMarch 26, 2022 Anno Domini Translated from Polish “The Russian government  has donated €82 million to European climate protection associations that aim to  prevent natural gas production in Europe ,” writes Die Welt in an article published on Thursday. As we learn, as early as 2014, former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen reported […]

Harvard Law School ‘apartheid’ report leaves Israel’s defenders speechless

In case you missed it, Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC) lately issued a report that finds Israel’s treatment of Palestinians on the West Bank amounts to the crime of apartheid. The study, “Apartheid in the Occupied West Bank: A Legal Analysis of Israel’s Actions” came out on February 28 in the wake […]

Guatemalan Water Defenders Celebrate Ten Years Of Resistance

An Attempted Assassination, Criminalization, And Violent Eviction In 2014 Didn’t Stop The Peaceful Resistance Of La Puya In Guatemala, Which Won Legal Action Suspending Harmful Mining Activities. In Central America, as in many other parts of the world today, communities are being thrust into life and death struggles up against powerful interests to ensure clean […]

Police Launch Third Militarized Raid Against Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders

Above Photo: Dan Loan. The RCMP arrested 15 people on Thursday November 18 as the land defence struggle against the construction of the Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline on Wet’suwet’en territory in northern British Columbia continues. Gidimt’en land defender Sleydo’ says: “[The RCMP] came with intent and the ability to kill people and seriously harm people.” […]

Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders Say Inaction Prompted Enforcement Of Coastal GasLink Eviction

Above Photo: Haudenosaunee supporters ride a Coastal GasLink excavator as they help to close the road in Gidimt’en territory on Sunday, Nov. 14. Amber Bracken / The Narwhal. When the pipeline company failed to act on an immediate evacuation order, land defenders decommissioned a service road, cutting off access to project sites and work camps […]

The banning of human rights defenders: Israel and South Africa compared

Israel has declared six organizations in occupied Palestine committed to the cause of human rights to be “terrorist” organizations.  These organizations are: A- Haq, which monitors human rights violations in occupied Palestine and in recent times has played an important role in providing assistance to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in its investigation […]

Rights Defenders Remain Imprisoned After Lifting of Egypt’s State of Emergency

Repressive Laws Remain After Insufficient Step Towards Religious Freedom 11/10/2021 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) – Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi lifted the nation’s state of emergency on October 25, which had been in effect since April 2017. However, the lifting is insufficient to address the ongoing human rights abuses committed by the government, particularly […]

Miami Defenders Rally For Release Of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab

Above photo: Provided by author. On Sunday, October 24, representatives from more than six independent activist groups led by the Bolivarian Circle of Miami joined forces at the foot of the statue of Latin American hero, Simon Bolivar, in the Miami Torch of Friendship Park, to demand Venezuelan Ambassador Alex Saab’s immediate release from U.S. […]

Prominent international figures urge release of human rights defenders in India

Over 50 eminent international figures including members of several European parliaments academics, lawyers, Nobel laureates, civil society leaders, and diasporic organisations have signed a joint statement urging the Indian government to show compassion and responsibility in the current Covid emergency, and call upon the authorities to release all arrested human rights defenders into safe conditions […]

Democracy Defenders? MLB Doesn’t Signal Plans to Move Facility from China

Major League Baseball (MLB) operates a player Development Center in Communist China while relocating their All-Star Game from Atlanta, Georgia, merely because Georgia’s residents must use an ID to vote due to a newly passed state law. “MLB’s Development Center in China has been focused on academics, baseball, and the social and cultural development of each […]

Sadiq Khan Claims Statue DEFENDERS Are the Ones ‘Trying to Engineer a Culture War’

London mayor Sadiq Khan has suggested it is critics of his scheme to audit place names and historic statues in the British capital who are trying to “engineer a culture war”, rather than the would-be iconoclasts who have made memorials an issue of them in the first place. “Some people are trying to engineer a […]

We Need More Public Defenders To Become Judges

Above photo: The 167th Theater Sustainment Command Judge Advocate General section finished a year-long training exercise with a mock court martial at the Calhoun County Courthouse, Anniston, Alabama, Augusty 7-8, 2018. Army National Guard/Staff Sgt. Katherine Dowd. Prosecutors have dominated the bench for too long. Prosecutors and corporate lawyers are overrepresented on state and federal courts. […]

Provinces Crackdown On Indigenous Land Defenders

Above photo: From The Spec. May infringe charter rights. Toronto – Months after a group of Haudenosaunee people set up camp on a construction site near Caledonia, Ontario, a provincial court granted Haldimand County an order permanently forbidding people from “interfering” with any public road. A lawyer for the county argued that the injunction was […]

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