Posts Tagged ‘Rabbis’

Mark Glenn – Satanist Rabbis Control Israeli Leaders

“Israeli leaders take their ‘cue’ from the Rabbinical class, the real power brokers behind this anti-Gentile criminal conspiracy known as ‘La Kosher Nostra’…as much as defenders of the Jewish State constantly paint it as a ‘democracy’, it ISN’T. It is a theocracy that…wears the outward appearance of being a western, liberal, secular entity, but which […]

Organ trafficking: Rabbis arrested over massive crime ring

US agents have arrested 44 elected officials and Jewish rabbis in New Jersey in a huge anti-corruption sweep across the state. Charges of extortion, bribery, money laundering and human organ trafficking were stunning even for a state long notorious for official corruption and organised crime. Under arrest … a rabbi is taken into court.CREDIT:REUTERS Five […]

Israeli rabbis tell Netanyahu that Israel has a right to bomb Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza

A group of influential Israeli rabbis wrote a letter to Benjamin Netanyahu affirming Israel’s right under Jewish law to bomb Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. Source

Greenblatt’s ADL Hate Group is now labelling all orthodox Jewish rabbis and their organizations formed against fascist Zionism as anti-Semitic hate groups!

The ADL had labeled Jews against Zionism as an antisemitic hate group Yes they are actually labeling an organization of Jews as antisemitic Incase you haven't figured it out yet Antisemitic is a word designed to make you shut up and not question the agenda — Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) October 19, 2023 _____ Screenshot: […]

ADL Backs Off Twitter/X Ad Boycott in Wake of Elon Musk’s Meetings With Netanyahu, Rabbis

The Anti-Defamation League on Wednesday backed off their ad boycott targeting Twitter/X, comically lied by claiming they never organized one to begin with, and agreed to resume advertising on the platform citing X’s “stated intent over the last few weeks to address antisemitism.” Source

Israel lobby group B’nai Brith is now suing rabbis for standing up for Palestinian rights 

B’nai Brith is suing a rabbi for defamation.  In “B’nai Brith Launches Legal Action Against anti-Israel Activist David Mivasair” the group claimed it was suing because he described their organization as “racist”, “anti-Palestinian hate group”, “agent of a foreign power” and “small band of extremists enabled by wealthy racists.” In the lawsuit filed in Ontario […]

Rabbis call for security portfolio to be given to Smotrich to prevent Palestinian State

The Religious Zionism rabbis, headed by Rabbi Haim Druckman, head of the Religious Zionism party, demanded Bezalel Smotrich insist on taking over the security portfolio during the calls regarding forming the government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. In a statement issued after their meeting with Smotrich yesterday evening, the rabbis called to "firmly insist, without compromise, […]

Illinois rabbis for free speech on BDS

We are a group of Illinois rabbis and cantors who are part of T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights, a national Jewish organization representing over 2,300 rabbis and cantors across the country. We were deeply disappointed when Illinois passed SB 1761 in 2015, part of the worrisome wave of anti-democratic laws that have swept […]

Rabbis Reveal Kabbalist Plan for World Genocide

C.J. Bjerknes and Adam Green analyze videos by Kabbalist rabbis.  A dedicated reader, Z, provides an Introduction and a synopsis. “Tikkun Olam, ‘redemption’, or restoring/repairing the world, as Gentiles think, is laid bare for what really is to be accomplished – genocide. The same applies to their Messiah (Moshiach Ben David) who is to arrive and […]

Citing danger, top Haredi rabbis urge avoiding visits to Western Wall on Shavuot

Two of the leading figures in the ultra-Orthodox community on Sunday warned against visiting the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem during the approaching Shavuot festival, citing the danger due to violence between the Jewish and Arab populations in the country. Chaim Kanievsky and Gershon Edelstein, considered top authorities in the Lithuanian-descended community, […]

Sephardic Rabbis Stand in Solidarity with Israel

As Israeli civilians are once again under rocket attacks from the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups, we the undersigned, Sephardic rabbis representing communities all over the world, stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel. We support Israel’s right to defend her cities and civilians, and to assert her sovereignty over Jerusalem, […]

How Two Jewish Rabbis Respected and Protected the Ka’bah of Islam

Before I can explain Ibn Kathir’s account of the two rabbi who protected the Ka’bah, I have to relate something about the Jews in Arabia in the five centuries before the birth of Prophet Muhammad. In 2014, a French-Saudi expedition studying rock inscriptions around Bir Hima – a site about 100 kilometers north of the […]

Israeli rabbis order Hungary government to freeze payouts to sparring local Jews

In an extraordinary attempt at overseas intervention, an Israeli rabbinical court has ordered a freeze on reparations payments by the Hungarian government to Hungarian Jewish groups, as three religious denominations disagree on how those funds are divided between them. The injunction, ordered Wednesday by the Jerusalem Supreme Rabbinate court — part of Israel’s judiciary system […]

If rabbis can’t talk about public policy, what’s the point of Torah?

Text Messages is a column, produced with The Jewish Week, sharing wisdom from the weekly Torah portion. When do you call the rabbi? Sometimes to complain. (We’re Jews, after all.) But usually, a life-cycle event has taken place. A birth, thank God. An impending wedding. An illness. Too often in the last year, a death. […]

‘He can be trusted’: Documents reveal how Israel’s Rabbinate recognizes some U.S. rabbis, blacklists others

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Rabbis: “Don’t Show Off In Front of the Goyim”

jews are not supposed to flaunt their wealth in front of the “goyim,” but instead hide it behind closed doors so that the jews can continue to pretend being poor and persecuted. WorldTruth link Share now! Source

Why are so many North American Orthodox rabbis silent on aliyah?

Over the years, as I take part in the annual festive celebration of Yom Ha’atzma’ut and the Divine restoration of Jewish sovereignty that Independence Day embodies, I have found myself increasingly troubled by a question that may be simple yet is anything but simplistic. To put it bluntly: why are so many North American Orthodox […]

1,500 rabbis blast ADL for calling Fox News to fire Tucker Carlson

In response to ADL’s call on Fox News to fire host Tucker Carlson, the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) wrote a letter on Tuesday calling out the organization for its “grossly misplaced charges of antisemitism.” The letter was supported by 1,500 traditional orthodox rabbis, who informed ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt that “alas, the ADL has […]

New York rabbis celebrate approval of $2.1 billion Excluded Workers Fund

Over 100 New York rabbis and cantors signed a letter in support of the recent inclusion of a $2.1 billion fund for excluded essential workers which was announced by the New York State Senate on Tuesday. According to the Senate, the fund aims to create a “long overdue income replacement program for New York’s estimated […]

Abolitionist Rabbis: Their Urgent Lessons for Today

As the first half of the nineteenth century ended, Americans faced an urgent matter of conscience. The enslavement of human beings, central to the U.S. economy, was tearing the country apart. The situation called for spiritual and moral leadership. Most American Jews at the time were of European descent. And as a group, they were […]

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