Posts Tagged ‘nuclear’

UN Chief Guterres warns of heightened risk of NUCLEAR CONFLICT amid geopolitical tensions

(NaturalNews) United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recently issued a stern warning as technological advances and escalating geopolitical tensions that… Source

Declassified documents reveal US secret nuclear war project named “SIOP,” aimed at killing Russians and Chinese people

Declassified documents reveal US secret nuclear war project named “SIOP,” aimed at killing Russians and Chinese people Many cannot help but suspect that the United States, through countries like Ukraine and possibly Taiwan, has been inciting proxy wars to get on with its 1960s plan to mount a nuclear war with Russia and its top […]

America’s TOP-SECRET $745 MILLION stealth nuclear bomber takes off in first publicly acknowledged test flight

(NaturalNews) Recently released images of America’s top-secret $745-million stealth nuclear bomber showed the aircraft taking to the air for its first publicly… Source

May 29 – NATO & Russia Play Nuclear Chicken

(Left. Bombing refugees sheltering in tents was a “tragic” mistake but demolishing buildings full of people and massacring 35,000 wasn’t? Is there anyone more sleazy than the Israeli government?) Nuclear chicken articles are below Israeli massacre. Please send links and comments to [email protected]  Survivors recount Israel’s Rafah camp massacre, describing headless children and charred bodies: […]

Fox News Produces Iran Nuclear Weapons Hoax Scare

“Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran obtained nuclear bombs” a Fox News headline read on May 12, sensationalising comments made by an Iranian political commentator who was recently re-elected to parliament in March. Despite the bold title to the article, only Israeli media bothered spreading this claim, as even US networks left it alone. At a time […]

May 14 – Iran Has Nuclear Weapons?

Please send links and comments to [email protected] An Iranian nuclear bomb is the best deterrent against Israeli aggression. I always assumed Iran has at least one. Why would a failed state like Pakistan have nukes and Iran not? Iranian leaders have threatened to wipe Israel off the map. How else could they do this?  Iranian […]

Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Now Equipped with Nuclear Bombs

Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Now Equipped with Nuclear Bombs Source

Lindsey Graham Says Israel Should Drop Nuclear Bombs On Iran & Gaza

US Senator Lindsey Graham thinks that, in order to protect itself, Israel should drop nuclear bombs on Gaza and Iran. The warmonger and neocon made his remarks over the weekend during an interview on NBC […] The post Lindsey Graham Says Israel Should Drop Nuclear Bombs On Iran & Gaza appeared first on The People's […]

May 12 – ZioMedia Downplays Danger of Nuclear War

Please send links and comments to [email protected] We are passengers on The Titanic. Anyone with half-a-brain can see that:  NATO is begging Russia to destroy the West in a nuclear war. Re. tactical nuclear weapons: Russia has declared its “red lines”; the West is intent on crossing them.  Why? This video is a bit dated […]

May 8 – Teetering on the Brink of Nuclear War

The lamestream media is downplaying the danger.  Scott Ritter says the Ukrainian army is disintegrating and NATO is panicking.  UK and France are talking about sending re-enforcements and missiles capable of hitting deep into Russia. Russia has said it will strike back with strategic nuclear weapons aimed at their capital cities! They conducted nuclear drills […]

In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

Russian president Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian Ministry of Defence to conduct a test of non-strategical nuclear weapons. Putin said the order was made in response to “Western aggression” and are aimed at protecting […] The post In Response To Western Aggression, Putin Orders Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Russia tests new nuclear-capable ballistic missile that can “avoid NATO detection” as tensions rise in Middle East

(NaturalNews) Russia tested a missile last week that some claim could be a new variety of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) with nuclear capabilities that… Source

Ex-Mossad Chief Says Hitting Iran’s Nuclear Facilities ‘On The Table’

Several statements were issued by Iranian leaders on Wednesday as they attended a military parade at a base north of Tehran which featured displays of attack drones and ballistic missiles, just days after Iran’s unprecedented Saturday night attack on Israel. The head of Iran’s military, Maj. Gen. Abdolrahim Mousavi, addressed the army gathering saying, “Currently, we […]

Israel to destroy Iran’s NUCLEAR facilities if Tehran follows through on retaliation threats

(NaturalNews) Israel has reportedly warned that if Iran attacks in retaliation to the assassination of a top Iranian commander, it will respond by destroying the… Source

US National Security Advisor Worried about Russian NUCLEAR FIRST-STRIKE Upon USA


Republican congressman calls for NUCLEAR obliteration of Russia and Gaza

Michigan Rep. Tim Walberg, a Republican, does not believe that innocent civilians in Gaza and Ukraine deserve any more aid. Instead, Walberg would rather the money go towards bombing Russia and Gaza with nuclear weapons. Walberg says that dropping atomic bombs on Russia and Gaza would result in “quick” victories for he and others who […]

U.S. seeks to reduce its heavy reliance on Russian uranium for nuclear power

U.S. seeks to reduce its heavy reliance on Russian uranium for nuclear power When the House of Representatives recently passed a ban on the import of Russian uranium in an attempt to further discourage Russia from its activities in Ukraine, it led many to wonder just how much the country depends on Russia for its […]

March 23 – World on the Cusp of Nuclear War The Western public is sheltered from the fact that its faces obliteration  in a nuclear war being prepared by their globalist leaders.  Do cowardly, deluded, entitled Westerners deserve to die? Sharp escalation- Russia states it is now in a “State of war” “Victoria Nuland said during her recent trip to Kiev that the […]

France Threatens Nuclear Strike on Russia

French President Emmanuel Macron delivered a bold statement on Thursday, asserting France’s readiness to utilize nuclear weapons in response to recent nuclear saber-rattling from Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a departure from his usual diplomatic tone, Macron criticized Putin’s threats and underscored France’s advanced weapons program during interviews with French media outlets. The exchange of […]

Kremlin Angry Over US ‘Distortion’ Of Putin’s Comments On Nuclear Weapons

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has accused Washington of “deliberately distorting” President Putin’s remarks about the conditions under which Russia would use nuclear weapons. Peskov was referring to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s remarks about […] The post Kremlin Angry Over US ‘Distortion’ Of Putin’s Comments On Nuclear Weapons appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

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