Posts Tagged ‘rally’

Head of Secret Service backtracks on Trump rally blame

Head of Secret Service backtracks on Trump rally blame lead image Source

Massive Rally in Pakistan Backs Killing of Christian

TLP Sargodha leader Muhammad Naeem Chattha Qadri addresses supporters on June 9, 2024. (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News screenshot of video) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – In the wake of a mob lynching of a Christian falsely accused of defiling the Quran in Pakistan, Islamic extremists at a rally… Source

Is This Infowars’ Last Broadcast? Patriots Rally Behind Alex Jones and Crew

In what may be one of his final InfoWars broadcasts, Alex Jones breaks down the ongoing attacks on Infowars which have culminated in current CRO trying to shutdown the company. Fellow lawfare survivors, like Steve Bannon, General Flynn, Roger Stone and many others are rallying to Infowars’ defense. Source

GOP governors rally behind Texas in Supreme Court border dispute

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, backed by 25 GOP governors, maintains razor wire barriers at Eagle Pass, igniting a national debate on border security and state sovereignty. Source

War? 25 Red States Rally ‘Round Texas As Battle Brews With Biden Over Border

A coalition of red states has rallied around Texas, after Governor Greg Abbott invoked the state’s constitutional right to self-defense due to the migrant crisis, which he deemed an ‘invasion.’ Source

Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Biden rally in Virginia

Pro-Palestinian protesters disrupt Biden rally in Virginia lead image Source

Risks Abound After Santa Claus Rally Lifts Stocks

By George Lei, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and strategist 1. Chinese equities have enjoyed a stellar Santa Claus rally even though the country doesn’t officially celebrate Christmas. CSI 300 Index, the onshore benchmark, gained 2.8% in the final week of 2023 while the MSCI China Index soared 4.8% over the same period. The performance was the […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 87: As millions around the world rally for peace, an Israeli minister calls for ethnic cleansing

As the world ushered in 2024 and demonstrators across the world called for a ceasefire, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for more than two million Palestinians to be forcibly displaced from Gaza. Source

U.S.-supported Ukraine activist groups held a pro-Nazi rally outside White House

(NaturalNews) On Nov. 11, Veterans Day, bypassers were able to observe a group of protesters picketing outside the White House as they bore Nazi-inspired… Source

Christie on Trump quoting Putin during campaign rally: ‘He gets worse and worse by the day’ 

GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie blasted former President Trump for quoting Russian President Vladimir Putin during a campaign rally Saturday night, emphasizing that the former president is only getting “worse.” “My reaction is that he gets worse and worse by the day, Jake, and voters better start paying attention to exactly what he’s saying,” Christie… […]

Echoes of conscience: Jewish communities rally for an immediate Gaza cease-fire

Unity in protest: Jewish communities rally for justice and peace in Gaza. Source

House Republican backs Trump after debate: ‘We need to rally behind our candidate’

Republican Study Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.) threw his backing behind former President Trump after Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate, in which Trump did not participate. “Division is the last thing we need — we need to really behind our candidate for 2024 and we need to do it fast,” Hern said in a… […]

Black Chicagoans Rally Against Sanctuary Policies, Promise to Vote for Republicans, Independents Over Democrats

A group of black Chicago residents rallied on the city’s South Side to warn City Hall and the City Council that they are organizing to defeat any official that supports Mayor Brandon Johnson’s fealty to sanctuary city policies and the continued spending of millions on illegal aliens, even to the extent of voting for Republicans […]

Tech Rally Sees It Grab An Ever Greater Share Of The S&P 500

By Heather Burke, Bloomberg Markets Live editor Tech has driven the bulk of the S&P 500’s gains over the past week — and year. The sector is on track to increase its dominance, passing post-pandemic highs as markets adopt a more dovish tone on central banks. Info tech was by the far the best performer […]

Atlanta students rally against police training in Israel, suppression of campus activism

On November 9, 2023 Atlanta activists and students from universities across Atlanta, including Georgia State University, Emory, the Atlanta University Center, and Georgia Tech, rallied in opposition to the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE) as part of the November 9 international “Shut It Down for Palestine” day of action and the week of action. […]

Trump Rally Crowd Boos RINO Congressman Carlos Gimenez, Who Is Part of Scalise’s Gang And Endorsed Hillary

Last Updated on November 8, 2023 President Donald Trump competed with the Republican Party’s junior varsity presidential debate on Wednesday with a rousing rally in Hialeah, Florida. The city was 94 percent Hispanic as of 2020, according to U.S. Census data. Members of the pro-Trump crowd helpfully informed Trump that they do not like Carlos […]

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Endorses Trump at Rally: ‘Our Country Has Never Needed Donald Trump More’

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR) formally endorsed former President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign on Wednesday night right as the third Republican debate began.  Source

Man Gets Dragged Out of Hillary Clinton Rally for Asking About Bill Clinton’s Trips to Epstein Island

Originally Published on Vigilant News Alex Rosen, anti-pedophilia activist and Twitter user with a significant following, was dragged out by security at a Hillary Clinton rally Friday in Houston. On Rumble, he runs a channel called Predator Poachers. At a Hillary Clinton rally in support of mayoral candidate Sheila Jackson Lee, Rosen shouted, “Hey, Hillary, […]

Orthodox Jews Rally Saying “Israel is not a Jewish state, it is a Zionist state”

READ HERE:   Source

Thousands Rally Peacefully in NYC in Support of Palestinians

New York City’s Times Square erupted in shades of green, red, white, and black on Friday afternoon, as thousands of people rallied in a passionate show of support for Palestinians. The protest, titled “All Out For Palestine,” came amid warnings that Israeli forces were preparing to launch an imminent ground invasion on northern Gaza following […]

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