Posts Tagged ‘historical’

A Historical View of Today’s Political Theater

A few weeks ago, we woke to various bloviating regarding last night’s first presidential debate. Depending on which side you hold, your preferred candidate won. They may have had a disappointing performance, but the other candidate is a liar. One of them has a convicted felon for a son, and another is even a convicted […]

The Optimism-Fatalism Historical Cycle

Authored by Gregory Copley via The Epoch Times, No fundamental form of human behavior, for better or worse, disappears forever. Cycles of wealth, fear, or frustration force changes, and they bear an uncanny similarity to Shakespeare’s “Seven Ages of Man.” We are, above all else, predictable. The present decline, distortion, or much-heralded “end of democracy” […]


DISCLAIMER: There are number of details within this excellent documentary that we do not support, however, this body of evidence spanning over 1000 years of both personal and court documents of FAKE JEW , “Jewish” Ritual Murder, is extremely compelling. May we add the author of this video has neglected to define these “JEWISH” perpetrators […]


JANUARY 12TH, 2024 RAMZY BAROUD Thousands of miles separate Uganda and Congo from the Gaza Strip, but these places are connected to Palestine in ways that traditional geopolitical analyses would fail to explain. On January 3, it was revealed that the far-right Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu is actively discussing proposals to expel millions of Palestinians to […]

Stranger Than Historical Fiction: The Haavara Agreement

“Haavara [was] a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods. The Haavara Agreement […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Historical Villain

Mario Murillo asserts “the American leftist license to hate Israel came from Obama: “For the sake of truth and sanity, we must also tear the veneer of decency off of Obama, and see him for the historical villain that he is. He opened the door for these atrocities to take place and has left a […]

HISTORICAL FACT: It Was Palestine Before The Zionists Stole It

By Biblicism Institute “Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French.” – Mahatma Gandhi Modern Jews – the Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Samaritans, Europeans, Africans, etc. – are not of the seed of Jacob/Israel, thus not of the Semitic lineage of the 12 Hebrew tribes with whom God had the Old Covenant. […]

Netanyahu’s New Middle East: How Does Israel’s Claim Line Up Against The Historical Record

On September 22, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, delivered his first speech before the United Nations General Assembly since retaking office. In his address, he spoke of a “new Middle East” and held up a poster which incorrectly depicted “Israel” in 1948 and the territory it held, he went on to speak on how the […]

Scholars Want Term ‘White Paper’ Scrapped Due to its ‘Racial and Historical Context’

Renegade Editor’s Note: Jakobi doesn’t exactly look White to me. Hmm. By Dave Huber ‘Exclusionary to some groups, Source

Historical bazaar in Saveh undergoes restoration

TEHRAN – A fresh round of restoration has commenced on the centuries-old bazaar of Saveh, which comprises hundreds of shops laid out along the mazing vaulted alleys and thoroughfares. Source

5 Huge Historical Vaccine Frauds

But the “experts” say!!!! But the doctors must know best you say! In 1799, George Washington contacted some form of respiratory illness. Martha called in the “Health Experts”, doctors. One doctor shoved a suppository up his ass and made him shit his brains out. Another made him throw up several times. After they had him […]

The True Historical Meaning Of ‘Turn The Other Cheek’ For Christians In Roman-Occupied Judea

One of the most controversial — and least understood — verses in the New Testament is Christ’s command to his disciples if they are ever struck on the cheek: “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” –Matthew […]

ACH (2141) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Behind The Biblical And Historical Roots Of The Coronation

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 4 2023, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show entitled, “The Real Story Behind The Biblical And Historical Roots Of The Coronation.” We discussed: the Biblical history of the Stone Of Scone, that will be used for the coronation of King Charles III this weekend; […]

103 historical objects donated to tea museum

TEHRAN – A cultural heritage advocate has recently donated 103 historical objects to a tea museum in Lahijan, northern Iran. Source

Quake inflicts no harm to historical sites in Fars

TEHRAN –A medium-sized 5.3 magnitude earthquake that struck southern province of Fars on Wednesday morning caused no damage to historical sites across the province, the provincial tourism chief has said.  Source

Considering Modern Ass Holes & Historical Presidents on “PRESIDENT’S DAY” US Holiday

Sometimes at night when sleep is illusive some of my kin and I hold sessions where we run a hand along the history of America and shake our heads at the present state of affairs in Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac. Last night a couple of cousins who are past American presidents came calling. […]

Introduction – jewish Ritual Murder: A Historical Investigation, Dr. Hellmut Schramm

The time has come for the thousand-year jewish ritual murder secret to be exposed to the light; may this work, which has been many years in the making, be called upon to keep coming generations alert! Source

jewish Ritual Murder – A Historical Investigation

Thus has it been for millennia — so it is again today. The blood of the non-jew rises up against the fanatic blood-politics of the jews. Germany has been intended by History to have the leading role in this mammoth struggle: morality struggles against immorality, heroism against criminality, light against darkness, and blood against blood! […]

The Nakba Day triumph: How the UN is correcting a historical wrong

The next Nakba Day will be officially commemorated by the United Nations General Assembly on 15 May, 2023. The decision by the world's largest democratic institution is significant, if not a game changer. For nearly 75 years, the Palestinian Nakba, the 'Catastrophe' wrought by the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by Zionist militias in 1947-48, has […]

The Yellow Vests at 4 years old: their 3 greatest historical achievements

Sunday, 04 December 2022 1:04 PM [ Last Update: Sunday, 04 December 2022 1:04 PM ] By Ramin Mazaheri On December 1, 2018, the Yellow Vests announced themselves in France and the world, registering their name in history books with their revolutionary graffiti tagging of the Arc de Triomphe, one of the country’s most iconic monuments. “The Yellow Vests […]

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