Posts Tagged ‘contaminated’



PFAS Contaminated Fertilizer Destroying Farmland & Israeli Gov Coordinated Attack On US Free Speech

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/4/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Buyers beware: Turmeric products are often contaminated with lead

When buying supplies for your stockpile, it’s important to do so from trusted sources that offer lab-verified organic products. This can help you protect your family from food tainted with harmful heavy metals, such as lead. Lead used to be a contaminant in turmeric, the unique spice that gives curry its beautiful golden color. Researchers traced […]

Blood transfusions from COVID-vaccinated people are contaminated and carry risks, warn Japanese researchers

(NaturalNews) A team of Japanese researchers analyzed blood transfusions taken from individuals who were previously inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines. The… Source

East Palestine, Ohio Water Still Contaminated As Biden Prepares Victory Lap 

President Biden’s planned trip to East Palestine, Ohio, is pure politics as the election cycle begins. The White House plans to do a victory lap on its response to the train derailment that nuked the small town with toxic chemicals one year ago. Yet, a new report reveals the federal government’s response has been sub-par, with […]

Contaminated: We’ve Been Their Lab Rats All Along

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL An increasing number of prominent medical professionals have called for an immediate halt in the use of the alleged, “safe and effective” COVID-19 mRNA shots. Now, the Florida State Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, has joined the ever-growing list. An excerpt from the Florida Department of Health’s January 3 bulletin […]

World’s Top Medical Journal Admits Vaccinated Mothers’ Milk Is Contaminated With mRNA

A bombshell new peer-reviewed study published in the world’s leading medical journal has found that the breast milk of vaccinated lactating mothers contains mRNA from Covid shots. The study, published this week in the Lancet […] The post World’s Top Medical Journal Admits Vaccinated Mothers’ Milk Is Contaminated With mRNA appeared first on The People's […]

Iraq War: How the U.S. Contaminated Iraq with Depleted Uranium

September 20, 2023 Global Research By Prof Souad N. Al-Azzawi 8 November 2009 The following text was presented to the Kuala Lumpur International Conference to Criminalise War, Putra World Trade Centre, 28-31 October 2009. For more than three decades [since 1991], the United States of America and the United Kingdom have been waging continuous wars on Iraq to […]

CLEAN FOOD WATCH: 6 Foods that are likely to be contaminated with heavy metals

(NaturalNews) A study published in the Food and Chemical Toxicology journal was conducted to support the Closer to Zero Action Plan of the U.S. Food and Drug… Source

Tap water across American southwest found to be HEAVILY CONTAMINATED with cancer-causing arsenic

(NaturalNews) The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has found that tap water in at least 31 states is contaminated with arsenic at levels above the legal… Source

The Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen: The Most & Least Pesticide-Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables

From Summary Organic fruits and vegetables cost more than conventional ones — sometimes a lot more. But if you want to avoid pesticide exposure, is it always necessary to choose organic? Or are some conventional fruits and veggies less contaminated? In this article, we go in depth into the Environmental Working Group’s US-based report […]

Japan Begins Releasing Highly Contaminated Radiated Water From Fukushima

A top government spokesperson announced on Friday that Japan intends to begin discharging more than a million tons of treated water from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean this year. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has approved the proposal, but the government will hold off on publicizing it until it has […]

The Hepatitis-C contaminated blood scandal that affected citizens in Australia and New Zealand over 20 years ago and is still yet to be investigated

Liz Gunn of FreeNZ Media speaks with Charles MacKenzie, President of “Infected Blood Australia”, about the Hepatitis-C contaminated blood scandal that affected citizens in Australia and New Zealand over 20 years ago and is still yet to be investigated. Infected Blood Australia supports Baby Will and the Savage-Reeves family’s right to choose un-jabbed direct donor […]

More than 57,000 U.S. locations likely contaminated with PFAS

There are likely more than 57,000 locations, with sites in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, that are contaminated with the toxic forever chemicals known as per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). That’s the result of a new study and mapping effort from Northeastern University’s PFAS Project Lab published in Environmental Science & Technology […]

Report: Melania Trump Bought New Wardrobe After FBI ‘Contaminated’ Her Clothes During Mar-a-Lago Raid 

Former first lerady Melania Trump reportedly bought a new wardrobe after the FBI “contaminated” her clothes when they searched her room as part of last month’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. 

Drinking Water in Yemen Contaminated with Radioactive Substances, Heavy Metals

August 29, 2022 By Staff, Agencies The Yemeni Ministry of Water and Environment warned about the level of pollution in drinking water in the country’s strategic coastal province of al-Hudaydah, raising alarms about the serious health hazards derived from the repeated exposure to traces of heavy metals, including lead, mercury, and arsenic. During a press […]

Kraft Heinz Recalling Contaminated Capri Sun Juice Pouches

Kraft Heinz is recalling thousands of pouches of Capri Sun in the U.S. after some cleaning solution accidentally mixed with the juice on a production line. The company said it’s recalling about 5,760 cases of Capri Sun Wild Cherry flavored juice blend. The “Best When Used By” date on the packages is June 25, 2023. […]

COVID Vaccines Contaminated With Stainless Steel And Rubber Fragments Are Killing People In Japan

According to numerous shocking reports, COVID vaccines found to be contaminated with stainless steel and rubber fragments are killing people in Japan. Pink, white and black substances were also found floating in the vials. Several cities in Japan have reported ‘white-colored floating substances’ in Vials of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, according to Bloomberg. The vials came from lot FF5357, where white […]

Ex-pupils of English school where 89 died testify at UK contaminated blood inquiry

A public inquiry into Britain’s contaminated blood scandal began hearing evidence on Monday from a school where dozens of former pupils were killed. More than 2,000 people in Britain died and thousands were left living with HIV and hepatitis after being treated with tainted products to treat haemophilia in the 1970s and 80s. In September […]

Japan Plans to Dump 1.2 Million Tons of Contaminated Fukushima Wastewater Into Pacific Ocean

Japan Plans to Dump 1.2 Million Tons of Contaminated Fukushima Wastewater Into Pacific Ocean Children’s Health Defense » Feed / Aerowenn Hunter The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It’s free. In a […]

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