Posts Tagged ‘western’


Even the most optimistic of political analysts did not expect that the International Criminal Court’s Chief Prosecutor would be uttering these words: I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin Netanyahu (…) and Yoav Gallant (…) bear criminal responsibility for (…) war crimes and crimes against humanity …” Aside from the two Israelis, Karim Khan has included three Palestinians […]

War on Gaza: How the western ‘rules-based order’ is a sham

(NaturalNews) It is not yet clear whether the International Criminal Court (ICC) will issue arrest warrants for top Israeli political and military leaders, as… Source

Does Western civilization any longer exist?

(NaturalNews) Western Civilization has long been under attack by its own intellectuals and professors. Is there anything left of it?(Article republished from… Source

Former Russian President Says Western Leaders Are ‘Infantile Morons’

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the US, the UK, France and other Western countries should take Russia’s upcoming nuclear drill as a reminder of where escalation of the Ukraine conflict could take […] The post Former Russian President Says Western Leaders Are ‘Infantile Morons’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

Russian president Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian Ministry of Defence to conduct a test of non-strategical nuclear weapons. Putin said the order was made in response to “Western aggression” and are aimed at protecting […] The post In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Western liberal hegemony, which once thrived when people were still largely moral, could collapse by year’s end, warns Hungarian PM

(NaturalNews) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban believes that Western liberal hegemony, meaning Western civilization as a whole, needs to be destroyed because… Source

ANALYSIS: Israel, Ukraine, Western Europe and the United States have already been defeated

(NaturalNews) My topic for tomorrow’s Brighteon Broadcast News: “Israel, Ukraine, Western Europe and the United States have already been defeated.” When published,… Source

Iran’s Response Against Israel Was Calculated, But Not If You Listen To Western Media

On Saturday night, Iran launched what its foreign minister called a “limited” retaliatory strike directly against Israeli military sites. The attack included the launch of a large batch of suicide drones and missiles, managing to inflict damage and triggering a multi-national air defense reaction. Not a single Israeli civilian was killed and the number of […]

Germany joins Israel in dock for genocide… Western imperialism’s perverse evolution

April 12, 2024 Source Germany and the United States along with other Western powers are continuing deep-seated historical crimes by way of their proxy war against Russia. The repeating of history might seem tragic, even farcical. One may wonder how such apparent madness can be repeated. But the explanation is straightforward when it is understood […]

Spain to officially recognize Palestinian state, calls on Western powers to do same

Spain to officially recognize Palestinian state, calls on Western powers to do same The world has had enough of Israel’s genocidal war crimes in Gaza, prompting Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez to state that Spain will recognize Palestinian statehood by July. “We have to seriously consider doing it in the first half of this year,” […]

Jew Gatekeeper Caterwauls Bad-Bad West-How the Western Media Helped Build the Case for Genocide in Gaza

“Liberal democracy is not what it seems.” “But how to keep the faith when the world’s leading liberal democracies – invariably referred to as “the West” – are complicit in the crime of crimes: genocide?” “Not just law-breaking or a misdemeanour, but the extermination of a people. And not just quickly, before the mind has […]

Western Banks Warn Against EU Plans to Give Russian Funds to Ukraine

Some Western banks are lobbying against an EU plan to use profits made by Russian central bank funds that are frozen in Europe to arm Ukraine, Reuters reported on Thursday. The European Commission has proposed sending up to 3 billion euros to Ukraine per year using the revenue. About 90% would go to a fund called the “European Peace […]

Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism

Many Western political leaders are suffering from a type of madness which cannot be treated, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who revealed that the global elite engage in vices including pedophilia and cannibalism. Rumors […] The post Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

How the Western media helped build the case for genocide in Gaza

20 March 2024 Jonathan Cook From obscuring the West’s role in starving Gaza to sensationalised accounts of mass rape by Hamas, journalists are playing the role of propagandists, not reporters Declassified UK – 20 March 2024 The past five months have been clarifying. What was supposed to be hidden has been thrust into the light. […]

Western societies are being replaced by people who hate Western civilization

The foundations for the West are slowly (but at an accelerating pace) collapsing from within, and if our current trajectory continues, nobody will be around to turn the lights off when the culture disappears. Source

‘Belt And Road’ Western Hemisphere Investments Has China Firmly Rooted In America’s Backyard

Authored by John Haughey via The Epoch Times, The United States has been so focused on global security concerns that it has overlooked investing in its own backyard’s economic and military needs for decades. But China hasn’t. With its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI, also known as “One Belt, One Road”), China has become South […]

How western media are helping Israel fabricate a “mass rape” narrative about 7 October

On The Electronic Intifada livestream last week our guest was Bryce Greene, who wrote an excellent article for FAIR about how the Western media is refusing to report on the issue of the Israeli “friendly fire” which took place on 7 October. We also discussed Ali Abunimah and I’s latest piece about the continuing “mass […]

The West’s “vampire ball is over,” Putin warns – exploitation of world by Western elites coming to an END

(NaturalNews) The era of Western control over world affairs is coming to an end, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin.In an exclusive interview… Source

Western soldiers and spies flip off Lebanon’s sovereignty

Source The recent detention of Dutch special forces in a southern Beirut suburb has thrown a spotlight on the unchecked foreign espionage and military activities afoot in Lebanon. But when Lebanese officials stick their heads in the sand, it demolishes the state’s sovereignty. Radwan Mortada Among West Asian countries, few face the brunt of foreign […]

March 1 – Western Public Oblivious to World War Threat

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Putin’s warning that the world is on the verge of nuclear war is not even mentioned on the Network TV Nightly News Russian President Vladimir Putin says NATO countries risk facing “tragic” consequences if they send troops to Ukraine. “[Western nations] must understand that we also have […]

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