Posts Tagged ‘Fukushima’

U.S. government to purchase Japanese seafood for the military despite Fukushima radiation concerns

U.S. government to purchase Japanese seafood for the military despite Fukushima radiation concerns The government of the United States recently announced that it has agreed to purchase Japanese seafood for its military to help ease the economic fallout from Japan’s decision to release radioactive wastewater from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the […]

China bans seafood imports from Japan after release of Fukushima wastewater into Pacific Ocean

The Chinese customs bureau said the immediate ban was put in place to prevent “the risk of radioactive contamination of food safety caused by Japan’s Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge.” Source

China BANS sale of Japanese seafood due to Fukushima radiation contamination – Tokyo to file appeal at WTO

(NaturalNews) Not everyone is a-okay with Japan’s recent decision to dilute radioactive wastewater from the melted-down Fukushima nuclear power plant and dump it… Source

Not Just a Drop in the Ocean: China Bans Sale of Japanese Seafood Over Fukushima Radioactive Water Release Into the Pacific – Tokyo to File Appeal at the World Trade Organization

Not Just a Drop in the Ocean: China Bans Sale of Japanese Seafood Over Fukushima Radioactive Water Release Into the Pacific – Tokyo to File Appeal at the World Trade Organization Source

A Concrete Solution for Fukushima – #SolutionsWatch

Last week, TEPCO, in conjunction with the Japanese government, began dumping radioactive Fukushima wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. Joining us today to talk about the consequences of that decision, what it will mean for peoples around the Pacific, and what could be done to mitigate this disaster, is Dr. Robert H. Richmond, Research Professor and […]

Fukushima Radioactive Wastewater Released into Ocean May Produce Mutant Animals

Japan’s dumping of treated radioactive waste from the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the Pacific Ocean could result in animal mutations among other severe adverse ecological consequences, a life sciences professor has warned. Describing how a relatively obscure radioactive chemical known as tritium could have profound impacts on marine wildlife, University of South Carolina Biological Sciences […]

China bans seafood from Japan as Fukushima nuclear plant releases treated wastewater into ocean

The water release starts more than 12 years after the March 2011 nuclear meltdowns, caused by a massive earthquake and tsunami. Source

Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Plant To Start Releasing Treated Radioactive Water To Sea

The Japanese government says treated and diluted radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will be released as early as Thursday. Source

What’s the problem regarding radioactive water discharge from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant? Part Three. Political battles.

Even a visit to the Fukushima Daichi Nuclear Power Plant by a delegation of government experts did not dampen the excitement surrounding Japan’s planned radioactive water discharge, and the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) with its leader Lee Jae-myung played a crucial part in fueling it. On May 24, 2023, the Democratic Party […]

UN approves large Fukushima discharge into Pacific Ocean, prompting China to ban Japanese seafood imports

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), an international organization within the United Nations system, just approved a large Fukushima discharge into the Pacific Ocean. The pending discharge, which includes over 500 Olympic-sized swimming pools of “treated” radioactive water, will be released from the infamous Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Chinese customs and food safety regulators […]

Hong Kong Warns Of Japanese Seafood Ban If Fukushima Dumps Nuke Water Into Ocean

Last week, the UN nuclear watchdog gave Japan the “greenlight” to dump ‘treated’ radioactive water from the crippled Fukushima plant into the ocean. The plan upset China, the biggest buyer of its seafood exports, and has since sparked concerns in Hong Kong.  On Wednesday, Hong Kong’s Environment and ecology department head Tse Chin-wan warned if […]

What’s the problem regarding radioactive water discharge from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant? A delegation of South Korean scientists visits the NPP. Part 2

The disputable situation surrounding the safety of discharging water from the damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which the author discussed in Part 1, prompted a team of 21 South Korean experts to visit Japan from May 21 to 26 to inspect the plant and the treatment of radioactively contaminated water that Japan plans to […]

What’s the problem regarding radioactive water discharge from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant? Part One. The technical side of the issue

As previously noted, the outrage over Japan’s discharging of over 1 million tons of radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the Pacific Ocean (“discharge” for short) continues to persist. For instance, thousands of Koreans rallied in downtown Seoul on May 20, 2023, to protest the discharge. The leader of the main […]

Fukushima: Japan prepares to release 1.3 million tonnes of treated wastewater into the sea

Under a plan approved by the Japanese government, the release of this water is expected to begin this spring or summer. Source


November 30th, 2022 Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University and Director and Chairman of Translational Research Informatics Center (TRI), Japan., warns about vax harms to the Ministry of Health: “You are ignoring science! It’s a disaster. You spend billions on the vaccine & force people to inject it…due to the vax, natural immunity […]

Fukushima Workers Tell The Harrowing Story Of How They Tamed One Of The World’s Worst Nuclear Disasters

[embedded content] In 2011, three nuclear reactors melted down, provoking a series of hydrogen explosions and resulting in the world’s most severe nuclear accident. It happened in Japan, which had been long celebrated as a technology powerhouse. Advertisement At the time of the accident, the site became a veritable death trap, with extremely high levels […]

IAEA to Check the Release of Fukushima Water into Ocean

The run-up to the discharging of chemically treated, but still radioactive water from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is once again taking center stage in the eyes of many of Japan’s neighbors. The Japanese authorities opted to release Fukushima water last April to advance the decommissioning process that has lasted for more than […]

Fukushima Takes a Turn for the Worse

Tokyo Electric Power Company-TEPCO- has been attempting to decommission three nuclear meltdowns in reactors No. 1 No. 2, and No. 3 for 11 years now. Over time, impossible issues grow and glow, putting one assertion after another into the anti-nuke coffers. The problems, issues, enormous danger, and ill timing of deconstruction of a nuclear disaster […]

Japan Plans Dumping Fukushima’s Nuclear Waste In Ocean: Pacific Collective Vows To Oppose

The Pacific Collective on Nuclear Issues, a group of civil society and student organizations, has categorically denied the veracity of a report released by Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (TEPCO), vowing to oppose Japan’s planned mass disposal of wastewater stored at the tsunami-wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant. The strong objection comes a day after TEPCO submitted […]

Seoul Continues to be Hysterical while Tokyo Digs a Fukushima Water Tunnel

On August 25, 2021, South Korea expressed “strong regret” that Japan was unilaterally implementing its plan to release radioactive water from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant “without any prior consultations or seeking consent from the South Korean government”.  Oh, my gosh – Tokyo Electric Power Company Holding Inc. (TEPCO) has unveiled a preliminary construction plan of […]

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