Posts Tagged ‘Revolutionaries’

A Short (sort of) History of the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union, The Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship Lincoln replaced the Volunteer Union With, and the UNITED STATES FOR PROFIT CORPORATION Lincoln’s Communist Dictatorship has Become

I read less and less “news” as time goes by. The stupidity of the American sheep makes it easy to peddle unadulterated USAD grade #1 PIG SHIT to them and have them gobble it down and demand more. Washington DC has worked hard to make Americans stupid. I recall looking at an eighth grade graduation […]

Anyone Who Thinks The American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union the united States of America survived Lincoln & Existed After 1861 Probably Waits In the Pumpkin Patch With Linus

Any American Sheeple who are trying to save the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union the united States of America and the Constitution, both which Lincoln and his puritan yankee marxist killed in 1861, probably wait in the pumpkin patch with Linus on Halloween for the coming of the “Great Pumpkin”. The Ole Dog! Source

If American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union Still Existed & Texas Were Still A State, US/DC Would Not Have Right To Tell Texicans Not To Defend Texas’s Borders

If the manic depressive rabidly racist against African Americans closet homosexual atheists Marxist yankee puritan Lincoln had not killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union, which he did in 1861, and if the occupied Republic of Texas had not legally seceded in 1860 from that Volunteer Union which the Republic of Texas Voluntarily joined in 1847, […]

Why Black Revolutionaries Must Stand with the People of Nicaragua

While the US government haggles over the cost of providing basic human rights to its citizens, it is also targeting countries like Nicaragua that struggle to guarantee these rights to all of its citizens, especially Indigenous and Black populations. On November 7th, the people of Nicaragua will go to the polls to reaffirm the commitment […]

Are You Prepared For a “New Normal” of Flashmobs, Revolutionaries and a Lower Standard of Living?

By Robert Wheeler The protests and riots that engulfed the United States just before the election seem to have calmed down. However, you only need to turn on the news to see that random protests and mob street action are popping up all across the country. Sometimes, the target of the mob attacks is the […]

Remembering Freedom Movement Revolutionaries, Observing Martyrs’ Month

Written by Bharat Dogra and Jagmohan Singh Every year India observes 23 March as the martyrdom day of Shahid Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru, and on 27 February India observes the martyrdom day of Chandra Shekhar Azad. However we often forget on March 25 to observe   the martyrdom day of Shahid Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi who […]

CIA’s Revolutionaries Demand Access to PORN

s By infostormer -November 3, 20200 Thailand has just announced a major ban targeting prominent pornographic websites. Many such sites were already banned but I guess this is an even more aggressive ban. The spin being put out by the Jewish media is that the ban has prompted a “backlash.” In other words, the CIA-backed revolutionaries that […]

ACH (1294) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Agenda Behind Revolutionaries

ACH (1294) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Agenda Behind RevolutionariesTHE ACH SHOW In today’s show originally broadcast on July 9 2020, Andy interviews Dr. Peter Hammond, for a show entitled, “The Real Agenda Behind Revolutionaries.” We discussed: how Communism is the most destructive system ever imposed on mankind; the significance of Bastille Day; the […]

ANTIFA: Self-Appointed Radical Revolutionaries or Neoliberal Thought Police?

Antifa. (Photo: Twitter) Diana Johnstone21st Century Wire “Fascists are divided into two categories, the fascists and the anti-fascists” ~ Ennio Flaiano In recent weeks, a totally disoriented left has been widely exhorted to unify around a masked vanguard calling itself Antifa, for anti-fascist. Hooded and dressed in black, Antifa is essentially a variation of the […]

Venezuelan Revolutionaries Demand ‘Truly Communal State’

Above Photo: (AP Photo/Alejandro Cegarra) Puebla, Mexico, May 13, 2017 ( – Thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets of Caracas this week to rally in support of the country’s commune movement. Socialist revolutionaries from across the country joined the march, calling on the government of President Nicolas Maduro to endorse a proposal to provide constitutional […]

Netanyahu arrives in Moscow for talks with Putin (VIDEO)

Netanyahu, accompanied by his wife Sara, arrived at Vnukovo II airport on Monday to the warm welcome of the honor guard waiting by the runway. The Israeli PM is also being accompanied by Immigrant Absorption Minister Zeev Elkin and Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel. It is Netanyahu’s second visit to Moscow this year, which marks the […]

Venezuelan Social Movements Converge On Supreme Court

Print Friendly Above Photo: Venezuelan opposition supporter waves a Venezuelan flag during a protest against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s government at Angel de la Independencia monument in Mexico City, February 16, 2014.(Reuters / Edgard Garrido ) Demand Injunction Against Mining Arc Caracas, June 5, 2016 ( – Activists from grassroots organizations protested outside the Venezuelan Supreme […]

The Modern Shaman: Fierce Love at the Frontier of Madness

4th September 2015 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing Writer for Wake Up World Shamans and Revolutionaries don’t preach to the choir, where confirmation bias is high. They go where they are unpopular, to reach those not far from the next step into sanity. But such sanity doesn’t feel like sanity at first. This is called a […]

Libya revolutionaries burn, loot civilian village homes

  Ruth Sherlock Los Angeles Times October 7, 2011 Forces loyal to Libya’s transitional leaders looted and burned civilian homes Wednesday in the recently captured village of Abu Hadi, near ousted ruler Moammar Kadafi’s besieged tribal homeland of Surt. Smoke spires rose into the air as fighters, mostly from the western city of Misurata, threw […]

Plundering Arsonists Looters Are Criminals Not Revolutionaries August 9, 2011 BlackBerry organized flash mobs bent on rampant property destruction, looting, robbery, arson and assault are not revolutionaries. They are plundering criminals. Bookmark on Delicious Digg this post Recommend on Facebook share via Reddit Share with Stumblers Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post Print for later Bookmark […]

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