Posts Tagged ‘demand’

Global battery demand expected to QUADRUPLE by 2030

(NaturalNews) The global demand for batteries is projected to quadruple from current levels by the year 2030, according to an analysis.The analysis done by… Source

‘People’s red line’ surrounds the White House to demand end of Gaza genocide

On June 8, an estimated 100,000 people formed a two-mile “people’s red line” surrounding the White House in Washington, D.C. to protest the genocide in Gaza and the U.S. role in the mass murder of Palestinians. Source

Mask Off Maersk: Demand logistics giant Maersk cut ties with genocide

Editor’s Note: The Palestinian Youth Movement issued the following statement on June 3, 2024. To learn more, visit Today, the Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM) announced the new transnational arms embargo campaign, ‘Mask Off Maersk’, targeting Maersk, the world’s largest integrated logistics and shipping company. Organisers aim to end Maersk’s pervasive role in the transportation […]

Top Japanese Scientists DEMAND Withdrawal of COVID Shots

by Vigilant Fox Dr Masanori Fukushima, a prominent Japanese oncologist, has publicly called for COVID-19 mRNA injections to be pulled off the market, describing them as “the work of evil” and equating their impact to “essentially murder.” Moreover, Japanese researchers are sounding the alarm on the risks associated with blood transfusions from vaccinated individuals. In […]

Say Goodbye to Cloud Anonymity? New US Regulations Demand User Identification

The US Department of Commerce is seeking to end the right of users of cloud services to remain anonymous. The proposal first emerged in January, documents show, detailing new rules (National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities) for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, which include Know Your Customer (KYC) regulation, which is normally […]

Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn As Pro-Pedophile Activists Demand Age of Consent Dropped to 12

Pro-pedophilia activists groups are celebrating following the news that Germany has bowed to the World Economic Forum and decriminalized the possession of child pornography. The move is being celebrated by “pedophile rights” activist groups which […] The post Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn As Pro-Pedophile Activists Demand Age of Consent Dropped to 12 appeared first on […]

Corrupt police Demand respect: Joke of the Decade!

So, the colony’s first police force, that being of New South Wales was purely made up of criminals, albeit a little better behaved ones, let’s throw in an ‘allegedly’. Ever since it’s inception the criminality of actions of the police expanded across the entire colony. With regards to Victoria Police, they have shown their true […]

South Africa returns to the ICJ to demand a stop to the Israeli genocide in Gaza

South Africa returned to the ICJ to argue for an immediate halt to Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza warning that a full Rafah invasion is “the last step in the destruction of Gaza and its Palestinian people.” Source

#Nakba76: Demand action and accountability to end #GazaGenocide and #DismantleApartheid

#Nakba76: Demand action and accountability to end #GazaGenocide and #DismantleApartheid BNC Statement As we commemorate Nakba Day, we refuse to stand idly by as mere witnesses to injustice. We demand action, accountability, and transformative change to ensure a future of dignity, justice and liberation for the Palestinian people. May 15, 2024 By:  Palestinian BDS National […]

Vietnamese Churches Demand Investigation of Christian’s Death

Police and other officials intrude into home of Y Krot Bya during worship in Buon Don District, Dak Lak Province, Vietnam on Nov. 15, 2023. (Morning Star News) (Morning Star News) – Relatives of Y Bum Bya, a member of the Evangelical Church of Christ of the Western Highlands (ECCWH), on March 8 found his […]

Militants Detain Church Leader in Sudan, Demand Ransom

Shendi town in relation to Khartoum, Sudan. (Map data © Google 2024) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Friday (April 12) intercepted a church leader in Sudan as he was traveling out of Omdurman and temporarily jailed him, area sources said. The Rev. Antar Abbas Abu Hidia, general […]

If you watch the “wrong” things on YouTube, the Feds could demand that Google reveal your identity

If you watch the “wrong” things on YouTube, the Feds could demand that Google reveal your identity Privacy experts are sounding the alarm about two recent court orders that allowed the federal government to order Google to release private information about users who watched certain unapproved videos and livestreams on YouTube. According to the orders, […]

Energy Department goes all in on clean form of on-demand energy embraced by fossil fuel industry

Advances in oil and gas drilling have cut costs for a form of clean power that could help replace fossil fuels, according to the Department of Energy. Now the agency is going all in on geothermal energy, which uses heat from deep within the Earth to produce largely pollution-free electricity. The agency projects that geothermal… […]

Medvedev slams Brussels over its demand that Russia return gold bullion to Romania

(NaturalNews) Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev did not mince words in his response to a demand by the European Union that Russia return the gold bullion… Source

UK Lawmakers Demand COVID Vaccine Danger Data, and No BS

Three months after police in New Zealand raided the home of health ministry whistleblower who leaked anonymized data on COVID vaccine, seven UK Ministers of Parliament have formally demanded that the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) answer specific, on-going questions about the high number of deaths apparently linked to COVID vaccines. Then letter was […]

Jan 27 – Israelis Demand Netanyahu Resign Israelis suspect they have fallen into a trap More than 40 senior former Israeli national security officials, celebrated scientists and prominent business leaders have sent a letter to Israel’s president and speaker of parliament demanding that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be removed from office for posing what they say is an “existential” threat […]

Military Members Demand Leaders Be Court Martialed Over Forced COVID-19 Vaccines

jan 4 2024 Vigilant News Network interviews Col. Brad Miller, Retired U.S. Army and Col. Rob Manes, Retired U.S. Air Force about the “Declaration of Military Accountability.” The Vigilant Fox @VigilantFox writes: Military Members Demand Leaders Be Court Martialed Over Forced COVID-19 Vaccines 231 current and former service members from various branches of the United […]

200 Servicemembers Demand Military Leadership Be Court-Martialed for Forced “Experimentation” on Troops

At the same time, health insurers begin declining coverage for injuries caused by “declared and undeclared wars…” SASHA LATYPOVA JAN 3, 2024 This is a short post with a couple of related pieces of news here: First, information about the open letter by 200+ servicemembers was forwarded to me by one of the signatories, Ted […]

200 Servicemembers Demand Military Leadership Be Court-Martialed for Forced “Experimentation” on Troops (whilst insurers begin declining war injuries)

Check out our sister site for other news At the same time, health insurers begin declining coverage for injuries caused by “declared and undeclared wars…” From Sasha Latypova @ Substack This is a short post with a couple of related pieces of news here: First, information about the open letter by 200+ servicemembers was forwarded […]

Signatories Of Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Now Demand Greater Domestic Surveillance

Authored by Eric Lundrum via American Greatness, A handful of the 51 signatories of the debunked letter which falsely called Hunter Biden’s laptop “Russian disinformation” are now calling on Congress to expand the scope of domestic surveillance in the United States… As reported by the Daily Caller, the letter to House lawmakers on Tuesday was signed […]

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