Posts Tagged ‘history’

Media rewrites history, claims Kamala was never Biden’s “border czar” in charge of migrant problem

(NaturalNews) As the powers that be (TPTB) position themselves to install Kamala Harris as the next puppet “president” of the United States, the corporate media is… Source

yankees Have Been Lying About Their History So Long They Believe Their Own Lies & Get Mad If You Don’t Too

The godless yankees wrote themselves a “history” where bad people were persecuting them for their religious believes so they came to America so they could “worship” freely where they had a love fest with the Indians and everyone lived happily ever after. What actually happened was Oliver Cromwell was a minor Nobel who was mentally […]

A Brief History of Political Assassinations

Apropos of nothing at all, let’s look at some of the famous political assassinations throughout history, what they accomplished, and how they were perpetrated. Source

‘Largest IT outage in history’ causes global chaos: Flights grounded, hospitals and banks disrupted

As the global community grapples with the aftermath of what is being termed the largest IT outage in history, the focus remains on restoring normalcy and addressing the vulnerabilities exposed by this incident. Source

Texas AG Ken Paxton says Trump verdict is “dark and shameful day in American history”

(NaturalNews) Former President Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies yesterday during a controversial trial in New York, and Texas Attorney General Ken… Source

An Incoherent History Lesson From MAGA Pastor Mark Burns

Mark Burns, a right-wing pastor, conspiracy theorist, and unabashed Trump cultist, made an appearance on “TNT Radio” on Wednesday, where he provided an incoherently ahistorical explanation of how former President Donald Trump was integral in transforming him from a Democrat into a Republican. Burns, who is currently running for Congress with Trump’s endorsement, claimed that […]

Patrick O’Carroll- The Ten Deadliest Plandemics in History

The central banking cartel has found a novel way  to eliminate freedom and kill us. Satanists worship death and suffering – ours. They sacrifice us to Satan. They control by corrupting our morals and making us sick. (No headlines today. Nothing new stands out.)   by Parick O’Carroll (    #1 THE COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE OF […]

A Short (sort of) History of the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union, The Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship Lincoln replaced the Volunteer Union With, and the UNITED STATES FOR PROFIT CORPORATION Lincoln’s Communist Dictatorship has Become

I read less and less “news” as time goes by. The stupidity of the American sheep makes it easy to peddle unadulterated USAD grade #1 PIG SHIT to them and have them gobble it down and demand more. Washington DC has worked hard to make Americans stupid. I recall looking at an eighth grade graduation […]

History Repeats Itself: Early Treatment

Before properly starting this article, I’ll recall a phrase that almost everyone knows: “History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as a farce.” The author is the German philosopher Karl Marx. It’s common for people to use variants of this phrase, which has become part of the popular imagination. After all, history tends to repeat […]

Tim Barton Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

There is no myth that Christian nationalists love repeating more than the claim that the Bible was the source most frequently cited by the Founding Fathers. And Tim Barton of WallBuilders has a particular love for spreading this false claim, which makes sense given that it originated with his father, Christian nationalist pseudo-historian David Barton. […]

A Book Not To Buy-‘PATTON-Battling With History’

I have always read. Today I have an extensive library which I figure I will not live long enough to read all I have gathered and would like to get to but my library is a gift I pass down to my prodigy. Knowing I don’t have enough days left in this life to read […]


Iran’s retaliatory attack on Israel was framed in the West as a reckless attempt to spark a major regional war, but in reality,  Israel has been attacking Iran for decades. As is routinely the case with Western-backed wars, the corporate media’s timeline begins at the moment that suits their narrative. We have seen this play […]


Submitted by The Armchair Prophet SOTN Exclusive Let’s get right on it. Jesus the Christ, himself, never founded a religion called Christianity. Jesus the Christ never said that he was the ONLY Son of God.  In fact, he said that we are all sons and daughters of the same Almighty God.  That we are all […]

The Secret History of Hamas

Isn’t it funny how the establishment “news” makes its audience feel informed even when they’re frighteningly ignorant? An event like the October 7th false flag takes place and suddenly the very same people who couldn’t find Israel on a map are now self-proclaimed experts on the region, dutifully repeating all the talking points about the […]

Michael Flynn Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

When right-wing conspiracy theorist and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn appeared on “domestic terrorist” Matt Shea’s “Patriot Radio” program earlier this month, he made several misleading claims about the supposedly Christian founding of this nation. Flynn’s tenure in the White House was short lived as resigned early in the Trump administration for having […]

Benny Johnson Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

Right Wing Watch has noted multiple times in the past that there seems to be a common theme among Christian nationalist commentators who, time and time again, spread blatant falsehoods in defense of their ideology. The latest example comes courtesy of right-wing commentator and TPUSA contributor Benny Johnson, who recently delivered a rant in which […]

Michele Bachmann Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

The Christian nationalist program “FlashPoint” has, since its inception, served as a platform for spreading wild conspiracy theories and Christian nationalist disinformation.That pattern continued when “FlashPoint” hosted an event in Oklahoma last week at which former Rep. Michele Bachmann delivered a speech overflowing with falsehoods about the supposedly Christian nature of the Constitution and Declaration […]

Zelensky ‘one of the greatest salesmen in history’ – Trump

Donald Trump, the 2024 Republican presidential frontrunner, has claimed that Vladimir Zelensky is one of the “greatest salesmen” he has ever known. Hmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!! The Ole Dog! Source

US has produced more oil than any country in history for six consecutive years

In December, the average U.S. crude oil production hit a monthly high of more than 13.3 million barrels per day. Source

Dutch Sheets Spreads False Christian Nationalist History

Yesterday, Right Wing Watch noted how Christian nationalists routinely spread fake pseudo-history regarding the founding of this nation in support of their Christian nationalist political agenda. In that post, we exposed televangelist Kenneth Copeland for making a myriad of demonstrably false claims, primarily about George Washington. Last night, as if to drive home this point, […]

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