Posts Tagged ‘decriminalizes’

Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn As Pro-Pedophile Activists Demand Age of Consent Dropped to 12

Pro-pedophilia activists groups are celebrating following the news that Germany has bowed to the World Economic Forum and decriminalized the possession of child pornography. The move is being celebrated by “pedophile rights” activist groups which […] The post Germany Decriminalizes Child Porn As Pro-Pedophile Activists Demand Age of Consent Dropped to 12 appeared first on […]

Mexico’s Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion Nationwide

Mexico’s Supreme Court has decriminalized abortion nationwide two years after ruling that abortion was not a crime in one northern state. Source

Mexico’s Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion

Mexico’s supreme court on Tuesday decriminalized abortion, ruling that punishing the act runs against the country’s constitution. “From now on, you will not be able to, without violating the court’s criteria and the constitution, charge any woman who aborts under the circumstances this court has ruled as valid,” Arturo Zaldivar, president of the National Supreme Court […]

Mexico Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that it is unconstitutional to punish abortion, unanimously annulling several provisions of a law from Coahuila — a state on the Texas border — that had made abortion a criminal act. The decision will immediately affect only the northern border state, but it establishes a historic […]

Oregon Decriminalizes Small Amounts of Heroin and Cocaine; Four States Legalize Marijuana

Photo Credit: Martjin Baduin/Unsplash (New York Times) — The march to decriminalize drugs moved further across the nation on Tuesday despite continued federal prohibition. Oregon became the first state to decriminalize small amounts of cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and other drugs. And in New Jersey, South Dakota, Montana and Arizona, voters decisively passed laws legalizing recreational […]

Kansas City Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession Despite Federal Prohibition

Get the latest Waking Times articles delivered to your inbox. Sign up here. Michael Maharrey, Guest Waking Times Last week, the Kansas City City Council voted to decriminalize marijuana possession and eliminate all penalties in the city despite federal prohibition. Mayor Quinton Lucas (D), along with four members of the city council, filed the measure last […]

Kansas City Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession Despite Federal Prohibition

Sounds Healing

Get the latest Waking Times articles delivered to your inbox. Sign up here. Michael Maharrey, Guest Waking Times Last week, the Kansas City City Council voted to decriminalize marijuana possession and eliminate all penalties in the city despite federal prohibition. Mayor Quinton Lucas (D), along with four members of the city council, filed the measure last […]

New Hampshire Decriminalizes Simple Marijuana Possession, Foundation to Nullify Federal Prohibition

July 21, 2017 By Shane Trejo A bill to decriminalize marijuana possession was signed into law by Gov. John Sununu on Tuesday. This represents a step towards nullifying the unconstitutional drug war in the Live Free or Die State. Along with 11 bipartisan co-sponsors, Rep. Robert Cushing (D-Hampton) introduced House Bill 640 (HB640) […]

Oregon Decriminalizes Cocaine, Meth, Heroin And More

Ecstasy (MDMA) pills are shown. MDMA is among six drugs now decriminalized under Oregon’s new law. Oregon’s state legislature just reduced penalties for drug possession in a bill also intended to reduce racial profiling by law enforcement agencies. H.B. 2355 passed both the House and Senate last week and reduces possession of illegal drugs to misdemeanors […]

Topeka, Kansas decriminalizes spousal abuse

Wife-beaters and child abusers have found a safe haven in America’s Midwest. As of today, domestic abuse charges in Topeka, Kansas have been ripped from the local law books as the city tries to pinch pennies to avoid an economic crisis. On Tuesday night, the city council of Topeka repealed the local law that lists […]

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