Posts Tagged ‘backs’

Massive Rally in Pakistan Backs Killing of Christian

TLP Sargodha leader Muhammad Naeem Chattha Qadri addresses supporters on June 9, 2024. (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News screenshot of video) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – In the wake of a mob lynching of a Christian falsely accused of defiling the Quran in Pakistan, Islamic extremists at a rally… Source

Ursula von der Leyen Backs Down from some of the Agricultural Reforms after EU-wide Mass Protests

The recent wave of farmer uprisings across Europe has compelled the globalist European Union (EU) leadership in Brussels to make significant concessions to its green agenda, temporarily shelving key elements aimed at achieving “net zero” emissions. The farmers, who have been staging protests and tractor blockades in major cities, secured a notable victory as European […]

‘They’ve all turned their backs on her’: Haley hosts a homecoming in a hostile state

NORTH CHARLESTON, South Carolina — Nikki Haley returned to South Carolina on Wednesday as a political outcast in her own home. Seeking to regain her footing a day after her defeat in the New Hampshire primary, the former South Carolina governor urged supporters at a rally here to show up for her as they had […]

Liz Cheney backs push to bar Trump from ballot under 14th Amendment

Liz Cheney is adding her voice to the movement to bar Donald Trump from the ballot, saying Friday that there’s “no question” his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, fall under the so-called insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment. “I don’t believe he should be part of our political process,” Cheney said. “And this is a […]

The GOP Backs Trump – Kennedy Warns of Civil War

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House Republican backs Trump after debate: ‘We need to rally behind our candidate’

Republican Study Committee Chairman Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.) threw his backing behind former President Trump after Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate, in which Trump did not participate. “Division is the last thing we need — we need to really behind our candidate for 2024 and we need to do it fast,” Hern said in a… […]

UN Atomic Chief Backs Nuclear Power At COP28 As World Reckons With Proliferation

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The world wants more nuclear energy as a means to fight climate change and supply an ever-growing demand for electricity, part of a generational shift in thinking on atomic power, the head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog said Thursday. Rafael Mariano Grossi, the director-general of the International Atomic […]

Musk backs Israeli Holocaust of Tens of Thousands of Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Descendants of Biblical Judians Children in Gaza

“Israel has no choice but to “destroy Hamas,” Elon Musk said on Monday after meeting with the country’s leadership in West Jerusalem. The owner of X (formerly Twitter) traveled to the Middle East after critics in the US accused him of anti-Semitism.” Well yes they do have another choice Musk.The Invasive Species Non Semitic Turkmen […]

Barack Obama Backs Joe Biden as Other Democrats Sour

Former President Barack Obama came out swinging in favor of Joe Biden this weekend despite the fact that Democrats have begun to sour on his 2024 candidacy. Source

Bernie Sanders Backs ‘Pause’ in Gaza, but No ‘Ceasefire’ with Hamas Terrorists

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) departed from much of the “progressive” left on Sunday morning when he opposed a ceasefire in Israel’s war against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, though he supported a “pause” and criticized Israel’s bombing in Gaza. Source

Former NATO chief backs pause in Gaza war, but not cease-fire

The former leader of NATO said a “humanitarian pause” in Gaza “makes sense,” citing the need to help civilians in the region as the war between Israel and Hamas militants continues. But, he refused to back a full cease-fire in the conflict. “I don’t think a sweeping, in place, cease-fire is appropriate from the military… […]

Larry Elder drops out of 2024 GOP primary, backs Trump

Republican presidential candidate Larry Elder is suspending his 2024 campaign for the White House and has endorsed former President Trump for the party nominee. “As I look at the path forward, and after careful consideration and consultation with my campaign team, I have made the difficult decision to suspend my campaign,” Elder said in a… […]

Will Hurd Drops Out of 2024 Race, Backs Nikki Haley to ‘Defeat’ Trump and Biden

Former Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) suspended his 2024 presidential campaign on Monday and endorsed former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, praising her as the “one person to defeat” former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden. Source

ADL Backs Off Twitter/X Ad Boycott in Wake of Elon Musk’s Meetings With Netanyahu, Rabbis

The Anti-Defamation League on Wednesday backed off their ad boycott targeting Twitter/X, comically lied by claiming they never organized one to begin with, and agreed to resume advertising on the platform citing X’s “stated intent over the last few weeks to address antisemitism.” Source

UK trade union backs boycott of Israel settlement project

The Trades Union Congress (TUC) in England and Wales has passed a motion reiterating its “commitment to ‘boycott the goods of companies who profit from illegal settlements, the Occupation and the construction of the Wall’.” In a motion passed on Wednesday, the 5.5 million member strong TUC said: “Any attempt to delegitimise the Palestinian call […]

DeSantis backs Tuberville on military holds, denounces Pentagon abortion policy

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis backed Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s months-long blockade on military nominations on Thursday, saying that the Pentagon’s abortion policy would “go out the window” if he wins the presidency. “They are using tax dollars. They’re funding abortion tourism, which is not an appropriate thing for the military to be doing,” DeSantis told radio […]

White House backs transfer of controversial cluster bombs to Ukraine Washington approved the move despite knowing the risk to civilians, the US national security adviser has said

Head CEO of the USA/DC Corporation Hands All Over Little Girls Biden has approved the supply of banned weapons of mass destruction against civilians cluster bombs to to the USA/DC’s puppet “government” of Ukraine as part of the Murdergon’s newest steal from the American Tax Slaves to send kill supplies for Kiev’s kidnapped off the […]

Chamber of Commerce Backs Rep. Salazar Amnesty for Millions of Illegal Aliens

The United States Chamber of Commerce, representing some of the nation’s largest multinational corporations, is throwing its support behind an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens introduced by Rep. Maria Salazar (R-FL) and other lawmakers. On Tuesday, amid record-breaking illegal immigration levels, Salazar joined Reps. Veronica Escobar (D-TX), Jenniffer Gonzalez-Colon (R-PR), Hillary Scholten (D-MI), Lori Chavez-DeRemer […]

Biden administration quietly backs Israel’s deadly assault on Gaza

Biden officials have been unequivocal in their support for Israel’s assault on Gaza, barely paying lip service to a ceasefire. More concerning is their refusal to acknowledge Israel initiated and provoked this escalation.  Source

UN’s goal to reduce carbon emissions is a scam to enable the rich to become richer off the backs of the poor

BY RHODA WILSON ON JANUARY 14, 2023 • ( 4 COMMENTS ) One of the goals under the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 plan is Sustainable Development Goal 7 (“SDG7”). We are told that the whole point of “sustainable development” is to mitigate the problems that will supposedly be caused by humanity’s greenhouse gas emissions (“GHG”). This fairy tale has left most people […]

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