Posts Tagged ‘allows’

Biden’s shifting ‘red line’ allows Israel to keep getting away with murder

Biden threatened Israel with pulling military aid if it invades Rafah, but Israel is attacking anyway. It won’t face consequences so long as Biden remains vague on what amounts to sufficient grounds for suspending military aid. Source

New hardware vulnerability discovered in Apple’s M chips that allows attackers to steal encryption keys from Macs

New hardware vulnerability discovered in Apple’s M chips that allows attackers to steal encryption keys from Macs Apple computers have long distinguished themselves from PCs by being more difficult to hack, which is one reason some security-conscious computer and smartphone users are happy to fork over the high prices their products fetch. However, Apple has […]

Biden agrees to a deal that allows the border to be SHUT DOWN when Texas gets overwhelmed – But why wait? Shut it down now!

(NaturalNews) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s opposition to President Joe Biden’s very lax immigration policies has forced the federal government to cut a deal with… Source

Congress Allows National Parks to Ban Cash, as Prep for CBDC China Social Control System, Vaccine Mandates

Above Image: WEF World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab holding copy of his 2017 book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” in which he writes: “Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a…radio frequency identification (RFID) tag…similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.” What better place to […]

Judge Allows 30-Minute Extension At Two Kentucky Polling Locations After Gas Leak, Police Chase

A judge allowed two polling locations in Louisville, Kentucky, to stay open longer on Tuesday after reported disruptions from a gas leak and a police pursuit. Source

Supreme Court allows federal government to continue suppressing social media content

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to review a lower court ruling that prevented key Biden administration officials from communicating with social… Source

Fifth Circuit Allows Biden Admin To Continue Social Media Censorship Demands

Fifth Circuit Allows Biden Admin To Continue Social Media Censorship Demands Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times, Federal agencies accused of pressuring social media companies to remove users’ content will remain free to contact those companies for the time being because the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has temporarily stayed […]

US Allows Int’l Banks to Release $6 Billion in Frozen Iranian Funds

September 11, 2023 By Staff, Agencies The US administration has issued a waiver for international banks to transfer $6 billion in frozen Iranian money from South Korea to Qatar without fear of US sanctions. The report released early Tuesday by AP said the Biden administration has also agreed to release five Iranian citizens held in […]

Quisling UK Govt Allows US Nukes At RAF Lakenheath

Not content with emptying the treasury and ammunition depots of the UK to further the US proxy war in Ukraine our Quisling government of occupation have quietly green lighted the storage of US nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath making the UK an instant target should the war in eastern europe go nuclear. As is common […]

SCOTUS Allows Biden ATF’s ‘Partially Complete’ Pistol Frame Rule to Stand During Appeal

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) allowed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives’ (ATF) “partially complete” pistol frame rule to stand on Tuesday, while an appeal runs its course in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Source

Texas AG appeals judge’s order that allows women with certain pregnancies to get abortions

(The Texas Tribune) – A Texas judge on Friday issued a temporary exemption to the state’s abortion ban that would allow women with complicated pregnancies to obtain the procedure and keep doctors free from prosecution if they determined the fetus would not survive after birth. But hours later, the attorney general’s office filed an appeal […]

Danger behind the wheel: New MA law allows ILLEGAL ALIENS to get a US driver’s license

(NaturalNews) A new Massachusetts law allows illegal aliens to apply for and obtain a U.S. driver’s license.Since the law took effect on July 1, over 100,000… Source

UK considering legislation that allows intelligence agency to spy on people’s internet activity in real time

UK considering legislation that allows intelligence agency to spy on people’s internet activity in real time Every last trace of freedom is being erased in the United Kingdom where legislators are pushing a new proposal that would allow the nation’s cyber and signals intelligence agency, GCHQ, new sweeping powers to monitors internet logs in real […]

U.S. lawmakers introduce bill that allows government to STEAL Russian assets and give them to Ukraine

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) The U.S. government, under Joe Biden’s handlers, is doing its level best to make as many global enemies as possible because doing so fuels the endless wars they so desperately want so they can continue feeding trillions to their beloved military-industrial complex.”A bipartisan group of US lawmakers introduced a piece of … [Read […]

‘I see the scar and I want to die’: Why the EU allows sterilisation of women with disabilities

Forced sterilisation is legal in much of the European Union. It is against the law in only nine countries despite contravening the Istanbul Convention. “If you can’t take care of yourself, how will you be able to care for someone else?” Rosario Ruiz, 53, would always hear this sentence while growing up. Diagnosed with a […]

Criminal indictment allows doctor access to concealed records linking COVID vaccines and deaths

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A plastic surgeon accused of performing fraudulent Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations was given an opportunity to single-handedly expose the corruption and alleged link between the experimental injections and deaths in every American state.Following the U.S. attorney’s criminal indictment against Utah’s Dr. Kirk … [Read More…] Source

Federal judge allows defamation lawsuit against SPLC, which routinely brands conservatives “hate groups,” to proceed

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A federal judge has allowed a lawsuit holding the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) accountable over its defamatory “hate group” designation to proceed.On March 31, Senior U.S. District Judge William Keith Watkins ruled in favor of D.A. King, the president and founder of the Dustin Inman Society (DIS). The SPLC filed a […]

Government allows Real Estate fraud to STILL flourish: False Advertising

An advertised look of the house The government (deliberately) allows fraud to occur in the real estate industry, where in fact it actually supports it. Why would it not? After all it’s a huge cash cow for the government, so why would anyone want to take an action to shoot one in the foot? Quite […]

Government allows Real Estate fraud to flourish: False Advertising

An advertised look of the house The government (deliberately) allows fraud to occur in the real estate industry, where in fact it actually supports it. Why would it not? After all it’s a huge cash cow for the government, so why would anyone want to take an action to shoot one in the foot? Quite […]

Syria regime allows imports from Saudi Arabia after decade of suspension

The Syrian regime has reportedly agreed to allow the import of goods from Saudi Arabia after a decade-long trade suspension, amid reports of increasing reconciliatory relations between the two Arab nations. According to the Arabi 21 news outlet, the Bashar al-Assad regime's ministry of foreign affairs and expatriates agreed to allow the import of materials manufactured […]

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