Posts Tagged ‘government’

Australian Government’s website security appalling

The buffoons in government are sleeping on the job, siphoning taxpayer dollars to keep their extended lunches afloat or just have ‘outsourced’ low quality I.T. workforce. When visiting websites, a quintessential part of internet security is a protocol called https, where data travels encrypted as opposed to non encrypted via http. HTTPS is not new, […]

Total Control: Weaponized Psyops And How The Government Normalizes Totalitarianism

From engineered violence to the manufactured culture war and propaganda fueled “entertainment”, the methods the federal government has at its disposal to manipulate the minds of the masses are as numerous as the crimes they have committed. Becoming aware of it is the first step towards resisting it. THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT JUL 11, 2024 […]

Joe Rogan Exposes Disturbing Contrast in Government Spending

The world’s most popular podcaster took the internet by storm once again with a pointed question about government spending. Joe Rogan asked why the U.S. government somehow has the funds to send $175 billion in foreign to aid Ukraine but couldn’t spare $5 billion to help Maui rebuild after devastating forest fires ravaged the island. […]

Multiple US Presidents Have Admitted the US “Government” Is Run By Inter-Generational Organized Crime

I make the case in “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! that the “Government” is run by inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking. This organized crime cartel has been using fractional reserve banking to create money out of thin air, and they have bought up and monopolized the media to deceive and distract the […]

Poll: Americans Are More Likely To Go To War With The Government Than Submit To The Draft

By Brandon Smith In a national poll last month Americans were asked if they believed a new civil war was likely to happen within their lifetime. The establishment media was shocked to report that 47% of the population said yes. Those of us in the liberty media were not so surprised; I believe according to the evidence […]

Col Douglas Macgregor Calls for Early Elections, Because Our Government Is Captured

TRANSCRIPT Americans, the media worked closely with the White House to conceal the truth that was on display last night. President Biden is not fit to discharge the immense duties of the presidency. The alarming evidence of his cognitive decline was on display for all to witness. Yet his enablers and political allies continue to […]

Türkiye’s Constitutional Court Supports Government’s Expulsion of 9 Foreign Christians

6/14/2024 Türkiye (International Christian Concern) — Türkiye’s highest court, the Constitutional Court, recently ruled that the government’s expulsion of nine foreign Christian leaders based on secret service reports does not violate their freedom of religion. Six of the court’s 13 judges dissented. Although the nine believers had legally obtained residency permits, their perceived missionary activities […]

Explosive hearings: Philippine government briefed on the declining birth rate and skyrocketing excess deaths related to COVID vaccines

Explosive hearings: Philippine government briefed on the declining birth rate and skyrocketing excess deaths related to COVID vaccines The Philippine House of Representatives is now actively investigating the surge in excess deaths and the decline in births following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. The Joint House Committees on Public Order and Safety on Human […]

Brighteon Media lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government a fight for FREE SPEECH in America

Brighteon Media lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government a fight for FREE SPEECH in America The historic lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government filed by the Health Ranger Mike Adams’ Brighteon Media is a fight for the right to free speech of every American. Adams himself asserted this during a recent discussion on […]

End Violence Against Women Now – Corrupt Cops Push Falsified Government Agenda!

The colony’s governments, that being federal and state have many false agendas in play against the good people of Australia. ‘Investigative’ journalists are no longer within the mainstream media, but rather agenda promoters or Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V keyboard monkeys. There is a nefarious agenda in action at the moment, that being against men, i.e. an […]

Corrupt cop Simon John Blackney 51, protected by government funded by taxpayers

One of the ‘perks’ of living in a colony, especially if you’re corrupt and part of one of the three arms of government that being the Parliament, Executive or Judiciary you get the protection from the ‘brotherhood’ at the expense of the taxpayers, brilliant! There should be a law where police accused of criminal conduct […]

Government lies, MediSecure cyber attack “isolated”

People in government lie to the plebs every single day, period. Catching them out is sometimes easy, other times more effort is required. Governments and corporations dot not care about your data, but rather what it costs them, the department where ‘liability’ is not part of any equation, where maybe if they had to pay […]

Sal The Agorist Interview – Anarchy, Agorism & The Illusion Of Government

Joining me today is Sal The Agorist, here to discuss the true meaning of anarchism and agorism, and how deliberalty they are misrepresented by the current power structures. We discuss why they are falsely equated with “chaos”, and the very real threat these rapidly growing ideologies pose to the growing normalization of authoritarian control. We […]

NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANS for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ!

 NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANSby Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day)U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992 Your U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ! A diabolic deception has been perpetrated on the American people by their OWN leaders, Senators and Congressmen, who have sold their soul to the devil. On March […]

Are You Ready to be Forcibly Injected with Anything the Government Says, Regularly? Here Comes Central Digital ID and CBDC

Very important you understand this now. Not later. Central database digital ID will mean a government controlled single key to everything in your life. Your bank accounts. Your doctor appointments. Your government benefits or tax refunds. Your ability to get student loans, travel, buy food and gas. It is very convenient. It also means this […]

German government behaving like Nazis in banning free speech that they claim mirrors Nazi language about German nationalism

(NaturalNews) A right-wing German lawmaker has been convicted of using an “illegal†slogan that Sturmabteilung stormtroopers used in the Nazi era.The… Source

The Illusion Of The Altruistic US Government Has Been Dismantled By The Ongoing Israeli Genocide

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/21/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

OUT WITH THE FROGS WORLDWIDE!!! French government declared a state of emergency in its South Pacific island of New Caledonia


MediSecure data breach – Another cover-up and ‘failure of government’?

See front page of MediSecure’s website: The above screen capture reads the following: MediSecure Cyber security incident/data breach MediSecure has identified a cyber security incident impacting the personal and health information of individuals. We have taken immediate steps to mitigate any potential impact on our systems. While we continue to gather more information, early indicators […]

Big Government censorship collusion with Big Tech RESUMES efforts to block all “misinformation” before Election Day

(NaturalNews) Just in time for the 2024 election, the federal deep state is working overtime to silence online free speech so the selected candidate… Source

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