Posts Tagged ‘Murder’

BBC Calls for Biden To ‘Murder Trump’ Before November

A BBC radio host declared that President Biden should use the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling as an excuse to murder Donald Trump. In a since deleted tweet, BBC Radio 4 “Briefing Room” host David […] The post BBC Calls for Biden To ‘Murder Trump’ Before November appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

IDF says murder is okay after statistics show that Israel killed 75% of all journalists who died in 2023 while covering conflict zones

(NaturalNews) An investigation by The Guardian (United Kingdom) found that Israel’s military considers media outlets affiliated with the resistance to its genocide… Source

Israel’s national murder-suicide pact

First published by The Electronic Intifada An Israeli father gave a frightening TV interview back in February. Thomas Hand grasped the small palm of his 9-year-old daughter Emily. The girl had been released in a prisoner exchange with Hamas only a few months prior. As she watched on, her father told Israeli interviewer Tali Moreno […]

Top Japanese oncologist says COVID-19 vaccines are “essentially murder”

(NaturalNews) Japan’s top cancer doctor recently made headlines for openly admitting what many American doctors have been too afraid to say out loud: the COVID-19… Source

The Financial Incentive to Murder and Poison American Children

by Greg Reese In an April 16th interview with Polly Tommey, Dr. Paul Thomas, explained how the American medical establishment incentivizes pediatricians to fully vaccinate their young patients, and fines them if they don’t. Vaccinations that have been proven to cause more death and harm than the diseases they are said to be preventing. Dr Paul Thomas: […]

Biden’s shifting ‘red line’ allows Israel to keep getting away with murder

Biden threatened Israel with pulling military aid if it invades Rafah, but Israel is attacking anyway. It won’t face consequences so long as Biden remains vague on what amounts to sufficient grounds for suspending military aid. Source

Why the Rothschilds Had to Murder South Africa’s Stephen Goodson!

Goodson was an economist and had been a director of the South African Reserve Bank (our Fed). Goodson was convinced that the Rothschilds control 50% of the world economy! The propaganda giving reasons for the start of WWI & II are entirely bogus! Its all Bakers wars! Link Below: Source

Killed in Uniform – The Gaza Medic Who Saw His Murder in a Dream

April 8, 2024 “My husband lived oppressed and died oppressed. They deprived my husband of his rights, in life and death.” Relentless Israeli bombardment has killed over 33,000 Palestinians since the beginning of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza starting on October 7. But many more were killed in other ways, some by starvation, and others […]


This is not Self-Defense VOX POPOLI The IDF murdered seven aid workers yesterday, three of whom were British special forces veterans, in three targeted drone strikes. Late on Monday night three cars from the World Central Kitchen pulled out of the organisation’s warehouse in Gaza to distribute aid to Palestinians. Each vehicle was clearly marked […]

Apologists for Israel’s mass murder in Gaza fall back on ‘antisemitism’ claims

The gist of the trick is to equate Israel with the Jewish religion—and then to equate opposition to Israel with antisemitism. Source

CANNIBAL gangs are roving Haiti on murder sprees, “eating people they’ve killed”

(NaturalNews) A real-life walking dead situation is unfolding in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince, where roving gangs are attacking police officers with… Source

Least Folks Forget, I Will Make Sure To Remind Them of All The Evil Minions Who Helped Mass Murder Millions Of Humans With Killer Jabs

I get tired of posting the evidence there was no Pandemic but a Scamdemic over and over. I grow tired of posting the evidence there never was a new virus called “SARS-COV-02” over and over. Get Tired of proving the Killer jabs are a Rothschild’s Human Herd Culling Euthanasia jab over and over. Go back […]

UK Woman Charged with double attempted murder after Poisoning her own Children

    A 38-year-old woman has been charged with two counts of attempted murder after two children were victims of a suspected poisoning. Jilumol George of Hunters Way appeared at Brighton Magistrates’ Court today, where she was charged with two counts of attempted murder and two counts of administering poison with intent to endanger life […]

Iraq Closer To Expelling US Terrorist Occupation Troops After Murder By Drone In Busy Neighborhood

It has been proved to anyone with a brain except those who’s head and brain are shoved up their own ass, Israel and Israel controlled US politicians and military officers did 9-11. If you had family members die in the War of Terror based on the false flag of 9-11, they died for the Rothschild’s […]

Investigators Urge Reopening of Kurt Cobain Murder Case Amid New Evidence

The coroner who controversially ruled Kurt Cobain’s death was “suicide” later boasted that he had been intimate with Courtney Love and admitted he should have recused himself from the case, according to an investigative journalist who has challenged Courtney Love to take a lie detector test about her version of events. Medical examiner Dr. Nikolas […]

Over 100k Gazans Dead, Injured, Or Presumed Dead & US Allies Get Away With Murder (And Much Worse)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/3/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]


DISCLAIMER: There are number of details within this excellent documentary that we do not support, however, this body of evidence spanning over 1000 years of both personal and court documents of FAKE JEW , “Jewish” Ritual Murder, is extremely compelling. May we add the author of this video has neglected to define these “JEWISH” perpetrators […]

Virgilio Aguilar Méndez is facing murder charges for an officer who died of natural causes while attacking him

An officer died of a heart attack while attacking Virgilio Aguilar Méndez; now Aguilar Méndez is facing murder charges. Source

Brother Nathaniel Skirts Issue of Satanic Ritual Murder

“Brother Nathaniel, though content to expose a great deal about his Jewish Satanic Tribal lineage, absolutely refuses to even begin to discuss the massive, ancient and ongoing ritual torture, bloodletting and sacrifice of children which has ALWAYS taken place in ALL synagogues worldwide, and is at the core of Judaism.” (Disclaimer – Assimilated Jews do […]

AIRLINERCIDE! Now the NWO globalist cabal is using the BOEINGs to mass murder US.

READ HERE: Alaska Airlines Found Loose Bolts On ‘Many’ Boeing 737 Max 9s — And A 757 Just Lost A Wheel Source

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