Posts Tagged ‘frogs’

OUT WITH THE FROGS WORLDWIDE!!! French government declared a state of emergency in its South Pacific island of New Caledonia


‘Only In Australia’: Frogs, Mice, Beetle Ride On Snake To Escape Floodwaters

Tell us you live in Australia without telling us you live in Australia… A frog, two mice and a beetle were seen sheltering aboard a snake inside a rainwater tank in viral videos shared on TikTok this week. Advertisement It was filmed in western Queensland, according to Australia’s 9News. The state has been hit by […]

Gay Frogs: A Deep Dive

This Black guy made an interesting documentary on whether or not frogs are really being turned “gay” by chemicals in the water, as alleged by Alex Jones. [embedded content] Share now! Source

Yes. Gay Frogs. Real Thing.

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Alex Jones Calls Out Sargon of Akkad on Gay Frogs! (GAUNTLET = THROWN!)

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 5, 2017 Sargon been blown the fuck out by Alex Jones re: gay frogs. Looks like you gotta go defend yourself, Sargon. Alex already proved gay frogs how many times, after they used that clip over and over again to make him look insane. We know for a […]

Russia supplants U.S. in the global war on terror

     A meeting between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Saudi Arabia’s Defence Minister Prince Mohammed bin Salman (son of King Salman) ended on early Monday, October 12th. Agence France-Presse headlined “Vladimir Putin Meets Saudi Prince on ‘Political Solution’ in Syria,” and reported that, whereas the son of the Sunni fundamentalist Saudi King says that his father […]

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