Posts Tagged ‘uranium’

Senate passes bill BANNING the importation of Russian uranium

(NaturalNews) On April 30, the United States Senate unanimously passed the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Exports Act.This legislative action represents a pivotal… Source

U.S. seeks to reduce its heavy reliance on Russian uranium for nuclear power

U.S. seeks to reduce its heavy reliance on Russian uranium for nuclear power When the House of Representatives recently passed a ban on the import of Russian uranium in an attempt to further discourage Russia from its activities in Ukraine, it led many to wonder just how much the country depends on Russia for its […]

How Much Does The US Depend On Russian Uranium?

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a ban on imports of Russian uranium. The bill must pass the Senate before becoming law. In this graphic, Visual Capitalist’s Bruno Venditti visualizes how much the U.S. relies on Russian uranium, based on data from the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA). U.S. Suppliers of Enriched Uranium After Russia […]

Iran bars nuclear inspectors while stockpiling enriched uranium

Iran’s nuclear activities once again stirred international concern as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports that the country continues to bar several experienced nuclear inspectors. In a confidential report, IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi criticized Iran’s decision to withdraw accreditation from eight top inspectors, including French and German nationals. He deemed the move “extreme and […]

Fallout from ammo depot explosion in Ukraine that destroyed DEPLETED URANIUM shells reaches the United Kingdom

Fallout from ammo depot explosion in Ukraine that destroyed DEPLETED URANIUM shells reaches the United Kingdom Fallout from the explosion of an ammunition depot in Ukraine– which had depleted uranium (DU) shells in storage – has reached the United Kingdom. Ironically, Downing Street gave these same DU shells to Kyiv. According to a recent study, […]

WSJ: Netanyahu Floating Saudi Uranium Enrichment for Possible Normalization Deal

 September 21, 2023 The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “instructed Israeli officials to cooperate” with the US toward allowing Saudi Arabia to enrich uranium. According to the WSJ report, a central part of the deal was also being seriously considered by Netanyahu, despite Israeli opposition leaders being against […]

Israeli opposition rejects idea of KSA enriching own uranium

Today Sep 22, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The negotiations for a potential normalization deal involve the US providing Riyadh with security assurances and support for a Saudi domestic civilian nuclear program. Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid has strongly criticized the idea of permitting Saudi Arabia to engage in uranium enrichment within its borders, citing potential […]

Iraq War: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium

September 20, 2023 Global Research By Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi 8 November 2009 The following text was presented to the Kuala Lumpur International Conference to Criminalise War, Putra World Trade Centre, 28-31 October 2009. For more than three decades [since 1991], the United States of America and the United Kingdom have been waging continuous wars on Iraq to […]

What are depleted Uranium munitions? 

As a part of a $1 billion aid package, the United States announced that it is sending depleted anti-tank munitions to Ukraine to help Zelensky’s troops fend off Russian tanks.  The armor-piercing rounds first developed during the Cold War by the U.S. will be fired from 31 M1A1 Abrams tanks that are planned to be… […]

Iran Has Slowed Its Enrichment Of Near-weapons-grade Uranium: UN Nuclear Watchdog Report

The confidential report comes as Iran and the U.S. are negotiating a prisoner swap and the release of billions of dollars in Iranian assets frozen in South Korea. Source

Niger puts an end to uranium and gold export to France

31 Jul 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Niger coup leader General Abdourahamane Tchiani, despite being EU’s largest supplier of uranium, halts uranium and gold export to France. With immediate effect, the Republic of Niger under the leadership of General Abdourahamane Tchiani, and supported by the people of the Republic, announced the suspension of […]

Russia whines about Ukraine receiving Depleted Uranium ammo while Russia has been using that since the Beginning

Putin criticised the UK’s donation of 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine, specifically taking issue with the potential deployment of depleted uranium tank rounds, claiming that it was a dangerous escalation towards nuclear war. Russian President Vladimir Putin got his knickers in a bit of a twist recently when commenting on the potential deployment of […]

UK’s Depleted Uranium Plan Threatens All Of Europe

READ HERE: The British decision to supply depleted uranium munitions to Kiev is part of a dangerous trend that makes the Ukraine conflict a threat to the whole of Europe, Russian State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin has warned.   Source

Stink of Nuclear War: UK will Supply Ukraine Depleted Uranium Ammunition. Moscow: “As Dirty Bombs”

March 22, 2023 by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio The race to escalate the war in Ukraine carried on by the NATO countries continues with constant provocations that seem made on purpose to unleash the First World Atomic War. While the White House has already warned Kiev not to accept peace proposals from China after the meeting between […]

Russia’s Putin blasts UK move to send ammo with depleted uranium to Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday condemned British plans to send tank ammunition that contains depleted uranium to Ukraine, saying Moscow would be forced to respond accordingly. Source

Wagner Mercenaries Back Libyan Group That Says It Recovered Missing Uranium

A Libyan general with ties to Russia’s Wagner mercenary group claims to have recovered 2.5 tonnes of missing uranium.  Khaled Mahjoub, a media officer for the Libyan National Army (LNA), announced on his Facebook page that several drums of uranium had been found near the country’s border with Chad. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) […]

Y-12 uranium processing facility in Tennessee catches fire, 200 employees evacuated

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A fire broke out Wednesday, Feb 22, at the Y-12 National Security Complex uranium processing facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. All 200 employees were immediately evacuated from the site.According to Steven Wyatt, a spokesperson from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the blaze that started at 9:15 a.m. … [Read More…] Source

Ohio Cover Up Continues, US Sends Ukraine Depleted Uranium Rounds & ISIS Patch On Ukraine Solider

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/15/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

‘Iran has enough enriched uranium to make 4 nuclear bombs,’ Israeli army says

Iran currently has enough enriched uranium to make four nuclear bombs, Israel's outgoing military chief informed reporters on Friday. "Iran today has enough enriched material to produce four nuclear bombs, three at 20 per cent and one at 60 per cent," Israeli public broadcaster Kan reported outgoing Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi telling reporters. Kochavi […]

Iran has enough uranium near weapons-grade for a bomb, IAEA report shows

Iran’s stock of uranium enriched to up to 60 per cent, close to weapons-grade, has grown to enough, if enriched further, for a nuclear bomb, a report by the United Nations nuclear watchdog showed on Wednesday, Reuters reports. Passing that threshold is a milestone in the unravelling of the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and […]

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