Posts Tagged ‘frozen’

Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos created during fertility are ‘children’ protected under state law

(FOX News) — The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos created during fertility treatments can be considered children under state law. The decision, issued in a pair of wrongful death cases brought by couples who had frozen embryos destroyed in an accident at a fertility clinic, brought a rush of warnings from advocates who said […]

Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos are ‘children’

Alabama’s Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos are children under state law and subject to legislation dealing with the wrongful death of a minor, stating that it “applies to all unborn children, regardless of their location.” The court issued this majority decision in a lawsuit brought forth by a group of in vitro fertilization… […]

Russia Releases $9M In Frozen N.Korean Assets, Alleged To Be Helping Kim Skirt UN Sanctions

Russia Releases $9M In Frozen N.Korean Assets, Alleged To Be Helping Kim Skirt UN Sanctions Russia-North Korea ties have continued to deepen amid the backdrop of the Ukraine war and corresponding US-led sanctions. Already it’s believed Pyongyang has provided Russia with huge shipments of missies and ammunition, especially artillery, likely shipped by train. The New […]

Nearly 5000 Britons Died Frozen to Death in 2023 Due to High Heating Costs

As winter tightens its grip, a disturbing report from the End Fuel Poverty Coalition reveals that nearly 5,000 people lost their lives in the UK last winter due to residing in cold and damp homes, exacerbated by the inability to afford soaring energy costs. The coalition, which comprises organizations such as Greenpeace, WWF, Green Alliance, […]

US Allows Int’l Banks to Release $6 Billion in Frozen Iranian Funds

September 11, 2023 By Staff, Agencies The US administration has issued a waiver for international banks to transfer $6 billion in frozen Iranian money from South Korea to Qatar without fear of US sanctions. The report released early Tuesday by AP said the Biden administration has also agreed to release five Iranian citizens held in […]

Sept 7 – Frozen Veggies Recalled Due to Listeria

They recall vegetables while poisoning us and our children with deadly vaccines and suppressing news of their toxic effects. This is an example of the cabalist cognitive dissonance prevailing today.  Please send links and comments to [email protected] Frozen peas recalled -Frozen vegetables sold at Food Lion and Kroger are being recalled A brand of […]

The world is frozen in anticipation of the Russia-Africa Summit

The second Russia-Africa Summit and Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian Forum which will take place on July 27–28, 2023, are widely regarded as the most important and ambitious events in the history of Russian-African relations. These forums are aimed at reaching a brand new level of mutually beneficial cooperation and meeting the challenges of the twenty-first […]

Iran has agreed with Oman initiative on frozen funds in South Korea: MP

TEHRAN – A senior Iranian lawmaker has revealed new details about Oman’s mediatory efforts to de-escalate tensions between Iran and the United States, saying Tehran has agreed an Omani offer in this regard. Source

Mongol Empire’s Frozen Mummies Reveal Surprising Drink of Choice – Yak Milk!

Scientists have analyzed the remains of high-ranking individuals from the Mongol Empire, who were buried in graves with luxury items such as leather, silk, and gold, and had been preserved in permafrost for 800 years. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Scientists have revived a ‘zombie’ virus that spent 48,500 years frozen in permafrost

Warmer temperatures in the Arctic are thawing the region’s permafrost – a frozen layer of soil beneath the ground – and potentially stirring viruses that, after lying dormant for tens of thousands of years, could endanger animal and human health. Read the article on Source

Missing Michigan Doctor Found Dead Under Frozen Pond Near Home

The body of a Michigan doctor was found in a frozen pond near his home after he had been missing for five days.  Source

Eva Kaili’s property on Paros was frozen by Greek authorities

A plot of land on Paros which is owned by MEP Eva Kaili and her companion Francesco Giorgi, who have both been arrested on corruption charges, was frozen on Thursday by order of the Greek authority against money laundering. Additionally, a joint bank account held by Kaili and Giorgi, through which they bought the plot… […]

Qatar Gate: More raids, Kaili’s assets frozen

After multiple arrests in the alleged bribery investigation, Belgian investigators searched European Parliament offices. Greece said it was freezing the assets of Eva Kaili, a top MEP implicated in the scandal. Authorities searched offices of the European Parliament on Monday as part of an investigation into alleged corruption, Belgian prosecutors said.  The investigation concerns allegations that figures working… […]

Brazilians protesting election results have their bank accounts frozen

Some Brazilians protesting President Jair Bolsonaro’s defeat are having their bank accounts frozen. The reports come days after the electoral court ordered the blocking of major social media accounts disputing the results. Bolsonaro lost to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva last month in a closely contested election by a 49.1% to 50.9% margin. Following his […]

Jennifer Aniston And TikTok’s Frozen Cucumber Trend

Jennifer Aniston famously broke the Internet when she joined Instagram in 2020, but even her new entrance to social media has not deterred her from giving a TikTok beauty trend a try. Case in point: the recent Allure cover star gave her two cents on a few hacks that have gone viral online, including the… […]

Russophobic EU leadership determined to ‘legally’ steal all frozen Russian assets

Seize, not freeze: EU outlines plans for Russian assets READ HERE: The EU seeks to outright confiscate Russian assets rather than just freeze them, but the bloc has yet to lay the legal groundwork for doing so, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Tuesday.   Source

The globalist plan: Block the sun and turn Earth into a frozen ice ball in the name of fighting “climate change”

(Natural News) To help cool the allegedly warming planet, mad scientists are proposing the use of geoengineering “chemtrails” to be sprayed at the North and South Poles in order to “refreeze” them. Jet aircraft would be deployed high up in the sky to blast out massive plumes of microscopic aerosol particles designed to reflect sunlight […]

Police: New England Frozen Yogurt Shop Owner Accused of Placing Hidden Camera in Bathroom

A man who owns frozen yogurt shops in Massachusetts and New Hampshire has been arrested and charged for allegedly placing a hidden camera in the bathroom in at least one of his stores.

Hell Hath Frozen Over: Rachel Maddow Nukes Jan. 6 Committee

None other than Rachel Maddow makes the point that the Jan. 6 protesters who, in her words, “breached” the Capitol building, were a mile away from where Trump was giving his speech. The committee attempts to make the connection between events at the Capitol and Trump’s speech. The point could not be more important. As […]

Hell Hath Frozen Over: Rachel Maddow Nukes Jan. 6 Committee

None other than Rachel Maddow makes the point that the Jan. 6 protesters who, in her words, “breached” the Capitol building, were a mile away from where Trump was giving his speech. The committee attempts to make the connection between events at the Capitol and Trump’s speech. The point could not be more important. As […]

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