Posts Tagged ‘mummies’

Unraveling the Mysteries of China’s Ancient Caucasian Mummies (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

Mongol Empire’s Frozen Mummies Reveal Surprising Drink of Choice – Yak Milk!

Scientists have analyzed the remains of high-ranking individuals from the Mongol Empire, who were buried in graves with luxury items such as leather, silk, and gold, and had been preserved in permafrost for 800 years. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

13 of the Coolest (and Creepiest!) Egyptian Animal Mummies

Ancient Egypt is well-known for its practice of mummification, but few realize the monumental scale in which they also mummified animals. A staggering 70 million mummified cats, dogs, birds, rodents, primates, sheep, fish, and even crocodiles, have been found in underground catacombs across Egypt. The astounding numbers of preserved animal remains – many carefully treated […]

What Caused the Natural Mummification of the Mummies of Venzone?

Italy is famous for many things, but did you know it’s also famous for mummies? The Venzone mummies are a collection of over forty mummies found in Venzone, Italy in the 17th century. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News Read Later  Source

Death Detectives Discover South American Mummies were Brutally Killed

There are cold cases, and there a really, really, cold cases. The story of two South American mummies falls into the latter category. When researchers analyzed the remains of three pre-Columbian South American mummies they found two of the individuals were brutally killed. It was time for the scientists to try detective work! Analyzing South […]

1000-year-old Cat and Baby Mummies on Display in Turkey’s Aksaray Museum

The museum at Aksaray, the gateway of Turkey’s Cappadocia region to the West, holds a very special mummy section that displays as many as 13 local mummies to interested visitors. Astonishingly,  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later 

History’s Love of Lavender: From Mummies to Bathhouses and Beyond!

Lavender is one of the most well-known plants throughout the world. It is popular in gardening, baking, cleaning, and medicine. The soft purple flowers have been around for a few thousand years Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Read Later 

Mummy Brown – 16th Century Paint Made from Ground Up Mummies

Most people today would probably associate Egyptian mummies with museums. This is unsurprising, as this is probably where most of us have seen them, especially in Europe. Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News History Ancient Traditions Read Later 

The Natural Mummies of San Bernardo: Created by Earth, Gas or Fruit?

Were extremely well preserved natural mummies discovered in Colombia made by special high altitude climatic conditions, or was it the fruit they consumed? The mausoleum of San Bernardo is located within the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, high within the Andes and 40 miles (64.37 km) southwest of the country’s capital, Bogota. Characterized by high fertility […]

The Natural Mummies of San Bernardo: Created by Earth, Gas or Fruit?

Were extremely well preserved natural mummies discovered in Colombia made by special high altitude climatic conditions, or was it the fruit they consumed? The mausoleum of San Bernardo is located within the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, high within the Andes and 40 miles (64.37 km) southwest of the country’s capital, Bogota. Characterized by high fertility […]

Child Mummies in the Palermo Catacombs Cause of Death Investigation

The Palermo catacombs is a huge crypt full of mummified monks, professionals, and children. The child mummies in the Palermo catacombs literally look as if they are asleep in time. Now, 41 of these child mummies are being comprehensively investigated by a team of scientists who aim to understand their lifestyles and the circumstances of […]

Head Lice on South American Mummies Shed Light on Ancient Virus Spread

The scientific understanding of ancient South American ancestry and the future of DNA research just got a whole lot clearer thanks to mummy hair lice. Two thousand years ago the pre-Columbian Ansilta culture thrived in the western Argentine province of San Juan, which is famous for its towering peak of Cerro Mercedario that dominates the […]

Two Oxyrhynchus Mummies Discovered with Golden Tongues

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said on Sunday that two 26th Dynasty tombs were excavated at El-Bahnasa (Oxyrhynchus) archaeological site in the Upper Egypt governorate of Minya. What made the news stand out from the hoard is that the 2,500-year old Egyptians had been mummified with golden tongues. Oxyrhynchus is a city in […]

Newly-found human skeletons are ‘natural mummies’ 

TEHRAN – Experts believe that the two-centuries-old skeletons recently found near the Iranian city of Ardestan are “natural mummies”, Ardestan’s tourism chief has announced.  “Furthermore, they have estimated the site of discovery dates several million years,” Mehdi Mashhadi said on Wednesday.   Mineworkers found the human remains, which were entombed within canals about 30 meters […]

Origin Mystery of Perplexing Tarim Basin Mummies Solved with DNA Study

Located in northwestern China’s Xinjiang region, the Tarim Basin is a rich confluence of geology, history, and culture. In fact, it is speculated that this region may be one of the last to be inhabited in Asia. The region acquired international renown in the 1990s when hundreds of naturally mummified remains were discovered. Dating back […]

Iran museum of salt mummies to be equipped with new air conditioner system

Iran museum of salt mummies to be equipped with new air conditioner system – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – A new air conditioner system will be installed at Zolfaqari Archaeological Museum, which is globally famed for being home to several magnificent ancient salt mummies and their belongings. The installation of a Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) system is […]

7,000-Year-Old Chinchorro Mummies are the World’s Oldest

The mummies of ancient Egypt are arguably the most famous mummies in the world. They are not, however, the oldest. The Chinchorros of South America began preserving their dead about 7,000 years ago and their mummies have become one of the wonders of Andean archaeology. UNESCO has just recently recognized the cultural value and importance […]

Famous Gaunches Mummies Drenched In Dragons’ Blood Like A Stradivarius Violin

From 1494 to 1496, the island of Tenerife was beset by a military invasion. The conquerors and soldiers of the Castilian kingdom of Castile and Aragon deployed numerous troops to subdue the hardened inhabitants of the island: the formidable Guanches , who had been settled in all the Canaries Islands for thousands of years and […]

Egyptian Mummies Paraded Through Cairo on Way to New Museum

Vehicles are seen during a parade at a ceremony of a transfer of Royal mummies from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, in Cairo, Egypt April 3, 2021, in this screen grab taken from a video. Photo: Host Broadcaster/REUTERS TV via REUTERS A grand parade conveyed 22 […]

Egypt discovers 2,500-year-old tomb containing at least 100 mummies

At least 100 ancient coffins and 40 gilded statues have been discovered it a massive burial site south of the Egyptian capital Cairo, authorities announced on Saturday. Some of the colourful, sealed sarcophagi, which were buried more than 2,500 years ago, contained mummies wrapped in cloth. The finds date back to the Ptolemaic dynasty, which […]

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